Anonymous1: I hope Cartoon Network would have an episode of Gumball where the rest of the Fitzgerald's come of their shells like Penny. Oh the possibilities...
Anonymous2: @Anonymous: That could be an EPICidea for this series, and, would be in keeping with an unexamined element of the show, since the Fitzgerald's ALL wear those shells. WHY DO THEY ALL WEAR THEM, hmmmm!?
Anonymous3(2): I believe you're onto something, since even Penny's little sister wears a shell. I think they're power dampers, with the material they're made of, keeping them from accessing thepower source that allows them to change! I just don't know what it could be; the Earth's magnetic field, Cosmic Rays, The fact that the Fitzgerald's have an X-Factor, which apparently both parent share, which allows ALL their children to inherit the family's genetic inheritance, the earth's magnetic field, they're Fairies, or, some other xenogeneic race, native to Earth, or, something I haven't even thought of, like their Gods on Earth, using Mortal bodies as Avatars, while they learn more about mortality, and, humanity!
Anonymous4(2): REWRITE/ I believe you're onto something, since even Penny's little sister wears a shell. I think they're power dampers, with the material they're made of, keeping them from accessing the power source that allows them to change! I just don't know what it could be; the Earth's magnetic field, Cosmic Rays, The fact that the Fitzgerald's have an X-Factor, which apparently both parent share, which allows ALL their children to inherit the family's genetic inheritance, the earth's magnetic field, they're Fairies, or, some other xenogenic race, native to Earth, or, something I haven't even thought of, like they're Gods on Earth, using Mortal bodies as Avatars, while they learn more about mortality, and, humanity! Of course, with that theory, that may be the reason WHY they were the shells, since, if they draw upon TOO MUCH POWER, they MAY burn out, and, be consumed, utterly destroyed, by it! And, maybe that something the parents know, instinctively.
You demolished my brain