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UploaderCommanderShepardlol, avatar
TagsJarvis_(Artist), Kayle, League_of_Legends, edit
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CommanderShepardlol: My consensual sex edit.
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Sukima: Hmm for some reason it seems superior to the original. I can't put my finger on what it is though?
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Goodwin: @Sukima: White supremacy, whoop whoop ololol
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lazor3000: nice, thanks
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Anonymous1: Glorious, Shepard at it again! Love you man.
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bblader1: Lmao. You really give a shit enough about this to change the skin color.

I can't even be mad, man. It's just fucking hilarious at this point. And a little bit pathetic.
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sktkkaiser: @bblader1: Some random attractive and successful African edited the skin color of the guys in a ton of porn images before. That was downright fucking pathetic but somehow I don't remember seeing you say shit when he posted fucktons of edits.

Fuck off.
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bblader1: @sktkkaiser: Those edits were requested. This is just a pathetic attempt to protect the insecurity you honkeys have every time you see a black dick go inside a white girl.

So nah. You fuck off. 8D
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CommanderShepardlol: @bblader1: This is a racism free zone sir, please, you're triggering me.
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Sukima: @Goodwin:

Huh what you talking about?
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Sukima: Still a damn fine edit if I do say so myself.
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bblader1: @CommanderShepardlol: Rofl. Okay. You post an edit whitewashing a black guy and calling it a "consensual sex edit" but I'm the racist. XD

Comedy gold, man.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

Wait aren't you that gimp? Why would some loser like give a fuck about some heterosexual content..
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bblader1: @Sukima: The gimp? Why yes, I do quite like that nickname. Reminds me of Pulp Fiction. Love that movie!
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Sukima: @bblader1:

That doesn't even make sense.
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Sukima: I said that gimp, as you mentioned that you were into that stuff.

Maybe that's why you're so butthurt about this edit?
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bblader1: @Sukima: Yup. I sure am.

And I'm not butthurt about the edit, man. You want to turn black guys white? I don't give two shits in the bucket. I don't care when getblacked makes white dicks black, so why should I care when it's the other way around? The intentions behind the edit are what I care about and what I'm talking about. Every time a black dick goes inside a white woman you spout this ridiculous narrative of how the attractive and successful Africans are fucking your precious angelic white girls as if there aren't enough vaginas in the world for you to wet your own dick inside and how we're all cucks if we enjoy seeing someone else fuck a girl while you demand a non-rape edit. You're so ridiculously insecure about yourself, it's like you KNOW you're a tiny dicked honky who can't satisfy a woman and you need to deny everyone else access so you have a chance at getting any tail.

So no, I don't care about the edit. I care that you all feel the need to act like paranoid, racist little honky manchildren every time a drawing of a black penis penetrates a white vagina. What are you guys, nine? No rational human being gives this much of a shit about the skin color of naked bodies having sex.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

Totally butthurt about the obviously superior edit.
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CommanderShepardlol: @bblader1: Yeah it would be a shame if the whole comedy bit flew over your head or something. Not this though, this is a very serious matter indeed.
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Sukima: Oh and "it" throws around terms like honky and such, while calling others racist.

Poor little fella.
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bblader1: @Sukima: Lmao. Okay kiddo. Whatever you say. XD

Legitimately would not have said a word if you were able to act like an adult about the skin color. But it's clear that's beyond your ability.
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Sukima: @CommanderShepardlol:

I actually believe you just triggered this animal btw.

I don't think these are normal responses at all.
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bblader1: @CommanderShepardlol: I'd be perfectly willing to believe this was all a joke, if, you know, it didn't happen every single goddamn time a black dick gets uploaded on here. I'm all for racist jokes, man. I love Mel Brooks and his comedy acts that would be deemed offensive today, and there's nothing I despise more than censorship. But EVERY TIME a black dick gets on here? You're kidding yourself if you're trying to tell me there's not an agenda here.

@Sukima, that argument doesn't work. You're acting racist, so I'm perfectly justified to call you a racial slur. You don't want to be called a honky? Don't act like a honky. The only reason I'm calling you a honky is because you're acting like one. If you want to have this discussion like an adult, I won't call you a honky anymore during it.
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bblader1: @Sukima: What's unnormal about them, mate? I'm posting like a pretty normal human being. You throwing a temper tantrum over black dicks inside white chicks? When it's a goddamn drawing, no less? That's not normal.

See, Shepard, even if you are joking, there's a thing as a joke going too far. I'm not necessarily accusing you of that, I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for now, but don't you think your buddy over here is really going overboard here? It's like the entire race of black people torched down his home and he's incapable of speaking about them as human beings in a non "lol I'm being a KKK member online for the lolz" sense.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

I'll call you attractive and successful African, I'll call you whatever I want.

I just wanted know what bs you were gonna come up with to justify it and guess what you couldn't.

Also I love how you've gone pseudo intellectual after posting a smiley faces at the end of your paragraphs like you know what teensagers do.

Keep it up sweetcheeks.
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Sukima: "You fuck off. 8D"

"calling it a "consensual sex edit" but I'm the racist. XD"

I expect that out of teens, not grown men. What a sad little fucker you are.
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bblader1: @Sukima: lmao I'm not even black man. I love how you keep making the assumption I am. As if I have to be to see what an insecure pile of shit you really are.

I've justified myself perfectly well. I've backed up everything I've said with arguments. Did I throw in some insults as well? Of course I did. You're no better and don't even try to act like you have been. I haven't seen you back up a single ridiculous claim that's come out of your mouth. I have yet to hear any actual counterargument from you other than "HE SAID HONKY HE'S A RACIST!" you have said some absurdly racist shit, and believe me when I say I am VERY HESITANT to say that about people. Ridiculously hesitant! But I can absolutely say it with you, and it doesn't look like you're joking or being a troll. Who takes it this far?

So yeah, if you don't have a counterargument, and honestly, there's absolutely no way to justify the ridiculous shit that comes out of your mouth, I appear to be on top here, any human being with half a brain would agree.

This started out hilarious, and it still kind of is, but honestly, dude? I'm worried. I'm worried about you. This is not a healthy way to be. You are a literal Alex Jones conspiracy nutcase. Right down to the letter. I'm legitimately concerned you will hurt yourself, or other people, or perhaps both if you continue believing this absurd rhetoric.
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bblader1: @Sukima: And you're so much more mature, right? You're such a big boy you only cry and whine for half an hour instead of a full one when a black guy stick his dick in a white girl. Outstanding maturity from this fine upstanding gentleman here, folks! Let's all give him a round of applause! ^_^
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Sukima: I'm not even gonna bother reading that vomit you just spewed.

Why? Because I know you're mad as fuck and I know that you know it as well, I mean this idiot was all "lmao xd" and now "it" has been tilted into full on pseudo intellectual mode.

You can tell them when they post literal essays on porn imageboard.
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Sukima: *Incoming essay from a totally not mad as fuck person*
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CommanderShepardlol: @bblader1: Oh shit, you caught me. I have been found out. Me and my BLM sabotage Illuminati group must vanish quickly.

In all seriousness though, in this, and other purely fantasy related picture(s) I like to "self insert". Kind of hard for me to do that when I'm not black, I can't relate to the random noname guy fucking Kayle. I did it for myself, and I uploaded it for myself because I knew someones jimmies would get rustled, and I find that funny. If others want to have their superiority complex, go right ahead, I don't care. But it makes for some funny reading.
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bblader1: @Sukima: I don't get it. You pressure me to post an argument because I have failed to justify myself. So I do elaborate and "justify" myself, and all I get is you brushing me off and calling me more racial slurs. So... what do you want, exactly?

Guys, am I crazy? Is this shit making sense to anybody else? Doesn't make any fucking sense to me.

I briefly dropped the "lmao" and the "XD" because I was attempting to speak with you as a mature adult to respond to some of your accusations. Seems to be wasted effort as you still have not even attempted to rebuke anything I have said. You want the smilies back? Is that it? Okay, buddy boy! Have some smilies back! Probably gonna bitch about those too, aren't you? 8D
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bblader1: @Sukima: And my posts hardly qualify as "essays". Unless you are unable to read them because they didn't teach you that in honky trailer trash elementary. Wouldn't surprise me if that was the case.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

Poor little fella has just completely lost the plot, holy shit.

*gets popcorn*

Go on then libtard.
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bblader1: @CommanderShepardlol: So would I be right in assuming you're not really associated with this Sukima guy and just made a "lol black guys raep" joke which led me to the wrongful conclusion that you made this edit for people like him?

If that's the case, I'd like to apologize for the misassociation. It's just that there's a lot of Sukimas around here, so it gets hard to separate the jokes from the people who actually believe this kind of shit. You wanna chat on Skype or something?
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bblader1: @Sukima: Where have I lost the plot? I've remained on track this entire time. Do YOU even have the plot anymore? Do you have any idea where this conversation is going? I don't think you do. I think your tiny little honky brain lost track of what you were supposed to be saying five posts ago. You know why I think that? Because you -still- have not made a relevant response to my posts, it's all just senseless verbal insults. And yes, I am insulting you, but I am ALSO making relevant posts. You haven't done that... ever.

And believe it or not, I am not a SJW and I'm certainly not a liberal. But you don't need to be to see when ridiculous people are being ridiculous.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

Huh Since when is calling someone alex jones winning an argument? How idiotic can you be, seriously.

Also since when is being guilty of the exact same thing you criticize someone else of winning anything but the irony award, of which you certainly must of one a few of.

I've been egging on your pseudo intellectual rants while I was doing something else.
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Anonymous2: You're arguing over some recolor on some drawn humans
Yes, both of you

I would flat-out call you idiots- you came to r34 to jerk and have a satisfying time
Drop and go do that
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CommanderShepardlol: @bblader1: I'm not associated with anyone on this site, I do the edit for myself and upload it for potential lolz. Like it, hate it, doesn't matter.
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bblader1: @Sukima: How am I guilty of being the exact same thing? You acted like a racist dickhead first, I'm calling you on it, so that is not a valid defense. I outlined clearly why you're a conspiracy nut, and I've yet to receive a response refuting it, so I have to assume you've no objection to it. I have no interest in taking the moral high ground over a piece of honky trailer trash like you, so I'm not going to, because you don't deserve it.

Do you have a rebuttal besides "WAAAAHHH YOU'RE USING RACIAL SLURS TOO WHICH I STARTED FIRST AND NOW I CAN'T TAKE BEING CALLED ON IT! :(" Because if not, I don't see why I should continue to entertain this.
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Anonymous3: Just an FYI..... Surely some of you have noticed that Japanese artists often depict Japanese men as very dark skinned in their porno pics, or the women as comparatively light skinned. Whichever, if the artist of this original piece was Japanese then the dark appearance of the man was standard for them. Let's stop the hatin' people!
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Sukima: @bblader1:

You claim to not be a sjw? But you've been bitching calling the edit racist and such.

Your mind must do mini leaps anytime you have a thought, you're all over the place and now you're going back to "lmao xd" like teens do?

You're mentally ill kid, seriously.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

You can call me racist all you want attractive and successful African, your opinion means jack shit to me. Like I said I've egging you on just to see your autistic rage posts. Also you can call me whatever racist term you want, I'm not what who gets all hot and bothered by them am I?
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bblader1: @CommanderShepardlol: Then I suppose that is fair enough. I've never understood this concept, this ideal that's constantly pushed down our throats that you cannot relate to another human being if you are not the same skin color as them. It's never made any sense to me, and it never will make any sense to me. I'm an Italian/Irish mix. I didn't see many Italian and Irish figures growing up. And you know something? I didn't need to. I had plenty of role models, plenty of hobbies, plenty of things I enjoyed doing. And I enjoyed them just fine without any Italian/Irish representation. The New Day are my favorite wrestlers on television bar none. And guess what. They're black. I'm certainly not. So I don't get this idea that you can't connect with someone who's not the same skin color as you. An idea the media can't get enough of preaching.

But I mean, if you prefer your dicks to be of the vanilla flavor rather than chocolate, have the fuck at it. I don't care what you do as long as there aren't any ridiculous notions behind it. And I'd like to apologize again for wrongfully thinking you were part of this paranoid honky society.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

The quickest backtrack I've seen in a while.

Oh and now you're going full essay mode after being called out. Which is funny, because you went all "lmao xd" after I called you on that previously.

You must literally do backflips in your mind, honestly.

This has been quite the show. Entertaining.
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bblader1: @Sukima: I'm calling you racist... because you ARE acting racist, dude. This has nothing to do with being a SJW or a liberal. If somebody is being stupid and ridiculous, then they're being stupid and ridiculous. Politics don't enter the picture. If you weren't acting like a racist dickhole, then I wouldn't be calling you a racist dickhole. It's a pretty simple concept to understand. I'm not even stretching here which is VERY common today and EXACTLY WHY I hate throwing the "racist' accusation out there: That Alex Jones-esque rant about the attractive and successful Africans fucking your precious white girls? That's what YOU ACTUALLY SAID on the original picture. I took nothing out of context, I stretched no truths, it is word for word what you said. And if you don't care when I call you honky trailer trash... then you wouldn't complain that I'm doing it in every other post you make, would you?

Consistency, man. CONSISTENCY! Where is it?
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Sukima: @Anonymous3:

That's not want the thread is about, different subject.
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bblader1: @Sukima: No backtracking here. I've stayed completely on subject. ^_^

You know what I think, dude? I think YOU'RE backtracking. You really want to try and change the subject away from this, and often force opportunities to attempt to change it. Only it doesn't work. I stay ON topic, and you keep trying to go OFF topic. But I'm the one who's backtracking? Okay, makes sense, whatever the honky says! 8D
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Sukima: @bblader1:

Again alex jones? Racist?

I couldn't give a fuck, you silly little man you.

Also the all caps? Wow dude, you've actually lost the plot I can tell.

I guess this must be weakness of mine instead of killing off weaklings like, I just keep you going for the shits and giggles.
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Zvantastika: ... What just happened?.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

Oh the all caps again. Damn this hard for me not to laugh at you.

You did backtrack, because you leaped to a faulty conclusion. Why? Because my dear closet sjw, you got triggered so hard that your posts are all over the place, just like your tiny little mind is.

Clear now?
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Sukima: *Warning this picture may cause triggering*

I may be too late though, ah well.
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Anonymous4(2): [IMG][/IMG]
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bblader1: @Sukima: I capitalized a word for emphasis. This... counts as all caps now? Did the definition change while I wasn't looking?

I'm triggered by your racist diatribe, not by a vanilla edit of a chocolate dick, let's get that straight.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

Huh? So you've calmed down after your emotional rollercoaster. I mean living mental illness must be tough for you little fella.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

And another thing it wasn't one word, nor was it two. But sure pass it off as nothing.

Like I said you literally are all over the place, maybe the others can't see it, but holy shit it has been too fun dealing with you.

Remember now deep breaths, in and out. There you go.
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bblader1: @Sukima: It's finally dawned on me, you really don't have an argument besides "YOU MAD BRO? YOU TOTALLY MAD RIGHT?", do you?
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bblader1: @Sukima: Oh wow, I capitalized two words instead of one! It's JUST the END of the FUCKING WORLD, now ISN'T IT?
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Sukima: @bblader1:

I don't need one, silly boy I never said I needed one to against the likes of you and your autistic rage. You're the one who has been trying to make a point over and over, but repeatedly failing.

It's ok little fella *pats you on the head*

Don't worry about it.
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bblader1: @Sukima: Seeing as you keep dancing around the issue of making a counterargument, I would say I have done quite well in making my point. You can't make an argument refuting it. Or you'd have done so by now. How many chances have I given you?
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Sukima: Also you give off the signs of someone who is close to mentally breaking.

I'm gonna guess that you're a switch and this isn't the first time nor will it be the last time.

What a joke you are, thinking someone like you could go against me..
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Anonymous5: Guise pls ;_; let's b friends and jerk it
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Sukima: @bblader1:

You haven't made a point worth reading, let alone respond to..

Babbling about alex jones this, attractive and successful African loving that. Some random shit about a pizza place? I don't fucking know what the fuck you were even aiming at. Maybe some sort of magical rainbow world of fantasy.

The delusion is strong with this one.
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Sukima: @Anonymous5:

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bblader1: @Sukima: The delusion is nowhere. This is shit you have SAID. Word for word. That the attractive and successful Africans are invading the white women and people who like fapping to it are cucks. No paraphrasing. Nothing out of context. You said this on the original picture. Unless you would like to retract that statement, nothing I have said is "delusional".
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Farfegnugen: Man, this image is getting a lot of cha... This is clearly not about porn anymore, this is one of those "NO! I'M THE MAN IN THE RIGHT! *Goes Super Saiyan.*" chats.
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bblader1: @Sukima: Oh, I get it. The pizza stuff is supposed to offend me because I'm part Italian. I was wondering where that came from.

Thing is, I like pizza. A lot. So I'm pretty proud of that creation. And it's a pretty damn popular food. People love pizza. In all shapes and sizes. So, I'm cool with the association. And I said the New Day are my favorites. Not the only guys I like. But I'm sure you enjoyed making that assumption.
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Sukima: @bblader1:

You just mentally broke and only me and you know about it.

So your words mean next to nothing at this point, gimp.
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bblader1: @Sukima: Mentally broke? I am quite sane. You did post that message. Do you need me to screencap it before you finally accept it? I can do that.
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Farfegnugen: @bblader1: Everyone loves pizza.
user image
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bblader1: @Farfegnugen: Exactly. So... why should it offend me? It's like watermelon and fried chicken. They're fucking delicious! It's supposed to be an insult to black people that they like those foods? Means they have good taste if you ask me. I don't get it, man. I'll never get it.
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Sukima: @Farfegnugen:

You haven't been paying attention too clearly then and I wouldn't blame you. Only one of us set out with the intention of proving themselves right and it obviously wasn't me.

I've been chilling as I gamble on the football, while I pick apart this guy bit by bit. I'm beginning to understand why dommes clean up with this sort on a daily business. I mean who wouldn't when they just fall apart like this guy.
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Sukima: @Anonymous34:

Autistic rage from bladderboy and random pictures that have nothing to do with anything.

Just the usual round here.
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Farfegnugen: @bblader1: Watermelon and fried chicken? FUCK YOU! GET THE FUCK OUT! This white ass cracker loves it.

Not as much as I like pizza.
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Sukima: As far as I'm concerned the "argument" has been over for a while, the best "it" can do is talk about random shit in the hope of clawing back some it's long, lost composure.

If I continue I might leave this poor one with post traumatic stress disorder. I think I'm done playing with my food now anyway, on to significantly more important things.
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Farfegnugen: @Sukima: Nope, I'm not going to read the three plus hours of whatever nonsense you two were talking about.
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Sukima: @Farfegnugen:

Oh I thought so, you two are e-buddies and you're here to save the day, aww bless.

You're much too late though.
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Sukima: @Farfegnugen:

Meh like I said shit's over.
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Farfegnugen: @Sukima: I don't know either one of you, and I'm much happier for it.
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bblader1: @Sukima: I've kept my composure this entire time, dude. You're the one in outright denial you posted this big huge racist rant on another picture. Which is the whole premise for this argument. And you keep acting like you didn't post it for heaven knows what reason. Probably because you know it's indefensible. It's really the only explanation for your behavior.

Honestly, if I had posted that ridiculous tirade about attractive and successful Africans stealing all the white women, I'd probably try and pretend I never wrote it and dodge the question as much as possible, too. Because that's really the only way you can play that situation. So I suppose in a sense I can't really say I blame you. I can, however, call you pathetic in response to it. This is all you can do at this point? Call me mentally broken and traumatized when I'm pointing out, yes, you DID write this post? I expected more. I really did.
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Indrid_Cold: bblader1, hey I remember you kissing up to that dude pretending to be a girl hoping theyd cyber sex with you lol. GG.

Youre clearly just oversensative get over it.
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bblader1: @Indrid_Cold: Again, I would be if this didn't come up EVERY TIME there's a black dick on here.
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Anonymous6: @bblader1: I would drop the discussion if I were you friend, Sukima has not once tried to engage your discussion. He just attacks your character because he either can't or doesn't want to discuss anything or is a troll who gets his kicks from your responses. In any case, it's unwise to continue. If you truly believe him to be ignorant, then you should know discussion is pointless, especially on this platform. Swallow your pride and just don't reply. And next time you wish to share your observations and convince others, try earning their respect from your clearly thought out opinions instead of trying to shame and embarrass them into agreeing with you.
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bblader1: @Anonymous6: I posted a clearly thought out opinion which he never provided a response to. He had no interest in handling this discussion like an adult, so why should I? Did I pepper my posts with ad hominems and insults? Absolutely. Was he any better in that regard? Absolutely not. If you're not going to treat me respectfully, I'm not going to treat you respectfully. I don't believe in taking the moral high ground over people who don't deserve to have it, that's just the way I am.
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Anonymous7(6): @bblader1: Well then I have nothing left to say other than good luck in your evidently "not-adult" "discussion". Let me know who wins.
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bblader1: @Anonymous7(6): I've gotta say, if you're not going to get over the arguments I presented just because I threw a few insults in when the person I was arguing with was insulting me just as much, then that isn't very adult of you, either.
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Anonymous8: I wonder how many other lurkers got a laugh from this comment war
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Anonymous9(8): I wonder how many other lurkers got a laugh from this comment war
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Anonymous10: I do. *eats popcorn*
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Indrid_Cold: Look, bblader1 needs to be a good little cucky for Big Shawn and defend his British Broadcasting Corporation pride.
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Indrid_Cold: otherwise his wife will make him sleep in the dog house again
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bblader1: @Indrid_Cold: I'm not married, I'm happy. But whatever you'd like to believe, ya insecure conspiracy theorist honky. :)
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Cane751: Skin color in porn doesn't bother me, it's just porn. The only ones I see getting asshurt are those who have an issue over a black man on a white woman, but these clowns don't get up in arms when the situation is reversed. All this sez is that there are too many white people who try to envision themselves in porn (including the fictional stuff), but get pissed off when only the male is black. *smh*

Faceless males = avatar... like fursonas are to furries. Having a preference is one thing, but going full retard in the comments just because of the skin color isn't white = asshat.
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Anonymous11: @Cane751: Thank you. Glad SOMEONE here isn't paranoid and fucked in the head beyond reason.
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Anonymous12(11): @Cane751: Thank you. Glad to see someone isn't paranoid and fucked in the head beyond reason.
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Anonymous13(11): Thank you. Glad to see someone isn't paranoid and fucked in the head beyond reason.
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bblader1: ...Oh. No wonder that captcha was giving me such a hard time.

My bad. I'm a very unapologetic sort, but I will apologize for the past two messages. Forgot I wasn't logged in.
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Indrid_Cold: All this insecurity. Just because some people have a preference that isnt black. You cant shame porn lovers duder.
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Anonymous14: Jesus christ, you guys sure have problems, just shut the fuck up and enjoy some porn, for fuck sake
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Urbane_Guerrilla: They have some problems. They want to tell the Internet World they have some problems. Forgetting all the while that their No.1 problem is thinking their problems are virtues.
Whattaya do with them? Commit them to the care of the state for life, with added Thorazine? Or just shoot 'em and plow 'em under?
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Farfegnugen: @Urbane_Guerrilla: Can one of the options be pizza party?
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GetBLACKED: My sides are in orbit right now. Good shit guys. Top class entertainment right here.
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bblader1: @Indrid_Cold: Yep. I'm the insecure one. And yet y'all honkys are posting conspiracy theories about black men stealing all of your women because one black guy is fucking one white woman.
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Indrid_Cold: @bblader1: Trust me, none of us are scared of a little insecure black man stealing anything from us. Im unable to get wet from a black man, sorry that offends you you oversensative little weenie boy.
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bblader1: @Indrid_Cold: And I would be willing to believe that was all there was to it if people like you did not throw temper tantrums every time a picture like the original is uploaded.
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Indrid_Cold: @bblader1: Youre seriously the only person here who threw a tantrum over this picture. You just look like a serious cuck
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bblader1: @Indrid_Cold: Lmao. You have people whining and crying about how the attractive and successful Africans are taking all the white women in the original picture. BUT NOPE. I'M THE ONE THROWING THE TANTRUM GUYS.
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Anonymous15: @bblader1: Just drop it, idiot... Sukima and every other user on this site who's just like him are already set in their ways -- they aren't going to change their disgusting mindsets anytime soon, no matter how many paragraphs of text you type out. If anything, be thankful these people are total nobodies in real life and not in positions of power.

Otherwise, you'd probably be seeing FAR more "white supremacy" than just edits of random images nobody but a couple of people will see... Trust me, you'd be seeing FAR worse things.
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bblader1: @Anonymous15: I've been dropping it long enough. Might as well call them out for a change.
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Anonymous16(15): @bblader1: Yes... might as well "call them out." Good luck with that...
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bblader1: @Anonymous16(15): Already have, so, y'know, don't really need it.
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Zvantastika: People are still commenting on this one?, ha.
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Franky_Whiskey: @bblader1: This attractive and successful African faggot dago chink kike wetback son of a rabid Apache whore will never learn, will he?

You're in Paheal, fucker, stop rubbing your PC titties together.
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bblader1: @Franky_Whiskey: This has nothing to do with political correctness. I'm all for political incorrectness. I'm all for offensive humor. When you react this way every time a black dick gets uploaded, you can't expect me to believe it as a joke anymore. Even people like me find these posts ridiculous and genuinely racist. And believe me, that says a lot, I'm extremely lenient when it comes to that.
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Anonymous17(15): @bblader1: Again, just forget it. These unemphatic, racist nuts don't have a moral compass and will never stop with wh
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Anonymous18(15): @bblader1: Sorry about that, I pressed enter too early. But anyway, like I said before, just drop it. Basically, like so many others, these people have no moral compass and don't care if what they say gets to you. To them feelings and being nice mean nothing.

Just forget them, because the bitching of a random user like you isn't going to change the collective mindset of millions of people on the Internet, who've all been this way since day one.

Trust me, kid It's NOT going to work. So either deal with how these fuckers are... or just leave.
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bblader1: @Anonymous18(15): Nothing these people can say is going to bother me. They might think it does, but I just enjoy watching them defending and justifying the ridiculous things that come out of their mouth.

This isn't working? I don't really expect it to. I just want to see them talk themselves into a corner. I want to see their minds collapse from exhaustion from all the mental gymnastics of attempting to stay consistent with their beliefs. Or even watch is they fail to respond to my argument, over and over and over again, despite being given every opportunity in the world to respond to it.

This isn't working? Neither is staying silent and letting them go unchallenged.

So if you don't mind, I'll be disregarding that bit of advice and continue watching where this leads. Am I gaining anything from it? Maybe not, but I'm not losing anything.
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Farfegnugen: Since people are still talking about boring stuff stuff, here's a some more pizza, mostly because I'm eating some damn good pizza while watching some GDQ.

user image
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Anonymous19(15): @bblader1: If that's really the case... then goddamn, you must not have anything else better to do with your fucking time. Have fun, man... Have fun.
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bblader1: @Anonymous19(15): Been having a blast. Pretty sure they got bored by now, anyway.
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Newfaggotry: The Adventure
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FloatingWeiner: It's been 17 days, I'm bringin' it back, baby!

I'll be completely honest, I skimmed most of this. The only posts I actually read were the people who I knew didn't spew random shit.

So far it seems to me as if a small joke was made, BB (as I shall call bblader) got triggered super hard (for no reason. It was a pretty funny joke) and suks (Sukima) latched on like a leech.

All in all, pretty sub-par entertainment, and was barely enough to kill my boner. Git gud, children.
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bblader1: @FloatingWeiner: For the trillionth time, I would concede it was getting "triggered super hard" if the manchildren here didn't react like this -every- time a black dick penetrates a white vagina.
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Anonymous20: Why the downgrade? Disgusting.
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deathstriker: Yeah! No attractive and successful African cock, plus we got that shitskin lover BBlader1's faggotry as an extra bonus. Good job Shephard.
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Anonymous21: Wow, this is the largest comment section i ever seen at rule34 XD
Usually, peeps are too busy jerking of to pictures, to write something.

Btw, this is the better version, fuck attractive and successful Africans eot
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Anonymous22(21): Wow, this is the largest comment section i ever seen at rule34 XD
Usually, peeps are too busy jerking of to pictures, to write something.

Btw, this is the better version, eot.
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Anonymous23(21): Wow, this is the largest comment section i ever seen at rule34 XD
Usually, peeps are too busy jerking of to pictures, to write something.

Btw, this is the better version, i dont like the color of the poo, eot.
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ohmanwhatsthis: Filed under: Things to show foreigners when they ask how the hell Trump got elected
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Windwalker: Hmmm...

I dunno guys, the rape-y undertones make it difficult to jerk off to this.

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