SinonIsMyWaifu: Since people are beginning to take credit for my Photoshopped works...I am now uploading them directly to Tumblr under the name "SinonIsMyWaifu"
Zvantastika: So, let me get this straight: People were uploading your edits to this site without crediting you, so instead of uploading them here FIRST so nobody would take credit for the edits again, you're going to upload them on Tumblr and forget about the uploads here... am I understanding this right?.
Anonymous1: @Zvantastika: They were not uploading it to R34, but rather, other image boards LIKE R34 and Gelbooru
Nor did I forget about the uploads here, I updated them 22 days ago
And if you want to get technical, me photoshopping a picture IS, in fact, a source...It came from my personal collection of Photoshops, labelled rightfully so
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Also "Personal Photoshop" is not a source.
Nor did I forget about the uploads here, I updated them 22 days ago
And if you want to get technical, me photoshopping a picture IS, in fact, a source...It came from my personal collection of Photoshops, labelled rightfully so
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