Anonymous1: @Ble8: That's because it got wiped off the face of the earth. There was a tumblr with nothing but really hot Emi porn but it disappeared and no one got to save the images.
IGotAHangova: Well I heard according to some people, drawing pornographic images of either Dalton or Emi is apparently "Rude", but come on! It's fuckin' rule 34, if it exists there is porn of it...
Anonymous2: its just a respect thing. Sure draw what you want, but no need to lather it in their faces. rule 34 or not, if someone doesn't like it. you cant force them to be ok with it. Just saying.
Anonymous4: You know what? jaltoid should've foreseen that someday one dude with a talented hand would draw porn of of their cartoonish selves, and since this is the internet we're talking about there would actually be no boundaries to what anyone could draw.
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" exceptions".