@MrAnon: Is that really something they NEED to celebrate? Fuck, if people did that normally, Germany would never work again. Neither would Britain ... or Spain ... or BELGIUM for fuck's sake ...
pornofile2: this kind of stuff is the purpose of rule34... it has EVERYTHING! not just "normal" cartoon porn. you can find that anywhere. if nothing else it's good for a laugh
Franky_Whiskey: @AnonV3: Actually, the French did ended up winning the war and stayed in mehico for a few years before they started missing their good cuisine and sodomy, and left. What makes it important is that the Battle of Puebla, which took place on May 5th, was one of the lulziest battles in the Americas. Started by croissants, fueled by a butthurt French furfaggot baker, and ending in a bunch of huarache-wearing plebs kicking the ass of a modern and trained regiment before pillaging and raping said asses, is what makes it worthy of celebrating. That, and drinking as much as a regular taco fighter of old would on a weekend, to reminisce that despite our differences, we all are united as brothers in our hate for the French.
Sweet_Peach37: Aww wtf...my childhood is a goner XD
Also...why are we talking about hating French people on a r34 website? (I frankly don't mind them anyways... Well happy r34 everyone!)
Padoga: @Flashlight237: Naw they never really mention where she's from other then her being Latina. I always thought she was from a tropical area in mexico cause of some of the jungle settings she's been in.
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Has a user name ever been so appropriate?
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@MrAnon: Is that really something they NEED to celebrate? Fuck, if people did that normally, Germany would never work again. Neither would Britain ... or Spain ... or BELGIUM for fuck's sake ...
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My childhood
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Also...why are we talking about hating French people on a r34 website? (I frankly don't mind them anyways... Well happy r34 everyone!)
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And 'eh', I'll pass. Tequila tastes like shit and so does beaner beer.
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To bad this .gif has no sound, it really makes you piss your pants.
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