Anonymous4: "Futa is such a waste of talent though." You'd rather see a dude fuck a chick than a chick fuck a chick? Sounds like faggot talk to me. You sure you're not gay, anon?
YotsubaGroup: @lazor3000: Ok closet faggot, I hope this artist makes picture after picture of girls with huge dicks and balls from here on out just to spite you.
YotsubaGroup: For all you retards bitching about futa and demanding him to stop, here is this artists official statement about it.
"Also, consider this a response for those asking me to stop doing futa, specially those who seem to be “demanding” me to do so just because and quoting “I’m not a fan of it so dont do it” like I need to do what they want on my fucking blog, jeez. I’ve started to hit that ignore button next to such messages and that actually reduced much of the spam for months now. So for the last time: I wont stop doing futa, ever."
Anonymous8: If you look at the history of DotaCouch's releases in the exact order, you'll see a he has been slowly and slowly turning into a futa faggot until he just embraced it fully at the end.
Anonymous9(8): If you look at the history of DotaCouch's releases in the exact order, you'll see he has been slowly and slowly turning into a futa faggot until he just embraced it fully at the end.
Anonymous10: why are people who make animated porn such pretentious fucktards?
asking for money for it, pretending it's an "art", pretending they're creative and shit.
it's picture porn. faggot dick-girl picture porn. futa faggots like dota couch need to stop being such nonces.
YotsubaGroup: @Anonymous: Yep, and it's faggot retard like you that cause him to want to do it more and more. I supported him on Patreon today after reading a bunch of retarded fucking comments like yours, I suggested he keep making futa because it pisses you dipshits off.
Anonymous11: @YotsubaGroup: my blog my rules and things, right? i don't care if some scientist says that futa is not gay, 2 dicks rubbing together IS gay.
Anonymous12: These artists can do whatever they want, and the by sharing their work they open themselves up to criticism especially when they ask people to contribute money to them.
This particular guy used to do some good straight stuff, but seems to have put out more and more Futa, which like it or or hate it is definitely a say the least.
I can easily see how him seemingly exclusively doing Futa now would upset some that followed him, especially when he seems to be doing it exclusively.
As Dave Chapelle said, most straight guys have a one dick per guy fantasy, and probably don't want to see dicks on their chicks as opposed to some generic dude they can live vicariously through as he plugs away at whatever the Dota model of the week is.
I think Futa is shit, but that is my opinion. As a pervert I support the rights of other perverts to fap to whatever they are into because when I'm fapping to say Leeterr releasing a storeroom zombie blowjob gangbang or Fugtrup releasing a xcom soldier getting it up the pooper by a sectoid commander I don't want to hear shit.
The problem here I think is that if this guy just put out Futa people wouldn't care, but because he did good straight stuff in the past, it is a disappointment that he has now gone full futa mode apparently. It's like the shock when your favorite metal band goes pop on you or vice versa.
At the least a mix of content would be nice, but it is his time and effort so he can do whatever the hell he wants. And honestly if he wants to spite futa haters and just futa troll he can and will do that too.
Your options are to support his work, or don't and move on to one of the other guys that aren't going to have dicks flapping around all the time in their work.
Anonymous14(13): @Anonymous: he did like 3-4 good animations before he started making some futa works, before that he only made amature drawings and poorly made animations yet you people speak like you were some old fans who were following him from the start. Anyway, he still makes more or the same amount of non-futa animations, you just really like to bitch about anything that doesn't fit your tastes.
Also people who love futa are also turned on by vanilla straight porn but not by vanilla gay porn, you can look up every artists work who also make futa themed works. You could say that they are semi-gay if you are really want to force using that idiom, but this traditional thinking about splitting people between straight and gay sexuality is simply outdated.
Anonymous15: I love coming to paheal and see stupid anons crying about dotacouchs work, how hes a faggot, how he likes dicks and that hes wasting talent with futa. He has said many times that he doesnt care about any of you that hate futa or what he does. Gladly he knows that the silent treatment is the best option to deal with these shitheads and continues to do what he wants. Secretly I wished he added a dick to this animation just to piss you all even more.
Yeah, I'd rather see NATURAL porn than some monstrosity coming straight out of Chernobyl. Your reasoning "Hurrrr you'd rather see a normal male having sex with a normal female than a woman futa => you're gay LE EPIC TROLLED" just shows how mentally challenged you are.
I'm going to follow your logic and answer with an argument that is on the same level : "So you like women with dicks that means you'd rather see more dicks than necessary in a picture you're a faggot"
I don't give a shit about what dotacouch does, all I said was that the guy was talented and that every minute he spends working on futa is a minute he could have spent on something straight / pinup / lesbian. Which is is right but still a shame.
Anonymous18: I think a lot of you forget that although it's nice to see a chick do a chick, you're no chameleon. Your eyes can only focus one area at once at usually it's going to end focusing between the legs. Regardless of two women with dicks or whatever some of us just want to differenciate a man from a woman and replace the USUALLY cropped out dude on a chick (so we can imagine for ourselves) than have to focus on two dicks swinging in the wind. Honestly I don't care for the hideous futa obssession that's risen, but it's seriously effecting my libido. Regardless of knowing my sexuality, desires, reality and fantasy. Some artists need to drop that fan service bullshit and scoop the nuggets from under their dick-brain and just go back or produce more natural work.
Futa is such a waste of talent though.
you should really stop being this strict minded especially on a site like this.
Futa is a fictional term for a fictional female that has a penis (sometimes both vagina and penis).
Confusius also say: If you prefer your 3D models male instead of female with penis, you are homosexual.
"Also, consider this a response for those asking me to stop doing futa, specially those who seem to be “demanding” me to do so just because and quoting “I’m not a fan of it so dont do it” like I need to do what they want on my fucking blog, jeez. I’ve started to hit that ignore button next to such messages and that actually reduced much of the spam for months now. So for the last time: I wont stop doing futa, ever."
asking for money for it, pretending it's an "art", pretending they're creative and shit.
it's picture porn. faggot dick-girl picture porn. futa faggots like dota couch need to stop being such nonces.
This particular guy used to do some good straight stuff, but seems to have put out more and more Futa, which like it or or hate it is definitely a say the least.
I can easily see how him seemingly exclusively doing Futa now would upset some that followed him, especially when he seems to be doing it exclusively.
As Dave Chapelle said, most straight guys have a one dick per guy fantasy, and probably don't want to see dicks on their chicks as opposed to some generic dude they can live vicariously through as he plugs away at whatever the Dota model of the week is.
I think Futa is shit, but that is my opinion. As a pervert I support the rights of other perverts to fap to whatever they are into because when I'm fapping to say Leeterr releasing a storeroom zombie blowjob gangbang or Fugtrup releasing a xcom soldier getting it up the pooper by a sectoid commander I don't want to hear shit.
The problem here I think is that if this guy just put out Futa people wouldn't care, but because he did good straight stuff in the past, it is a disappointment that he has now gone full futa mode apparently. It's like the shock when your favorite metal band goes pop on you or vice versa.
At the least a mix of content would be nice, but it is his time and effort so he can do whatever the hell he wants. And honestly if he wants to spite futa haters and just futa troll he can and will do that too.
Your options are to support his work, or don't and move on to one of the other guys that aren't going to have dicks flapping around all the time in their work.
Any visually creative thing is considered art, it doesn't matter how dirty or niche you think it is.
He asks for money from people who like what he's doing and want to support him in doing more and not from homophobic russian subhumans like you.
Also people who love futa are also turned on by vanilla straight porn but not by vanilla gay porn, you can look up every artists work who also make futa themed works. You could say that they are semi-gay if you are really want to force using that idiom, but this traditional thinking about splitting people between straight and gay sexuality is simply outdated.
Yeah, I'd rather see NATURAL porn than some monstrosity coming straight out of Chernobyl. Your reasoning "Hurrrr you'd rather see a normal male having sex with a normal female than a woman futa => you're gay LE EPIC TROLLED" just shows how mentally challenged you are.
I'm going to follow your logic and answer with an argument that is on the same level : "So you like women with dicks that means you'd rather see more dicks than necessary in a picture you're a faggot"
I don't give a shit about what dotacouch does, all I said was that the guy was talented and that every minute he spends working on futa is a minute he could have spent on something straight / pinup / lesbian. Which is is right but still a shame.
GG nerd faggots