Anonymous7(6): @Anonymous: let me break it down in the nicest way I can! To start it off, this account was on my old windows and my tablet. And over the years, as you can expect they broke down. And to be honest the last time I ever went back on this account was back in May 2 years ago.. and that was on my tablet since I was still signed in but I signed myself out to go on my new account. Anywho.. theres probably no way I am ever getting back into this without finding the email it’s connected to or the old password. But the chances are so dim that I am kind of giving up.. but atleast I have some of the old screenshots saved from 2019 saved onto one of my files on this device thanks to hangouts out of all things. (( i used hangouts to save pictures and passwords but this one isnt there, only screenshots of me being in the account ))
But I will say that I share a account with one of my friends on here! And maybe if you wanna check on it i’ll let you know! Just don’t worry about me. I am fine.
Anonymous8(6): I am a little happy my account is still on here though! But my old art makes me wail.. kind of thankful that I started coming back to the fandom after all of these years, even though I still need to improve! haha!
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She died :(
But I will say that I share a account with one of my friends on here! And maybe if you wanna check on it i’ll let you know! Just don’t worry about me. I am fine.