Weaselcake: @Anonymous: I never had a tumblr cause i didn't make alot of content. But since im starting to use sfm more and more ill consider making one
Dick_Chappy: @Weaselcake: Just beware the hate. It may be a bit more apparent here, but it is much more concentrated, and far les able to be culled there than it is here.
Doc345: Surprisingly good for your 2nd animation. Sure the movement is jittery and needs to be smoothed but the overall composition is good and a clever use of NPC animations to add life to the background.
Defalt: I never understood how people can be so fucking uptight about porn making in a fucking program. Does any of them realize how that sounds? "I'm going to bash on you for your shitty ass fuck animation."
Especially even if most of those people also make porn in SFM? It's like a circle jerk except everyone is calling each other faggots for doing the same closet shit everyone is doing.
Anonymous3: Keep at it you definitely have talent. Some of the big names beginning stuff wasn't at this level, so keep it up. Also please don't have a mental breakdown give all your females slimy dicks or something.
Svenphantom: @Defalt:
He needs attention so hes attempting to be edgy, its basically like the 1st grader who eats glue in order to get people to notice him.
Anonymous5: This is really impressive. I second what the above people say. You look at some of these animators and their early stuff, and you see they went a far way. This feels as though it's already halfway there.
Fapbaplap: Comp is good, but you gotta learn how to smoothen out your animations, which luckily is the easiest part of sfm. Also, you can import animations for the creeps directly from the default sequences.
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Especially even if most of those people also make porn in SFM? It's like a circle jerk except everyone is calling each other faggots for doing the same closet shit everyone is doing.
He needs attention so hes attempting to be edgy, its basically like the 1st grader who eats glue in order to get people to notice him.
He needs attention so he just attempts to be edgy, but all hes doing is showing how much of a massive faggot he is.
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