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DuffMan_EX: @Anonymous: Well, someone sure is jealous of the Mighty Dong banging his precious Goddess senseless.
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urban: @Anonymous: boy someone really salt
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DuffMan_EX: @urban: ikr. He's just being a prissy fanboy. I find all his spiteful comments nothing more but amusement.
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Anonymous1: lol @ dong haters #rekt
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sentinel615: Pregutena has been blessed by the Dong!

It's fruit has Expanded her womb! Praise be!
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Anonymous2: I ain't ever seen so many neckbeards being such fags for gorilla cocks.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous:
>Claims superior intelligence.
>Bitches about an artist that won't stop fucking with his OTP because he's bitching(and that isn't even canon like he claims)

You're hilarious
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T17: The only reason I actually come to these pics is too see these gross monkey loving creeps and the 12 year old Pit fanturds
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sonicchaos27: actually palutena is gonna get her virginity taken fron DK and she will get H.I.V.
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DuffMan_EX: @Anonymous:
> Using actual facts on a fictional character on a porn site
> Claims to be superior than everyone and showing signs of egotistic

You have automatically lost. Good sir!
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mylifeislol: Let's all just agree that this entire arguement was infantile, and pointless. Instead of transparently trying to anger eachother-Something that bears no purpose, we can all just put this behind us.
This is why us internet folk have bad reputations, instead of moving on from something like adults, we argue like 3rd graders on the playground. Let's drop the pretenses- You are all coming back to see what the other wrote about you. Your words have no true effect on eachother, besides cheap anger. We're not ACTUALLY 3rd graders.
Let us forget this squabble on whether it's more likely for palutena
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mylifeislol: to be screwed by an ape or a child.
Weird that this had to be said.
Also, since prior experience tells me that someones probably going to lash out at me, I don't care, don't even know you, have a nice day.
Hey, who likes pumpkin pie? Be truthful!
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mylifeislol: Woah, this was one of mmy recent comments... I need to socialize more.
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Anonymous4: lol
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Anonymous5: DK having fun with his pregnant goddess

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