Kweh: Not rly. the christian plague has many denominations (Such as the Protestants or Quakers) not just Cathlocism. Your evidence though kills all else so... meh.
Anonymous5(1): Okay, I never would have figured Mello to be gay. Yes, he has that gay hair cut, but other than that, he's like... Completely badass. Especially after the scaring. He went from little girl, to badass asshole.
Anonymous9: Matt and Near are the same age and Mello is one year older. But Near does look like a shota even at 19. That's one of many things that makes him awesome.
Anonymous10: Anon 5: Mello's a massive badass, yes, but how could you not question the sexuality of a pretty little blonde boy who wears skintight leather pants and jackets with feathers on them?
Anonymous14: Their faces make it look less like they're having sex and more like the showers are broken and they've resorted to just licking eachother clean. And nobody's happy about that.
- Reply
Near's supposed to be 18 or so by the end of the anime/manga. I swear, officer!
And hot.
Also, anons 1 & 2 and Kweh should go fuck themselves.
Anon10 sounds like a thirteen year old trying to be badass.