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Anonymous1: Poor (very sexy) girl... I hope she finds her way out from that mosasaur alive. Just hoping :'|
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Anonymous2: Only two ways are out and neither are pretty but Will Ferell was in this exact situation and survived...
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Anonymous3: how does one not die from: falling from one dino-birb to another, falling into the sea, getting nommed by a dino-birb, getting thrown back into the sea and nommed by the dino-birb several times, then being nommed by the dino-pheesh and probably being crushed between its jaws and the dino-birb, being pushed through god-knows how much air tight dino-pheesh parts next to the dino-birb, to end up hear and still breathing.
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Anonymous4: More please. Love this.
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: but shes inside a pretty much a huge ass whale, there's many places to climb and the juices are only like a couple feet.
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Anonymous6: @nonymous: you are insane i hope they lock you up