Spoonman: @RedRebellion: I had to read up to be sure- that this wasn't one of those copy-paste bullshit jobs by that cocksucker art-thief who wanted a different ending, discouraging the artist to cancel it. It really is legit, though.
Anonymous15: Timestamp. 4/17 (M/Y) Two and a bit years later and the cry baby still quit. Information, he quit after some ripped his comic with instead of Bart a shit Photoshop of millhouse, this was back in 14 if I remember correctly. He deleted his HF account and basically left.
Thelaymaster: Bro what the fuck!? why does it end there. And who and where can i find this Zarx guy and more of his stuff. Literally left me half chubbed? And who is the cunt who was stealing his work. I swear if this another Armando Huerta situation and he dead...
Anonymous17: It’s a damn shame that this good comic was never finished, I hope the original artist or somebody else with talent can finish this, perhaps? I wish Zarx had other social media accounts to follow.
Get a whiff of you, you need a ass shroud.
Its a curse i tell ya!
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