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TagsBarbara_Gordon, Batgirl, Batman_(series), DC, PumpkinSinclair, featured_image
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Decanter: So... anyone know the source for this?
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traffik: @Decanter: Sourced.
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Noka: Haha oh wow, this is a beautiful feature.
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Decanter: @traffik: I knew that post that wouldn't load for me would be the one. Thanks regardless - now I can feature this.

Full disclosure: I never looked into this controversy enough to have an opinion. I'm sure someone will be kind enough to post their own opinion, though.
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Zaxares: Controversy? I'm gonna need some more details on what's going on.
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Val-Venis: Long story short: Feminist outcry over comic book cover, artist buckles asks DC to pull the cover art, DC buckles and we're all out of luck
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Rapetacular: @Val-Venis:
That cover art is awesome! >:O
Feminists needs to chill the fuck out and realize that Joker is no laughing matter. *ba-dum-tssh*
Although i have to admit, Joker shagging someone is a hard sight to imagine...
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xLawless: @traffik: Wow me and my friend where just talking about how stupid this controversy was. I didn't know the artist buckled that's a damn shame. The cover was some of the tamest crap I've ever seen in comics not even worth getting up in arms about.

For anyone who is interested just google Detective Comics 826 cover art. With Robin and Joker, it's almost the same thing. As if her being bound up and made to look helpless in the face of the Joker takes away from Barbara Gordon's image in the slightest.

DC should have stuck to their guns, so now what none of the heroines can be featured on comicbook covers unless it's in some dominate alpha male standing ass position. Get the fuck out of her with this bullshit. These "Feminist"; which they really aren't in my opinion, in this day and age are so out of touch with whats important it's not even funny.
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TerraLovesLuka: Long story short:
Comics are dead, SJWS have taken over, they are a shit.
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Anonymous1: Who gives a fuck about variant covers?
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Franky_Whiskey: @xLawless: They're not feminists. They're ultra-PC fascist scum.

Imagine the nazis, but their userbase multiplied by 10 and fighting for boys with vaginas and sexually abused ferrets, along other inane flavor-of-the-week shitcause. And unlike the nazis, lacking a good wardrobe and good genes.

Also related, this guy is their hero:
user image
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Anonymous2: The stuff you people get upset over.

Americans are too funny.
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Terre_Crimson: @xLawless: Googled DC 826, that's a damn good cover. Googled, "controversial batgirl cover", fucking what?! I swear to fucking god people will bitch about the stupidest fucking things. I swear things like this make me want to go full Norman Bates on like half the world's population.
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RogerTheRabbit: @TerraLovesLuka: Where have you been? Comics have been taken over by SJW years before the recent invention of Tumblrtards and Twitterwhores, and most comic 'writers' now hate and despise their comic book fans. Marvel and DC, like most other billion dollar corporations, are stale shit.
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RogerTheRabbit: Here is Marvel's new female Thor commenting on that GamerGate stuff:
user image
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Anonymous3: Actually, it was because people threatened the critics of the cover, among other things.
so yeah. how about those strawmen?
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Like foreigners dont have worse problems. Im glad our only problems are fat people and whiny women. Beats whatever shithole you live in i assure you.
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Homestruck: kek'd hard
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: >taking sjws' claims of threats seriously >ever
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Farfegnugen: Not to take the side of GGs, SJWs, or WTFs, but that was a knee jerk. Where were these people in the 90's when big breast women that would bend their back out of shape just to show their tits and ass at the same time.

Not that I complained about it then and now..
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Anonymous7(3): @Anonymous: >acting like you don't see these threats on any article pertaining to anything involving women/media

but seriously, Pumpkin Sinclair does such nice work~
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Starbourne: Just remember, folks. When a women is in "trouble", it is sexist, misogynist, demoralizing towards women, supports the "White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy", AND it also supports "rape culture".

But this....

user image

This is completely fine on every level! I mean, just look at it, it is a man so it is fine!
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Snimon: @RogerTheRabbit: So le quirky, give me 10.
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jeezits: ITT: ABLOO BLOO BLOO SJW ruined mah comics!! ;_;
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posted4you: Yay...... o_o

Such a great day for equality between men and women........
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Anonymous8: The amount of butthurt from autistic nerds completely lacking in selfawareness when normal human beings in marketing look at a thing and maybe consider something might be in bad taste and could be changed to something else, like happens pretty often, is hilarious. Not everything is a crusade out to get you, folks.
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MilkmanBlues: @posted4you: Who gives a damn, really? I'm pissed off at the artist for agreeing with these stupid American bitches and pulling the cover. I swear, Americans complain about the STUPIDEST things...
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Candycock: why was the cover so offensive supposedly? All I can read from these comments is that some people got offended over the cover and whined about it then people got offended that other people where offended and started whining about that...well you get the idea...alot of whining.

So can someone explain this in a plain not favoriting any sides way?
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BPQ00X: Oh boy a feature about internet controversy...
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Anonymous9: @Candycock: Sure thing! You see, the cover featured Batgirl captured by the Joker. She was crying, while he drew a Joker face on her and holding a revolver with his other hand.

The first group found that offensive, because Batgirl is a heroine. Here she's helpless, and thus not very alpha. Some people also thought it encouraged violence against women. This group tends to want to reform comics, video games, and other media to make it more PC.

The second group thought that the cover was nothing out of the ordinary for comics, and responded against the outcry. When DC agreed with group #1, many saw it as a part of a concerted effort to alter the media. This group largely wants to maintain the status quo.

I recommend looking up the cover and deciding for yourself.
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Anonymous10: I'm not so much bothered that they decided not to use the cover as I am by the death threats the artist and the company received. That's more disgusting than any cover of a comic could be.
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MilkmanBlues: @Anonymous: There weren't any death threats... towards the artist, anyway. It was towards the bitches that got "upset" over the cover.
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Anonymous11: Anon 10, you're also ignoring a lot of the context of that image. It was very explicitly a reference to The Killing Joke, which basically killed off Barbara's stint as Batgirl so that Batman and her dad could have some more story time. She may or may not have also been raped, depending on the time of day and Alan Moore's mood.

The cover had no connection to the tone of the new Batgirl stuff nor anything in particular in that issue itself, and it's a callback to a story that, when it came to handling Batgirl, was at best inept.

Context matters.

As to #11, Albuquerque himself said he was not threatened. So I don't know where you're getting that from?

welp bak to strokin ma dik
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Anonymous12(9): @Anon12: Yes, I tried to keep it simple and as neutral as possible. Your explanation is hardly neutral, but point taken.

@Candycock: Additionally, it is as Anon12 says, some context to the cover itself. It's a reference to a comic called The Killing Joke, where Joker cripples Batgirl. So add this to my previous explanation:

Group #1 largely hates the original story and the reference. They find its treatment of the character disrespectful and inept. They don't want any reminders of it.

Group #2 tend to consider the original story a classic. Perhaps not on par with Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, but until recently better known than the Arkham Asylum comic. Likely one of the inspirations for the latest incarnation of the Joker character.
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TerraLovesLuka: @Anonymous: Love to see the actual threats, then cause jack was produced, I didn't see any threats, I did see uptight tumblrinas going "THIS MEDIUM I DON'T EVEN LIKE HAS A COVER THAT DEPICTS A GIRL CHARACTER IN TROUBLE SOMEONE STOP THIS"

Also, not taking a blockbot using faggot as a source. Fuck that guy.
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Candycock: @Anonymous @Anonymous: Thanks, I haven't read any of the batman comics so the history and context that might influence other people is lost on me.
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous12(9) I'd say that people in group #1 still think Killing Joke is good, but that its treatment of Barbara Gordon was dumb and part of a real bad trend in comics of fucking over women for the sake of men's stories. The Killing Joke had fucking amazing color choices (and god damn it was stupid that they dropped those when they "remastered" it), had some really great visual metaphors (the light beam shutting off), and really got to the heart of what made the Joker an interesting character.

But rather than have Batman or James Gordon be the victim in their story, or let Batgirl take the lead on this one, Batgirl had to be the victim so that Batman and James could have a story about their relationship with the Joker. Moore ended up not being super happy with crippling Barbara himself.

It was also about a fucking year until she even got to come back as Oracle too.
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Decanter: Mostly I find that when "death threats" are trotted out it's either an attempt to smear the opposition by association or it's third-party trolls looking to stir shit.
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Goodwin: Oh, wow, first and probably last feature posted by me)
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RogerTheRabbit: I don't give a shit, but I can tell you its never a just cause to want to delete art, especially if its OTHER peoples art. Don't like it, fuck off.
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bomg: I just saw that "controversial" cover... Were those people bitching and moaning over that?! I'm so pissed off, how can people be so fucking pussies?! Compared to other shit that was harmless. Fuck this shit.
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greeblie: In This Thread: Rage of the Inadequate.

I meanreally, this is comic books we're talking about here. Average reader is over 30. Their physical prime is LONG past... even if they weren't fat-ass neckbeards, 90% of the people upset by this aren't ever going to get their cheeto-stained hands on a willing femail anyway.
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Anonymous14: Didn't the same people who complain about the cover also complain when DC tried to retcon out Oracle getting wheelchaired? So they want Killing Joke in, but out at the same time. Or they just want to be outraged at something, no matter what it is.
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Fur_Reaper: @Val-Venis: And now it has resulted in a meme. Good job feminists and DC.
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hentai_guy: How ironic. The SJWs just made it the most popular Batgirl cover ever by doing this.
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Anonymous15: Why so serious?
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RebelKomodo: The thing is that the new Batgirl series is supposed to be targeting a newer, younger audience. Including girls. The pulled alternate cover really isn't really something you want kids to see, as it sends the ever present societal message that girls are weak, including superheroines, and it definitely has rape overtones due to being a reference to the Killing Joke. The Killing Joke (a decidedly ADULT story) isn't some sacred piece of literature that needs to be respected by everyone.

People have opinions. Some people expressed displeasure at the cover, and the artist decided to request it be pulled. I really don't see the issue, outside of the allegations that people threatened those who disliked the cover.

Yeah, you can point out that Joker face ripped off cover or the Robin getting beaten cover but afaik those runs/stories were not targeted at young people, but older comic readers. Besides, there is no cultural undercurrent that men are weak, so it's really more the content than the message that's the issue there.

To be drastic to prove a point- You wouldn't peddle porn or The Serbian Film in a Toys R Us (yes they sell comics there, or at least my local one does) or a comic shop window, would you?

Personally I believe comic covers should reflect the contents, and as the story really isn't about Babs being beaten up I can't see the reason for outcry that it's being pulled. The art as a tribute to the Killing Joke still exists for those who want to see it.

The "SJWs takin' away muh comics/vidya/animus" is a frickin' bogeyman. It's stupid and y'all really need to stop.

@Anon14: Different groups probably. One is looking out for girls who want to see girls like them kicking butt, the other is looking out for representation of disabled superheroes.
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RebelKomodo: Also laughing at the idea that comic companies "hate their fans".

No they just hate their racist, misogynistic, sometimes pedophilic "fans", they're quite fond of their fans who aren't freaks. They wouldn't show up at comic conventions otherwise.
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Decanter: @RebelKomodo: You realize they get paid for showing up to comic conventions, right?
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RebelKomodo: Your point being? I doubt that they'd bother showing up if they weren't into meeting people who like their work. As someone who frequently attends anime cons I know the process for bringing in guests.

For example: Vic Mangina. That fucker eats up the spotlight. Shows up to any con that pays him eagerly and will gladly fuck up the con's plans "for the fans". Quite often other guests will stay at panels late if there isn't one right after or will ask for more time to so as not to disappoint their fans stay at autograph sessions longer, when the con could quite easily and frequently will take the fall for them due to the scheduled times being somewhat "concrete".

I also believe Lauren Faust, who really isn't fond of the Brony phenomenon (not that she dislikes that adults like the show, but rather the environment that springs up around bronies, and how it seems exclusionary to the target audience: children, specifically girls), hasn't shown up to a MLP convention in years, even though I'm sure each and every one is gunning to bring her with ALL of their cash.
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Anonymous16: Hating The Killing Joke because muh soggy knees.
You SocJus cunts have the worst tatse. It's no surprise you want to smash, destroy and control what people play and read.
DC bend over a group of screeching harpies that bever in their lives bought comics. And everyone who disagrees qith the Colective Conciousness is labelled a "shitlord cishet cis scum mysoginist spawn of Satan neckbeard".
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Tumor: Okay, then "Waaaaaaaah! Social stigma unrelated to the character's intentions, purpose or place in the comic came sweeping over me when seeing this cover!" is a more practical excuse for comparing it to rape? A female at a disposition or genuinely fearful of a man who is an actual threat is instantly a rape parallel? These things don't sound totally fucking unreasonable?

I find the complaints laid against this cover (and "The Killing Joke", by extension) completely fucking moronic. I don't even think the cover is particularly GOOD, but it is tastefully referencing a traditionally GOOD story, that did have a rather powerful impact on a lot of the forward progression of the characters. Hell, even if you think "The Killing Joke" is BAD you can't deny its importance to "Batman" as a whole. Deciding to not use the cover is neither here nor there, I'd just like to see and argument against it that sounds reasonable and not just some FUCKING REACHING sensationalism that believes victimizing a character is somehow more severe when it's a woman. God fucking forbid. If people were offended by the actual art here, then they were looking for a reason to be offended...

...or they're just too stupid to understand when your being over-sensitive is bothering other people and you press on it without and sensible reason, you're just being a bully.
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Gaviao: omg why does the worst stuff always gets featured? did someone paid for this to get here or the admins have a fuse less on their heads?
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JWN926: This is far from the worst stuff on this site. There are literally stick figure images on here.
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ilr: @Gaviao: da fuq are you going on about? This is FOREPLAY
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Franky_Whiskey: Chanty Binx clones? In my Paheal?

It's more likely than you think!
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PinkBallons: @RebelKomodo: Lauren Faust hasn't been to a convention in years simply because she hasn't been involved in the making of Friendship is Magic since season 2.
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IAmRatchet: @Anonymous: You seem to be forgetting everything that happened afterwards. DC revived the Batgirl series with a kickass new protagonist in Cassandra Cain that lasted for a while, as well as the Birds of Prey comic series that featured Oracle pretty prominently as a major character alongside the likes of Black Canary, Huntress, Hawkgirl and several other male AND female superheroes. Sure, they fucked over Barbara Gordon, but it's not like Batgirl just ended right then and there.

But no, please go on and tell me how sexist DC is for deciding to do anything bad to a female character.
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tyciol: Do all the people butthurt about Killing Joke hate Oracle or something? I'm glad it happened so she could go through Oracle. Retconning her paralysis through universe-reset is fucking dumb, if you want to heal her, chuck her in a Lazarus Pit and have her deal with the insanity and grow from it.

Nothing about TKJ weakened Babs, getting shot in the spine does tend to take the fight out of you. It's not like she got her ass kicked when she was suited up and prepped.
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Anonymous17: I swear, it pisses me off to no end the Femi-Nazis were butthurt over a variant cover that was a CLEAR reference to the Killing Joke? But what do they say, boys and girls?

"He's about to rape her! Check your privilege, check your privilege! Rape Trigger - WOman the cannons!" It's certain they never read a comic in their entire, pathetic lives - and they have the NERVE to make an amazing variant cover get pulled.

All of those self-righteous and clearly FUCKED IN THE HEAD TWATS can jump off a cliff for all I care! Those who are true feminists though - the ones who are simply about equality and aren't warped by the She-Hitlers that sadly exist, I'm totally fine with though and did not aim my anger towards them. Just the Femi-Nazis.
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MilkmanBlues: @Gaviao: Some to all of the stuff on this site is a piece of shit, anyway. Calm down.
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Anonymous18: Goodbye FAIL,better sites out there that dont fuck with my phone. Rule34xxx,that sad panda site,xbooru,tbib. Youve become too bloated with ads and redirects. Please die out with dignity..the way btjunkie did.
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meow-meow: if anyone else had a problem like i did, that the main section of the page disappeared, meaning everything between the top and bottom ads, add this to the page as javascript:

document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace( /<!--ja31114--p103-->/g, "");

this will replace the "<!--ja31114--p103-->" so the section wont be considered a comment in the html.
and admins/moderators/whoever, it wouldnt be my job to inform people how to fix things on this site. even if you think noone has these problems. so at least dont whine if one of the comments on a feature is supposed to be helpful..

^^^ you probably didnt read this but it was NOT about the layout.
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meow-meow: sorry, after the /<!--ja31114--p103-->
there is supposed to be a '/' and then 'g, "");'
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Anonymous19: All i can say is that it wasnt even going to be the main cover but a variant. Also "targeted toward kids?" The ratio of adults to kids that go into comic stores or actually buy anything is ridiculous. Now that I think about it I never walk into the comic shop to see a femi-nazi actually reading/buying/complaining about any comic ever
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Anonymous20: @meow-meow: You deserve a fucking medal. I was wondering why R34 went dark suddenly, and deleting that entry via proxomitron fixed things.
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akirabruhh: nice <3
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RogerTheRabbit: @meow-meow: You know, if you actually wanted to help out with bad or broken code, instead of whining on every feature, you could contribute by just pm the admins and include your fixes and what you think would improve the site.
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Anonymous21: The internet delivers!
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Terre_Crimson: As a non-reader of comics (I watch the cartoons and animated/live movies), I didn't even realize that the "controversial" cover was a reference to the Killing Joke until I read this thread. Now I'm even more mad it got pulled.
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Farfegnugen: @RogerTheRabbit: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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meow-meow: @RogerTheRabbit:

emailed but they didnt reply.
and it might not be a problem with the code itself, but people's browser, or some person-specific things.
and glad i could help Anonymous20, :3
im just afraid people will think i samefagged
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Farfegnugen: @Terre_Crimson: Give the book a read, it's pretty damn great.
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Farfegnugen: @meow-meow: Your talking about me, aren't ya. Try PMing Decanter, wiiaboo, or Shish. They are all located under Help/Staff. Or just e-mail them again.

Oh, nine features.
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Anonymous22: So many tears, so little time. And the faucets run down the faces of both sides of the audience.
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soheifox: @Anonymous: I maintain Moore's problem with "The Killing Joke" is that he wanted Batgirl utterly debased and destroyed; but better writers than him took that event as a stepping stone to make her Oracle. Oracle became of great importance to the entire DC universe, not just Batman, and achieved far more than she ever would have as Batgirl.

Moore's mouth may spew one thing, but his actions clearly portray another. There is nothing that gets him frothing at the mouth angrier than anyone who DARES to see women as anything other than two dimensional objects used to motivate the only real people in existence: men.

Mind you I'm not trying to change comics, but people elevate him as some sort of god when all Moore ever did was try to pervert and tear characters down. It's not "deconstruction", it's mindless contrarianism.
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Farfegnugen: @soheifox: Let me tell you about Frank Miller.
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Decanter: @meow-meow: Oh, that was your email? Look, we're in the middle of dealing with all the server stuff right now. When we get an email saying someone has this bizarre problem that renders the site completely unusable, and NO ONE ELSE is having the problem, that gets pushed down the priority list until someone has time to deal with it.

The HTML bit you're talking about has been there for months, so I don't think it's really the issue. Nonetheless, I've messed with it, so go see if you're still having the problem.

And anyway, I sent you a PM after the fifth or sixth feature you kvetched on, and you told me you had everything figured out at that point and didn't need any help.
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meow-meow: @Decanter:
i think it got worse. could you turn it back?
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Decanter: @meow-meow: "it got worse"

You call that useful feedback? How is it worse? What's actually happening now?
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EveryoneHereIsPerverted: @Starbourne: that picture is fucking disgusting and that cat looks miserable
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GullyNully: According to Starbourne, when someone's face gets ripped off, that's fine. When Joker gets a little too close to Batgirl, everyone flips the fuck out like he is about to stick his dick inside her ass without consent. Wow. Fuck humanity, I'm done.
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Ayvuir: Eh, there's a lot of nuance in why folks found the cover controversial. As has been talked to at length elsewhere it wouldn't take much at all to change the cover slightly and improve it. You could have everything the exact same way and simply change Batgirl's expression from complete panic with crying to anger or something and you'd come out with a perfectly awesome riff on The Killing joke.
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Farfegnugen: It guess it would be fine if Batgirl paralyzes the Joker instead.
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hentai_guy: Can we please forward this image to all the SJWs so they can see that they were wrong? Batgirl is giving a thumbs up here because it was CLEARLY consensual. She's obviously just really kinky. And she's fictitious.
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Anonymous23: Femnazi double standards:

1) a) A father sexually/physically assults his daughter at a young age. She grows up to fear men and strives to stay away from them. ACCEPTABLE

b) A mother sexually/Physically assults her son at young age. He grows up to fear men and strives to stay away from them. LABLED AS PROFILING WOMEN AS EVIL AND UNACCEPTABLE.

2) A) A group of girls sees a male walking through a mall. They think he is attractive, and make comments about his butt, abbs, or crotch and giggle loudly. ACCEPTABLE

B) A group of boys see a female walking through a mall. They think she is attractive, and make comments about her butt, abs, or breasts while laughing. LABLED AS PIGS WHO ARE ACTING INAPPROPRIATE, TREATING THE GIRL LIKE AN OVJECT

3) A) A married woman does not have a job because she feels that it is the mans place to support his family and survives on his paycheck. ACCEPTABLE

B) A married man does not have a job because he feels that it is the womans place to support her family and survives on her paycheck. LABLED AS AN ABUSIVE HUSBAND WHO TAKES ADVANTAGE OF HIS WIFE

4) a) A war in america is started, and the military decides to instate a draft. A woman who does not want to fight states her ideas, even though she does not have to worry about it. ACCEPTABLE AND SUPPORTED

b) A war in america is started, and the military decides to instate a draft. A man who does not want to fight states his ideas. VIEWED AS A DISERTER AND A TRAITOR WHO WANTS NOTHING MORE THAN TO AVOID HIS RESPONSABLITIES.

5) A) A very feminist mother takes her young daughter and her friends out for a party. Durring the celebrations, a man happens to sit at a table next to them in a restraunt. The mother tells the girls to hurry up eating and leaves in haste because she thinks the man would be a bad influence. ACCEPTABLE, LABLED A BIT OVERPROTECTIVE

b)A father takes his young son and his friends out for a party. Durring the celebrations, a woman happens to sit next to them in a restraunt. The father tells the children to hurry eating and leaves in haste because he thinks the woman will be a bad influence. VIEWED AS BEING EVIL AND TEACHING YOUNG CHILDREN INCORRECT VIEWS.

6) A) A woman has been treated poorly by men often but not constantly. She can be quoted saying "Damn all men." ACCEPTABLE, PEOPLE ASK QUESTIONS LIKE, "Poor woman, what happened to her?"

B) A man has been treated poorly by women often but not constantly. He can be quoted saying "Damn all women." UNACCEPTABLE, PEOPLE ASK QUESTIONS LIKE "What did that pig do to his wife that made her react a way he did not like?"

7) A) A young group of girls have a get together at someones house, and one boy is invited. The girls spend the whole time by themselves, and do not talk to the boy because they think boys are all stupid and should not be talked to. VIEWED AS NORMAL AND ACCEPTABLE, PARENTS PROBOBLY WILL NOT ADDRESS THE INCIDENT.

B) A group of boys have a get together at someones house, and one girl is invited. The boys spend the whole time by themselves, and do not talk to the girl because they think all girls are stupid and should not be talked to. VIEWED AS NORMAL BUT UNNACCEPTABLE. THE PARENTS WILL TELL THEM IT IS NOT RIGHT TO TREAT SOMEONE LIKE THAT BECAUSE OF GENDER.

8) A) A group of girls wants to participate in an activity that a group of boys are doing, and the boys say no because girls are idiots. UNACCEPTABLE, IF ADULTS ARE AROUND THEY WILL INSTRUCT THE BOYS TO LET THE GIRLS PARTICIPATE.

B) Later, the same group of boys want to participate in an activity the same group of girls are doing. The girls say no, because boys are disgusting and moronic. ACCEPTABLE, ANY ADULTS WILL TELL THE BOYS TO LEAVE THE GIRLS ALONE, REGAURDLESS IF THEY WERE INSTRUCTED TO LET THE GIRLS JOIN EARLIER.

Fuck feminism and the pussywhipped betafags that support it.
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Anonymous24: It's cute how no one in this thread actually knows what the fuck happened. The folks working on the book hadn't even approved the cover, and have said over and over again that they wouldn't have. It wasn't going to happen either way.
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Anonymous25: @Anonymous: This is the perfect mixture of accuracy AND comedy. Bravo!

Subject matter aside, this is a well done image too
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Anonymous26: All DC covers are shit anyway. Pull them all.
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ilr: @Decanter: lol, this is better than the Nerdrage ... is he using netscape??
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meow-meow: @Decanter:
well, now the image list disappeared again, and everything above the part of my comment that says "this will replace the "<!--ja31114--p103-->"" is gone here too.
on the 'bart get out im piss' picture, everything above "Anonymous153: Барт, пошел вон! Я мочиццо! "
is gone
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Thumper: it's sad when you realize that the best that corporations can do for PR nowadays is creating a meme, or 'going viral' with their shit. they don't have to do anything good, or skilled, just something that provokes. that's attention enough for them now.
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Thumper: @meow-meow: *sigh* hopefully someday you'll be asking "wanna know how I got these scars?"...
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magnetsaremagic: I read the feature comments for the hot political takes. Thank you all for indulging.
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Anonymous27(25): This image is awesome in the sense it gives the middle finger(and thumb) to society.

As for the controversy, I agree that things like what happened in The Killing Joke should be left out of mainstream media. That's why we have sites like this :P
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TheBigMansini: THEN
Go west young man.

Go internets young man.
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Sodomius: Blood on Batgirl's face? Psh, it'd be better with Nutella.
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Anonymous28: Unpopular Opinion: I can actually see a bit of the point from the other side. And this SOLELY comes from looking at this feature, finding the comments y'all have made, and then a 3-second google search for the cover being mocked by this.
@Starbourne: @xLawless:

Know what the biggest difference between those 2 covers you guys referenced and the one that's causing a stir? Batman and Robin, in their situations, don't look weak.

Robin is growling and fighting against his bonds despite the gun literally in his face and trained on him.
Batman looks like he's about to go fucking Super-Saiyan Batman, yelling in fury and muscles bulging against the ropes.
Batgirl is standing still, making what appears to be no move to fight back, crying pathetically like "oh god please don't kill me!" is running on a loop through her head.

Look at Joker. In all 3 cases he's smiling maniacally (as he does) but the other details set him apart too.
With Robin, he's driving a car, in what looks to be some kind of car-chase while trying to keep the side-kick behind him from breaking free.
Batman, he's standing behind the chair that Batman is strapped to and the way he's 'delicately' placing his own face over Batman's (Yeah das completely fucked up) it looks like he's ready to drop the flesh-mask in an instant.

Both those cases, The Joker is still concerned with protecting himself from Batman and Robin, cause they are still a threat and fighting back.

The Batgirl cover? From pose and everything, they are standing next to each other, meaning she's not tied to a chair, lying down and, hell, it doesn't even look like she's even tied up! She is a HELL of a lot more capable of fighting back then Batman or Robin are in their covers, which means she should be considered more of a threat. Instead, Joker looks like he's taking a selfie. He's relaxed, with one arm over her shoulder and he's not even pointing the gun AT any part of hers.

This is from a guy who dropped out of reading comics a long fucking time ago because nothing new ever fucking happens, and I'm just calling it like I see it at first blush. Batgirl looks weak and like she's given up, even though she's supposed to be a superhero of at least equal stature to Robin, and the controversial cover is just continuing to use a stereotype of 'women being weak' even when all logic dictates that Batgirl could curbstomp every mother-fucker on this site just as easily as Batman would.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. Anybody willing to sink some time/effort into a term-paper worthy research project?

Comic book covers where heroe's and Heroines are in the clutches/grips of a villain. We leave out the cover's where the hero looks unconscious/asleep/already dead, and sort by "Covers where it looks like the Hero is still fighting back" Versus "the hero looks like he/she is surrendering/crying/looks pathetic", which should give us 4 piles of comic covers: Resistant Men/Pathetic Men VS Resistant Women/Pathetic Women.

And hey, just for shits and giggles, let's split those 4 piles into 8, based on the gender of the Villain that's threatening the Hero on the Cover.

I'm honestly curious what the results might be, because who knows? It might just might prove the SJW crowd wrong and there isn't a bias! Guess we'll never know unless someone has guts to actually look for it.
- Reply
Anonymous29: It's a good piece but now its time is over,,,

Rule 34-aholics, i give you the better version!!!

Featur this bastard RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!!!

For great justice and MAX SJW BUTHURT!!!
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SpunkMaster69: Let's see the SJWs save you from this one, Barb.
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IAmRatchet: @Anonymous28

idk how the fuck to upload images to this site but here's a few examples of Batman looking scared on his front covers over the years.
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Vicarious_Reality: Holy wall of fucking text, batman
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Booradood: lol, people are actually acting like they're morally superior to others... while arguing on rule34...
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Anonymous30: @MilkmanBlues: Lol. I know!
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Anonymous31: The cover was pulled because of it referencing "The Killing Joke" when the new comic's desired demographic are young teenagers, though 10-14 really, and it was felt that referencing a story in which it is heavily implied that Batgirl was sexually assaulted, in addition to other physical and mental tortures (aside from her becoming crippled), would be sort of out of line for a comic meant for a very young audience (rather than an older, 18+ audience as many of the darker DC comics stories are meant for).

The outrage was completely manufactured, and I am ashamed you all fell for it.
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Farfegnugen: @Booradood: Just another feature here.
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meow-meow: @Decanter:
so can you turn it back to how it was before?
you could have fixed it just the way i did, by removing the "<!--ja31114--p103-->" part.
now it looks like "<!-- ja31114--p103 -->" though
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JWN926: @meow-meow: ...That's an HTML comment tag and has no effect on page rendering.
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Decanter: @JWN926: Exactly.
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Farfegnugen: Since the new server is up, does that mean Rule 34c is fixed?
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Anonymous32: Wow, so many whiny guys out here...
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Anonymous33(32): @Anonymous: Yeah, but what did you expect from whiny MRA's?
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Anonymous34: @Anonymous: >everyone who disagrees with me is an MRA

and you wonder why most the world can't take you retards seriously? That's not to mention the whole retarded hypocrisy regarding the insult in the first place that I could frankly write a fucking essay about:

Feminist? Progressive! Liberal! Empathetic! Literally saving m'ladies! Everyone swoons over how caring you are.
MRA? Misogynist! Neckbeard! Virgin (>tfw virgin-shaming)! Loser! Literally hate all women, conservative backwards fuck.

What the fuck? Oh well, back to infantalizing women and treating them like mentally handicapped babbies who will implode in on themselves if they see a picture they don't like. I've been told that's empowering as fuck and makes people think that you actually respect them.
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nambona890: @Franky_Whiskey: Oh hi, Impotent Rage
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Anonymous35: @Starbourne:

Because Batman clearly fighting back is the same thing as Batgirl pissing herself in fear...

Plus there was that long as shit story arch where she basically got over her trauma and has even faced the Joker twice since then and once almost killed him...

But you know we should totally pander to Batman fans that have probably only ever read The Killing Joke instead of the people that read Batgirl.
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Anonymous36: Fighting back? He's helpless you moron.
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Sukima: Some anon mentioned infantilizing women, sounds good sign me up.

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