Anonymous8: I'm not a real fan of uncircumcised cocks, they look kinda gross to me, (because I am circumcised), and I have been with a few guys that have uncircumcised dicks and I didn't really like it. Now if his foreskin was drawn back a LOT more, to where it didn't look like he was uncut, I might make an exception. Don't get me wrong I LOVE Bludwig's artwork, it is beyond AMAZING! And maybe he likes uncut guys, like my other favorite artist; Patrick Fillion! But both of them are INCREDIBLE artists and I really love how well they get all the details down, hell they both could work at DC or Marvel, that's how good their skills are!
Anonymous9: @Anon8: Welcome to the 25th century. Also, Speed Force regeneration. You're going to find that outside of the Bat fam and Team Arrow, many superheroes are just impossible to clip. Either autonomic regeneration or indestructibility makes it impossible. And even the Bats have Lazarus pits, or just their pre-Bat background sparing them. On Team Arrow, there is a dress code for a Navajo sweatlodge.
Funny how hard it is to circumcise guys from a very Jewish medium like comics, but them's the breaks.
Funny how hard it is to circumcise guys from a very Jewish medium like comics, but them's the breaks.