Anonymous1: @posted4you: FIRST, I believe Pooh, was ALL FOR IT, on His part, especially since , not only was he able to join in, adding an appreciated penis to the proceedings, but he was also able to still enjoy the Bunny, as He was also helping to clean all of the other participants bodies, making sure,has THEY did with HIM, to get into EVERY nook and cranny, hill and valley! After which, there would be a nice, long, leisurely, rest and recuperation period. THEN, would come, Round Two, with ALL their Male Friends!
Anonymous2(1): @posted4you: FIRST, I believe Pooh, was ALL FOR IT, on His part, especially since, not only was he able to join in, adding an appreciated penis to the proceedings, but he was also able to still enjoy the Bunny, as He was also helping to clean all of the other participants bodies, making sure,has THEY did with HIM, to get into EVERY nook and cranny, hill and valley! After which, there would be a nice, long, leisurely, rest and recuperation period. THEN, would come, Round Two, with ALL their Male Friends!
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