Anonymous18: @Anonymous: Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah. Gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all, yeah! Gotta catch 'em all, Porkyman!
Anonymous20: i thought featured pictures are supposed to be laughable, unfappable, and outright ridiculous. so whats with this crap? dont tell me its about the Porkyman anniversary? and what about these stupid list of Anonymous with their stupid list of weak ass Porkymans. I could wipe them all with just a fucking Lapras. A. FUCKING. LAPRAS! FUCK IT! WE NEED MOAR TRUMP PICTURES!!!
KeybladeMaster22: @Ad0lf_Hitler:
Pokémon Up and Down
Pokémon Left and Right
Porkyman On and Off
Pokémon Cat and Dog
Pokémon Red and Blue The Re Remake
Pokémon Universe and Multiverse
Pokémon Comet & Asteroid
Pokémon GayGold & SilverStraight
Pokémon Amethyst & Pokémon Garnet
Pokémon Rich and Pokémon Poor
Pokémon Supernova & Pokémon Big Bang
Pokémon Infinity & Pokémon Beyond
Farfegnugen: You know, that's great thing about feature images, there's always salt to be found. "Why would feature this? It's gross!" "Why is this a sane image? Should it edgy and gross?"
Richardthedragon: @GeneralJohnson: Looking at a handjob is gay? So, watching porn with even the hint of a man makes you a homosexual, even when it's your mom getting gangbanged?
Decanter: @deathstriker: Yes, who could forget such classics. I personally will always love Big Grimer and Slightly Larger Voltorb; they are the two best.
Decanter: @Anonymous: Is it that hard to search "lola_bunny featured_image"?
@GeneralJohnson: You're supposed to imagine yourself in the guy's place, getting that handjob from that girl, not stare at his body slack-jawed like a closeted faggot. For an alleged non-gay, you're not very good at thinking in a non-gay way.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Let's see if I have this straight: He's getting wanked by Misty -- a girl and a pretty nice one -- and therefore General Johnson wants to bring up homosexuals. Like an obsession. Well, now. I'd say the General made a strategic error. Maybe he should come out instead.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @soheifox: For animations they make an exception, inasmuch as that's a method of depiction, not a content tag. They do it that non-e621 way for reason of bandwidth. You should have been around here ten years ago, when the site was *really* creaky (like, Jurassic servers); they've improved since.
Anonymous31(15): @4MLTP:
Whoa, catch your breath man. Shake out those lips.
It's downhill from here, just 24 more to go.
Now it gets tricky, so listen real good!
Anonymous33: I just adore rule34.How motherfuckers suppose all the people here looking at porn is men.
Yeah, women are here too but the way you treat them won't make them appear.
I'm talking about GerenalJohnson here.If you are a straight woman you like to watch at dicks.Also your argument is plain stupid , how do you pee then(if you can't even see your dick)? And you are touching a dick when you Jack's off.... -_-
Anonymous35: Sadly, Porkyman goes to shit, the fanbase is fucking cancerous as a tumblrian, gamefreak are fucking liars and lazy.
Gamefreak announces Porkyman sword & shield, the first main entries in a home console, the first trailer is neat, the internet goes thor since it shows waifus and shit, until the fateful day that they showing at the direct and thats what they true colors are really start to show, the game was a unfinished mess with the graphics of the n64 and their killing some pkmn, the national dex was just the begining, they also show some laziness for the animations, the animation for every pkmn is actually the same animation from xy, they said that its for the animations but its actually bullshit.
And yet fans does a better job and Nintendo destroys em, that makes even worse to think about it.
And the fanbase is even cancerous, the determite sheeps who still buy this game and some butthurts that they hunts em, wars of arguments non-stop, the community ripped appart.
Porkyman is dead to me, they had chance to improve themself but they wasted this for weath, power and arrogance.
Understandable that they develope a another game but why not handle to a another developer for pkmn like idk Square-Enix?
And then Gamefreak develop Town for no problem, but they not wanna to, you know why, because they try to be "responsable" for the main lines!
Why not just hire more people for this?
Because they cost money!
Why not just hire fans like Sega did with Sonic mania?
Because they are closed-minded!
Nintendo is so closed with their fanbase that they don't give a fuck about their fans and they loses their shit that Super Mario Maker became a huge success!
Those fuckers know that pkmn is a huge fenomena so they just rushing out without the problem!
But even though that its a success dosen't mean that they getting away with it!
This game sells shit i bet and they almost gone backrupty, hell the main line sales are decreasing shit like to 12'000'000 to 10'000'000, look it up!
It drop to 2 mil, so pkmn was doomed from the start?
Well, i dont know, but i know that Nintendo wont getting away with this.
Even a chinese bootleg is great than this unfinished garbage! Check Let's go pkmn and look at the comparison!
I no wonder how Sega is so great, cuz they lisen to fans, they fix their shit very quickly, their are careful for their action and their are OK with fangames, yes, Sonic Forces is little bit rushed but whats the matter, Mario also has a rushed game, Super Mario World its rushed and yet its loved by others!
And Mario also has shit games to!
-Hotel Mario
-Mario educational games
-Super mario time travel
-Paper mario color splash
Sonic has 2 shit games
Mario has 4 shit games
I don't care for whats comparison the reason for why its so bad than the other its still shit games.
Nintendonts are mocking Sonic/Sega because "Mario is superior" bullshit and yet i just see a small, a SMALL minority (hell, i don't see that arguments at all) that Sonic fans are saying that "Mario is shit" like every fanbase has!
The Sonic fanbase isn't so bad actually:
-Lots of great romhacks
-Great parodies
Like every fanbase has!
And yet, Nintendo tries to make a simulation of north korrea, banning fangames and parodies!
And making their lives a living hell!
The true evil withm is actually the person itself and not the type of fan that worships!
Rick and Morty was good back then until a april fool marathon that it changes everything and its not because of the show, its because of the people goes lunatic!
I said every fanbase, well every fanbase especialy Earthbound (those fuckers are so high up their minds just to bully undertale/deltarune).
But let's not talk about communities, im talking about pkmn!
Porkyman kills himself and admit it.
Atleast Digimon is getting goodiers each game idk.
If you denies the truth then im sorry what are you hearring, me to im heartbroken but if you continuting the ignorance of pkmn, the blinds of nostalgia, its get worse.
Nostalgia is my enemy, it goes to me the worst.
Anyhow, im sorry that what im say, since its anarchy, im expresing my feeling even though its a porn webside, i bust a fat nut, good night internet.
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You just do the singing. I'll take care of the hard part.
Let's get it on!
I want to be the best
there ever was.
To beat all the rest, yeah,
that's my cause.
Catching far and whide
Teach pokémon to understand
the power that's mine
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You're supposed to imagine that you are Red, not wank it to him.
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look far and wide.
Release from my hand
the power that's inside.
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Ivysaur, Grimer.. Victreebel, Moltres!
Nidoking, Farfetch'd, Abra, Jigglypuff,
Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff!
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Gotta catch 'em all, Porkyman!
Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix
Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax
Gengar, Tangela, Goldeen, Spearow
Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, Slowbro
Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea
Raticate, Magnamite, Kadabra, Weepinbell
Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, Pikachu!
- Reply
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Pokémon Up and Down
Pokémon Left and Right
Porkyman On and Off
Pokémon Cat and Dog
Pokémon Red and Blue The Re Remake
Pokémon Universe and Multiverse
Pokémon Comet & Asteroid
Pokémon GayGold & SilverStraight
Pokémon Amethyst & Pokémon Garnet
Pokémon Rich and Pokémon Poor
Pokémon Supernova & Pokémon Big Bang
Pokémon Infinity & Pokémon Beyond
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@Farfegnugen: Pretty much. We can't please everyone, so we just do our best.
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At least 150 or more to see.
To be a Porkymon Master is my destiny!
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Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing
Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp
Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar
Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar
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Also, nice feature! Nice to see something hot for a change.
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@GeneralJohnson: You're supposed to imagine yourself in the guy's place, getting that handjob from that girl, not stare at his body slack-jawed like a closeted faggot. For an alleged non-gay, you're not very good at thinking in a non-gay way.
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"thank god" more like "oh god"
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Whoa, catch your breath man. Shake out those lips.
It's downhill from here, just 24 more to go.
Now it gets tricky, so listen real good!
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yes bro!
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Yeah, women are here too but the way you treat them won't make them appear.
I'm talking about GerenalJohnson here.If you are a straight woman you like to watch at dicks.Also your argument is plain stupid , how do you pee then(if you can't even see your dick)? And you are touching a dick when you Jack's off.... -_-
- Reply
Gamefreak announces Porkyman sword & shield, the first main entries in a home console, the first trailer is neat, the internet goes thor since it shows waifus and shit, until the fateful day that they showing at the direct and thats what they true colors are really start to show, the game was a unfinished mess with the graphics of the n64 and their killing some pkmn, the national dex was just the begining, they also show some laziness for the animations, the animation for every pkmn is actually the same animation from xy, they said that its for the animations but its actually bullshit.
And yet fans does a better job and Nintendo destroys em, that makes even worse to think about it.
And the fanbase is even cancerous, the determite sheeps who still buy this game and some butthurts that they hunts em, wars of arguments non-stop, the community ripped appart.
Porkyman is dead to me, they had chance to improve themself but they wasted this for weath, power and arrogance.
Understandable that they develope a another game but why not handle to a another developer for pkmn like idk Square-Enix?
And then Gamefreak develop Town for no problem, but they not wanna to, you know why, because they try to be "responsable" for the main lines!
Why not just hire more people for this?
Because they cost money!
Why not just hire fans like Sega did with Sonic mania?
Because they are closed-minded!
Nintendo is so closed with their fanbase that they don't give a fuck about their fans and they loses their shit that Super Mario Maker became a huge success!
Those fuckers know that pkmn is a huge fenomena so they just rushing out without the problem!
But even though that its a success dosen't mean that they getting away with it!
This game sells shit i bet and they almost gone backrupty, hell the main line sales are decreasing shit like to 12'000'000 to 10'000'000, look it up!
It drop to 2 mil, so pkmn was doomed from the start?
Well, i dont know, but i know that Nintendo wont getting away with this.
Even a chinese bootleg is great than this unfinished garbage! Check Let's go pkmn and look at the comparison!
I no wonder how Sega is so great, cuz they lisen to fans, they fix their shit very quickly, their are careful for their action and their are OK with fangames, yes, Sonic Forces is little bit rushed but whats the matter, Mario also has a rushed game, Super Mario World its rushed and yet its loved by others!
And Mario also has shit games to!
-Hotel Mario
-Mario educational games
-Super mario time travel
-Paper mario color splash
Sonic has 2 shit games
Mario has 4 shit games
I don't care for whats comparison the reason for why its so bad than the other its still shit games.
Nintendonts are mocking Sonic/Sega because "Mario is superior" bullshit and yet i just see a small, a SMALL minority (hell, i don't see that arguments at all) that Sonic fans are saying that "Mario is shit" like every fanbase has!
The Sonic fanbase isn't so bad actually:
-Lots of great romhacks
-Great parodies
Like every fanbase has!
And yet, Nintendo tries to make a simulation of north korrea, banning fangames and parodies!
And making their lives a living hell!
The true evil withm is actually the person itself and not the type of fan that worships!
Rick and Morty was good back then until a april fool marathon that it changes everything and its not because of the show, its because of the people goes lunatic!
I said every fanbase, well every fanbase especialy Earthbound (those fuckers are so high up their minds just to bully undertale/deltarune).
But let's not talk about communities, im talking about pkmn!
Porkyman kills himself and admit it.
Atleast Digimon is getting goodiers each game idk.
If you denies the truth then im sorry what are you hearring, me to im heartbroken but if you continuting the ignorance of pkmn, the blinds of nostalgia, its get worse.
Nostalgia is my enemy, it goes to me the worst.
Anyhow, im sorry that what im say, since its anarchy, im expresing my feeling even though its a porn webside, i bust a fat nut, good night internet.
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