Anonymous1: Looks way more sensual than the usual "gonna rip this woman in two" gifs that you get around, as though they might actually care for each other, I like it :)
Anonymous2: Your first? This is actually rather amazing for a first one. Wouldn't mind seeing more Dishonored ladies! (Jessamine, Callisa or the Witches)
Anonymous4: This is better than a lot of 3D animations. The HUD, the background, the models/movement itself, top notch man. Be proud of yourself and I look forward to seeing what else you make (hopefully more Dishonored).
LordFrisby: Well, this took me almost half a year to make, although largely because I was learning how to do stuff as I went along, and obviously I wasn't spending all of my time on it (even had pauses of not touching it for a few weeks). According to file dates, I started learning basic object manipulation by assembling the room out of extracted wall and furniture models sometime in April. :)
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-actual quote from waverly's diary!