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TagsOlympics, Tom, Vinicius, dark-moltres, featured_image, mascots
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Decanter: Olympics

make some sport with balls

this is a bad time to get into watersports tho ;)
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Anonymous1: what?
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AnonV3: The Olympic-fail that is Brazil. Zika, weird babies, slums and sewage in the swimming pools.

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ifuckwowsluts: i would love something to ride my cock like that for some good times
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Anonymous2: I watched the feature change yea.
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Anonymous3: A feature about the Olympics, uploaded by a Brazilian, and hot enough to rub one out to. The intentional irony is making me cum.
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CaptainBoomer: Needs more bio-waste and unidentified human meat.
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SPLA_T00N: @CaptainBoomer: yea
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perfectgay: Would be cute if they were human but this is literally an animal fucking a plant, disgusting.
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Anonymous4: @perfectgay: what's your point racist fuckwad?
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perfectgay: @Anonymous: LMAO
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Anonymous5: AnonV3: It's not the swimming events where you have to worry about sewage, they can filter the water and pump in enough chlorine to keep the pools safe (so if you have something against Michael Phelps you have to hope he catches Zika and passes it on to a pregnant Nicole Johnson), it's the bay where the yachting and crew events will take place. If any crew member falls in there, they're going to wish the events were held in a sewage treatment plant tank - where it's cleaner!
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Anonymous6: A lot fuckin better than the last feature.
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Cancer: @Anonymous: the arnold one? yeah... i really miss Titanium's features, he had a great taste for it
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Anonymous7: They look like Porkyman. How topical.

World Cup mascots are usually cuter, though.
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Anonymous8: @perfectgay: What's so bad about Animal x Plant you racist? Animals and plants can have equal rights like humans!
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Anonymous9: the worst part is that it looks hot
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Anonymous10: @Cancer: I miss Titanium too, he had the biggest most veiny cock....
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Anonymous11: I knew it. I KNEW IT. I knew they would be featured.
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Anonymous12: Wow the Olympics look very hard for the players.
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sarmious: Monkey.
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Farfegnugen: @CQMLA: Stop recording the sounds I make in the bathroom.
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NyanCaveStory: @Farfegnugen: Oh so I wasn't the only one who recorded them!
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Anonymous13(10): @Farfegnugen: So you found my secret webcam streaming to gaycams?
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Anonymous14: I'm competing in rio for the 100 yard dash, so whoever created this will get a huge ass kicking if I find them. Don't you people realize that you're insulting the greatest sporting events in history by making this shit?
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Zvantastika: @Anonymous: Don't you realize that you're insulting the greatest sporting events in history by watching porn instead of focusing on the competition?, in which you aren't even competing though. Nice try anyway anon, nice try.
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Anonymous15(14): @Zvantastika: I'm not even competing right now, dumbass. I'm in a hotel. Everyone on the team has been talking about this horse shit, and I tend to be the first one to set you assholes straight. It's nearly 2:30 here, and I really don't have much else to do other than shut you idiots up and convince you to stop trying to make this art.
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Anonymous16(14): Oh, and by the way, my name is Devon Allen. Search me up. I may not be too popular, but I do have something called dignity. I actually had to try to get here, so I don't want you dickbags to degrade the Olympics for me.
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: Nobody gives a flying fuck about the Olympics, Devon Allen. You're Olympics are the living degradation of the meaning they held in Rome.
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Anonymous18(10): @Anonymous: dick pics or gtfo
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Anonymous19(14): The ancient olympics were Greek, Anon 17
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Zvantastika: @Anonymous: Oh sure thing, you're totally Devon and you're in a hotel in Rio making all this comments, I mean, it's not like you're just an anonfag from the good ol' USA trying to convince people you're someone who actually gets out of his house, exercise and then gets buttmad about a pic in a porn site. Nope, no sir, not even a chance of the latter.
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SPLA_T00N: @Zvantastika: Absolutely not
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The90sKid: @Anonymous: some people give a flying fuck about the olympics so stfu
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The90sKid: I want this to be featured in the olympics
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AnonV3: Hey Anon14 ... no one gives a shit about the Olympics. It was created by a bunch of pederasts to give them an excuse to rub a shriveled mess out to young, nude boys running around. And the current incarnation was created by a bunch of romantic doe-eyed fucktwats with an embarrassing amount of admiration for a long dead society of sexist, racist slave-owning aristocrats (Athenian democracy is an insult to the term) who were convinced that theirs was the only civilization on the planet because fuck everyone that looks, dresses or thinks differently.

And why are you looking at a cartoon porn site when you should be hyping for your 'track and field' event that no one with two brain cells will care about because the Kenyans are going to wipe the floor with your white ass? Oh, right - you're some dipshit in Arkansas who has absolutely fuckall to do with the Olympics.

And even if you are Devon Allen (not that I know or care who that is) ... no one here cares. No one. We're here to wank it to Dora the Explorer or Gadget or Twinkle Shine or whatever. Or to laugh at the ridiculousness of life and what people find important or sexy. So would you kindly take your righteous indignation and either shove it up your ass or ... actually, no. Just shove it up your ass.
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Anonymous20: @Anonymous: Sorry, but your far right wing porn censorship bullshit doesn't really work when you're on a website dedicated to porn.
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Anonymous21: Is it me, or I dont want gay porn featured.
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Anonymous22(20): @Anonymous: It's just you.
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Anonymous23(8): I love gay porn (via my bisexuality), and I love plant and animal porn too.
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Anonymous24(8): @Anonymous: It's just you faggot, you're a fucking homophobe.
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Anonymous25(14): @anon V3: I don't show any admiration for Greece. They are a bunch of fucked up communists living in a country on decline. But I do show admiration for sports and the olympics. I don't care about Dora or whatever the hell you assholes do on this site. In fact go crazy with all the hentai you make, because I won't (and haven't) looked at anything else on this site. I'm not a homophobe either, as a matter of fact, we have a few homos on the team, and I don't give two shits about them unless they don't do so hot at they're own events. There's a difference between porn of Dora or whatever, and the goddamn Olympiads. So think about that, jackass. (P.S I come from Phoenix, shoulda studied my Wikipedia page)
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Anonymous26: man that's fucked up
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Anonymous27(26): these gay people seems retarded
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Zvantastika: @Anonymous: Fag.
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MisterJee: sexsports are best sports
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Anonymous28(14): What have i done to deserve this? Why aren't you disturbed by someone insulting the flippin' Olympiads?! Just delete this image, and end this whole thing. (This will be my last comment today).
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got me hard in seconds
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: More people are watching The Internationals, fucking e-sports, than the Olympics this year, so no gives a crap. If you are who you said you are, you should have learned DOTA instead of running. Sorry sparky, this image and your shitbag comments, are here forever.
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Anonymous30(10): @Anonymous:
Welcome to the Internet, slut. hope you enjoy your stay!
user image
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Anonymous31(14): Like I said before, I don't care about whatever weird things you post on this website (even if it is bojack horseman). And if my ass gets wiped by Kenyan douchebags, I have to let you know that I represent your country, America, in the Olympiads, so if I fail America gets they're ass wiped on the floor. So do you want me to throw away my youth in front of the world just to stick it to you assholes, or do you want your country to win?! Also, how come all you shitheads hate the olympics all of a sudden?
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AnonV3: Wow, what a homophobe - 'I'm not a homophobe, we got the homo-gays on our team man!' That's like unironically saying 'I'm not racists, I love attractive and successful Africans!' Get over yourself and accept your own bigotry.

Fuck you. Fuck America, fuck your mom, fuck sport and all the chestpounding dipshittery that goes with it, fuck high school 'graduates' sliding into college because they can run a bit more in a minute than someone else - because THAT'S a fucking skill that'll take you far in life - fuck anything and everything you think is important. But above all, fuck yourself - that's the only reason you should be here. Anything else is being a whining little bitch because of what some people wanna yank to or laugh at. Freedom of speech, attractive and successful African. I can say anything, even that which might offend you. So why do you hate America?
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Anonymous32(10): @Anonymous: So what you're saying want bojack horseman cock inside you right?
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Anonymous33: Looks like the fucking Olympic retard is triggered ah. "You can make Dora porn but don't touch the Olympiads". This is so hypocritical, also you're a sick pedophile.
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Anonymous34: vinicius no! *see's them fucking eachother* VINICIUS D:
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Anonymous35: To think I already viewed this before it was featured...

( • w •)
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Anonymous36(14): You know what? Fuck this. I can't deal with all the weirdos in the world right now, so you know what? Jack off to this shit, you fucking weirdos!
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Farfegnugen: @Anonymous: Says the guy who keeps coming back for more.
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Anonymous37: some people in the comments don't get it that we are on rule 34, because If it exists there IS porn of it
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Anonymous38: @Anonymous: If you have ''dignity'' why are you on this site?
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SPLA_T00N: user image
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Anonymous39: i don't know how to feel about this
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SPLA_T00N: @Anonymous: yep you are totally devon and not trying to troll
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AnonV3: Either some fat cunt in Arkansas is pissed because he's got a hard-on for shitty Brazilian venues or a fail-troll is fail. Come on, get on my level!
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Sintime: @Cancer: Yeah the features are usually garbage now, not rage inducing, disgusting or even funny, they only provoke any sort of reaction based on being so bland and totally not in the spirit of rule 34 ..
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appealus: The Rio Olympics mascots fucking is the very spirit of 34.
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Anonymous40: The blue guy seems to like it!His face is LOL.
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Anonymous41: It is like boku no piko + Olympics 2016
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SuperITDog: omg vinicius is so hot
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Anonymous42: are brazilian right?because to do that needs to be brazilian
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Urbane_Guerrilla: @appealus: Agreed. See tag Zakuma from 2010 South Africa.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Okay, me no remember... Zakumi, 2010 World Cup, SA. Has cute pornz here.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: Here's a NotPorn, enjoy:
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Anonymous44: @Anonymous43 because it's olympics related and I think this is amazing.
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Anonymous45: Maybe if one of them were a girl it would make more sense.
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Anonymous46(10): @Anonymous: No, then it wouldn't be historically accurate
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Anonymous47(44): Ill be honest, I have fapped to this 2 times today. Kinkshame me if you want idc.
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Anonymous48: @Anonymous: I did too! LOLOLOLOLOL!
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Anonymous49: Somehow i feel like i'd want to be fucked by Tom too...
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Anonymous51(50): @Anonymous: Why? Gay is nice too!
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Anonymous52: As a girl I dislike gay porn but those two dicks are so cute. I love that shape and that plants face is so adorable <3
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DigiSim: Who's the father, Meowth or Pikachu?
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Anonymous53(44): @Anonymous52 as a boy I dislike lesbian porn. (Well actually no thats a lie)
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Anonymous54(44): I just realized Tom's hand
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Anonymous55(44): I'm gonna save this so even after this isn't featured I can still have it.
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Anonymous56: Estou rindo bastante do autismo dos americanos.HUEHUE BR!
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Anonymous57: I love this pic XDDD
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Anonymous58: Hurhuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue
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whydidimakethisaccount: I don't know what to say about this
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Gallows187: I came here for R2-D2 porn. Get on the ball !
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Vicarious_Reality: Champiooone champiooone oooOOOOOOoooh
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Anonymous60: Why did i not expect to find the rio olympics mascots in a rule 34 site?
Come to brazil, land of rich food, ass, titties, thicc girls and Cicarelli, the girl who got caught fucking o the beach(legit, check it out) and now tom and vinicius porn.
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Rat: @Gallows187: >>1951369
user image
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Anonymous61: Great
Now the Brazilian think America is stupid because of this and they don't get that we are joking about their Olympics
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Anonymous62(61): Oh and btw
The Anons sayng 'Huehuehue' are brazilian
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Anonymous63(61): saying*
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Anonymous64: MOAR I NEED MOAR
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Anonymous65: Vinicius is so cute and hot, I need more rule 34 with him :3
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Anonymous66: Sigh... You have a point. I lost to Jamaicans and Kenyans, I think I'll just give up on life, and work in a factory somewhere.
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Xac: I sometimes like to come back to this image and read these comments.
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Anonymous67: Anyone remember when this was controversial? Funny, now we have a serious shortage of olympic(tokyo) mascot porn if anything.
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Anonymous68: Can you imagine that 9 years have passed since this image?
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Anonymous69: Indireta pra mim,fofe?
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Anonymous70: @Anonymous: I wish to see more of them! Olympic mascots need to be more than just mascots for a limited event of their country.

Also holy shit why is this comment so astronomically wild?!
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Anonymous71: @Anonymous: Same, though it'd help if there were decent mascots to make porn of (Tokyo had some great ones as well as Korea but Beijing and France had dogshit mascots).
This comment section is one of the funniest and most infamous because some dude trolled the whole site by larping as an insecure and oevrly prideful Olympic athlete. Funny stuff.

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