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TagsAsuna_Yuuki, Berserk, Casca, Guts, JH, Kazuto_Kirigaya, Kirito, Sword_Art_Online, crossover
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Anonymous1: Asuna is feeling a REAL man
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stinkychobble: And Kirito knows what a REAL woman feels like as well
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stinkychobble: It's a win for both Kirito and Asuna
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FutaFootFetish: Pretty sure this is a pun because they both have the title "Black Swordsman"
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Anonymous2: Kirito shouldn't even have a dick. more likely guts will be fucking both chicks while kirito gets cucked and faps in the dark. But that's just my shitty opinion anyway.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous: tru
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Anonymous4: Alternately, Guts will fuck all three, because Kirito's dick is probably smaller than Casca's clit.
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Anonymous5: In actuality Guts is an emo faggot who was raped like a little bitch by an attractive and successful African and spends 99 % of the story either wanting to fuck Griffith or kill him. Someone who activity murdered children is NOT a real man. Guts fans are toxic emo faggots , if you want a real fucking man go for Kenshiro.
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Anonymous6(5): Actively
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Crimson-Snow: @Anonymous: While it's true Guts is a pathetic insect compared to Kenshiro he is still an awesome character and SAO is garbage. Let's be honest here there are characters way more morally wrong than Guts who get support and really Guts is an extremely sympathetic and realistic character who most people usually can't help but identify with on some level and yes he really is a bad ass but a fucked up or maybe incredibly flawed badass. All in all as much as I love Guts as a character you are right that his fans are morons who think he is some ultra badass and half of them preferred him as an edge lord loser that he acted like in the black swordsman arc.
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Lee_Badass_Everett: @Anonymous: actively murdered children? The only child he's killed was adonis, which was a complete accident. He didn't see it was the kid until his sword was already in his chest. The only other children he's killed were man eating demons, that actively killed each other anyway. Or demonic spirits that were trying to either kill him, or possess him. He hasn't actively murdered children, so idk where you got that bs from. Second, he's one of the greatest characters ever created. One of the most flawed, complex, inspiring and ultimately human characters I've ever seen. So you can keep your crappy opinion. It doesn't change the fact that Guts, is a phenomenal character.
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Lee_Badass_Everett: @Crimson-Snow: I wouldn't call him an insect. The dude fought and killed 100 men on his own, with one hand. The man's incredibly strong and capable.
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Lee_Badass_Everett: @Anonymous: ok, I may have been wrong about the spirits trying to kill him or possess him. They didn't seem malevolent or malicious, but they were on fire and causing him pain just by touching him. He was in a state of deranged bloodlust while fighting them sure, but they still could have burned him to death if he didn't cut his way through them. Plus, he's not exactly in the best state mentally. That's the point of that arc. To show that Guts is losing his humanity to his rage and hatred. I mean, you try staying completely sane after experiencing an event as horrific as the eclipse. But saying he actively murdered children is just flat out wrong. At worst he actively cut down the spirits of children, that were on fire and could have burned him to death.
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Lee_Badass_Everett: @Anonymous: I only say he cut them down and not killed them, because I'm not sure if the dragon slayer could kill them at that point. We don't get confirmation of that until they meet Schierke. Which is quite a bit after the lost children arc. So whether he just cut down the spirits or killed them I can't say for sure. I'm leaning more towards him actually killing the spirits. But again, they were on fire and could have burned him to death if he didn't fight them.

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