Anonymous2: could someone tell me why every single bit of boku no pico art was wiped from this site, yet every other bit of shota and loli is still allowed?
Shopmeister: Boku no Pico ~IS~ porn already, so "rule 34" does not apply.
As this website is for non-porn that is turned INTO porn, Boku no Pico fails to meet the criteria.
(That being said, those 3 little traps are some of my favorites!)
Zvantastika: @Shopmeister: Eh, no. Screenshots of Boku no Pico are the ones we don't accept, but fan art featuring Boku characters are just fine to keep. Sure, it's super redundant making porn of something that already is porn on itself, but that doesn't mean we'll exclude art from that serie if it's made by fans.
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Oh well.
Time for round 2.
it makes no sense at all.
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As this website is for non-porn that is turned INTO porn, Boku no Pico fails to meet the criteria.
(That being said, those 3 little traps are some of my favorites!)
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yet it's all gone.