daloknight: @Anonymous: Yes, I do trace and quite often infact. No, I'm not ashamed of admitting that. BC as an artist, I embrace what I do and how welI I am at utilizing it. Tracing is not a form of cheating. It has always had a long history of respect within the world of art. And I have ALWAYS referenced the artists that I deliberty traced off of or felt inspired by. Nor have I EVER personally profited off ANY of their works.
"I will not hide behind a shroud of guilt or shame. This is my work and I'm proud of what I've accomplished, in such a short amount of time"
daloknight: @Anonymous: I've been drawing for nearly 4 years straight. Honing my skills and having to rely less and less on tracing. I never desired to make money off my works. I simply enjoy what I do. But as of late, I've gotten many requests asking me to take commissions. I didn't have any desire for money when crafting these works, 2 months ago. But time moves on and I'm ready to invest on my much earned craft. And please I would ask you to also take note: "that I've already admitted to borrowing ideas or straight up tracing from other people's works in the past". You can find that here: http://daloknight.tumblr.com/post/144443320790/this-is-my-work-and-im-proud-of-what-ive . But As I've also made mentioned I always give credit to those artists.
daloknight: @Anonymous: Are you guys. . . like out for my blood? Is this a witch hunt? I've already admitted to my guilt in the past. Is that not enough? I'm not stealing anybody's works here guys, THIS IS straight up my own.
daloknight: @Anonymous: meh, its just stock footage to give the rest of these sceen atmosphere. Really though dude, if I'm already borrowing ideas from the show to include them into fanfiction about the show. I don't see how I've done anything wrong? All that matters to me is if the chick is originally drawn and she is.
"I will not hide behind a shroud of guilt or shame. This is my work and I'm proud of what I've accomplished, in such a short amount of time"
Really dude? On your DA you're talking about putting up a pay site and taking commissions!
Seriously dude, seriously?