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TagsElmo, Katy_Perry, Muppets, Sesame_Street, edit, kennycomix, music
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Kyosei: It's also more accurate.
Last I checked : Caucasians have mostly the biggest cocks, then attractive and successful Africans and I don't remember where the japs are but they're pretty low on the list (it's so sad that they're know for having a small one and it's actually a fact...)
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YotsubaGroup: Bahaha!
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Anonymous2: @Kyosei: I bet it was a caucasian that wrote whatever it is that you read.
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YotsubaGroup: @bakalicious: You are living in denial. Don't worry, blacks are still better at a lot of things. Like rape, having STD's, and committing violent crime.
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Kyosei: @bakalicious: guess who's world record? Yup, a caucasian
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matiche: kyosei's first comment is awesome
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Anonymous3: @Kyosei: You know his dick was never seen by anyone other than a random reporter, or put in any official record book, right?

I often forget how desperate the more pathetic segment of my fellow white guys are, to bolster their self esteem. Don't worry everyone reading this, we're not all this sad. INB4: "attractive and successful African Lover".
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Anonymous4(2): Remember that the human penis only needs enough size to deliver sperm, and that is the size of the aroused vaginal canal, around 13cm.

Besides, a woman (or man) will already have decided to have sex with you long before knowing what's your penis size. Furthermore, even if you don't have that big a member you can still put on quite a show with your tongue and fingers.
Best regards.
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Kyosei: @Anonymous: You're completly denying my first comment though
Also: Most of British Broadcasting Corporation porn if not all of it are just fucking dildos (and you're really blind if you can't notice it)
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Anonymous5(3): @Kyosei: I've seen that claim about British Broadcasting Corporation porn a lot on 4chan's /gif/, from white guys. And it's always with dicks that are clearly attached to their pelvis'. So I dunno, I take that claim with a grain of salt. Because it's clearly just a reactionary response to their insecurities.

And I'm completely denying the first comment because it hasn't even been remotely proven. It's just a meme-ish urban legend that some of my fellow white bros have latched onto. For whatever reason. It's like the Loch Ness Monster. It was claimed to be seen by a lone reporter in private, and that's it. Heck. I remember Jonah showing a picture of his dick on the Large Penis Support Group forums and being laughed off of it. Because he flatout wasn't as large as he claimed. He looked like he was barely skirting the average. The man's a fraud. So we need to get a new idol.
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Kyosei: @Anonymous: It's not an urban legen. It's the real result to a real research (I was amazed by the fact that they did a research about that)
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Anonymous6(3): @Kyosei: There has been no credible research done into the truth about Jonah Falcon. None whatsoever. Unless "research" suddenly means "a lot of cheering over something that still hasn't even been seen". Like Big Foot. Because that's the closest thing to "research", that exists. Which is still absolutely nothing.

Just like with these goofy cartoon porn recolors, with Jonah Falcon, get your self esteem boost from something more "tangible". You're making the rest of us look like desperate and insecure retards.
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Kyosei: @Anonymous: I was talking about my first comment, not this guy. Also I'm pretty sure there was a new world record after him, but can't remember who and don't really want to search.
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Troubleman: Kennycomix is the second most racist artist Ive seen.

I dont know if the caucasian versions are alternates published privately or somebody is editing them .
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Anonymous7(3): @Troubleman: The caucasian versions are always fan edits.
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BrickShitHouse: @Kyosei:

"Falcon has at times said that his biological father was John Holmes, who was known for the length of his penis. He states that he has documentation proving this lineage, but family members have dismissed this claim."

Yeah, that sounds like a fucking credible guy.

"After graduating high school, Falcon decided he wanted to become an actor and writer and enrolled in a state college to study theater. Despite his aspirations, Falcon did little more over the course of the next seven years than socialize at nightclubs, where he would find sex partners, up to 1,500 by the time he was 25, most of whom were women."

There's not even any citation regarding this, or most any of the shit here, in fact, judging by editing history, he's been editing his own Wikipedia article.

Now, I'm not saying he can't have a 34cm long cock, that's possible, but he's yet to prove it to the world, and he makes a whole lot of bold and outlandish claims that are not backed up.

John Holmes (who he claims is is father), was a fucking crazy person and a drug addict, and he made up a bunch of shit and lied to a lot of people about a lot of things, and he had a very unclear involvement in a brutal mass murder, but he did, in fact, haul out his wang for the world to see, it is known that he was hung because he proved it.
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Anonymous8: Who needs them indeed, Katy. Especially when you have that Snuffleupagus dick on Sesame Street.

I choose to imagine that's what she means.
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Anonymous9: This post is all about dicks. attractive and successful Africans, y'all gay.
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Anonymous10: No offense... but there are quite a bit of insecure caucasian people here... One to two caucasan guys come forth with huge penis's and the whole race latches on to that? Mind you that's research done as far as *you* all know. Black guys are actually "known" for having larger penis sizes as a whole. Sure not all of them have the oversized memnber's, but you're still talking about a race that has been... again.. KNOWN for having the larger penis sizes, in fact it's one of the FIRST THINGS ANYONE THINKS of when they come around. Hell, it's one of the first questions I'm asked when I hang out with a new group of friends who haven't hung out with a black guy before.

But personally? Who truly cares? My penis' value isn't decided by the insecurities of another, be it one person or the majority of another race.
But for anyone, as long as you can please YOUR woman, what else matters? I can see people getting mad and posting slander from a bad sexual history, but men who actually have no problem pleasing their women, not at all.

And you want some more research? Look into micro penis'. You'll be shocked to find that asian men arent the ones who hold the "record" for having these.

And as stated above, make up for your insecurities with other techniques. Your tongue and fingers can actually go further than your cock when it comes to truly pleasing your women, guys.

Stop fighting over penis sizes, and work on getting better at sex or intimacy overall. You'll be a lot happier...
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KeybladeMaster22: Sesame Skeet
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Anonymous11: i dont get why people that call them selves guy worry about the Dick isnt that gay?, just to focus and complain about the dick in the picture?
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Anonymous12(11): @Kyosei: you wish, And yet these smart Guys which some are white are trying to come up with pills to make the dicks bigger?
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Anonymous13: Guys, there hasn't been any research on penile length in any race, so just drop it
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Anonymous14: I like how much of an influence porn has been on the puny brain of a typical American! Of course we Russians on the other hand are known for our strength so we don't fool so easy. The only thing a women needs is a strong man and not weakling obsessed with dick sizes.
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Anonymous15: lol virgins arguing about cock size. Go do a field study, faggots.
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Anonymous16: agree. NO ONE needs attractive and successful African cock. The Black Women should breed out to white men, like they were intended.
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Anonymous17: @Kyosei: Are you retarded? Whites and Asians have the smallest dicks known to man. Theres no such thing as a small black dick you stupid shit.
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Anonymous18(17): @Anonymous: They're three times bigger than anything you'll ever have. Lol, stay mad. :)
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: Hope you're baiting with the 2 comments you made.
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Anonymous20: who fucking cares about dick size or race, a dick is a dick
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Anonymous21: Reminder to all the mad whitebois in this thread that Katy herself has admitted on Twitter she as a British Broadcasting Corporation fetish.
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Anonymous22: You all are just controlled by the media. There’s tons of white actors who are epic huge. If you watch jap porn there’s some really big guys to. Most women can’t even cum from penetration. You know that interracial porn ranks the lowest on what people watch? Stop letting the trolls get to you guys and enjoy your life’s.
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Anonymous23: Anon3 is fucking stupid, Falcon’s penis was shown in the HBO documentary “Private Dicks”, and has been seen, recognized, shown on various reliable mediums such as Rolling Stone magazine and the Howard Stern Show. I know this is old as hell, but so is the evidence supporting the fact that he has the biggest dick. Come on, don’t let your ignorance and hatred towards racist whites blind you from that truth.
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Anonymous24: @Anonymous: Dude stfu.

@Anonymous: No, those Japanese guys aren’t huge.

@Anonymous: Boy shut your pathetic Russian ass up. Women don’t care about stronger men, they care about that dick size.@Anonymous: whites don’t have the smallest dicks.@Anonymous: And there are a lot of insecure blacks here, and I’m black.
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Anonymous25: Katy herself has said on Twitter that she loves Big Black Cocks. Whitebois in this thread on suicide watch lmao
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Anonymous26: Damn the black fragility is real in this thread. Took one pic dissing a dick color and y’all are this tilted begging for validation 😂
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Anonymous27: The world's largest penis is Mexican guy followed by a white guy.

According to Guiness Wow record, the guy with the smallest penis is in contest between an Chinese man named Wei Lin and a white American man named Mike Carson.

"A Miami man, Mike Carson, has been officially recognized by Guinness World Records for having the smallest penis. According to Carson and his doctors, his fully-functioning penis is only 1/16th of an inch, the smallest for a fully-grown, adult male."

Its also on record that Asians and Caucasians/white men have the highest cases of micro-penis inflictions.

The race with the biggest penises on average are blacks....there are also black small penises but these are fewest amongst black men.

Asian men have the smallest penises on average... There are some big Asian penises, but they are very few.

Largest consumers and target market of penis enlargement products and services are white men...Asian men despite having smallest penises on average do not have the high level of sexual and/or genital insecurities as white men.

You would think being a billionaire should give anyone enough confidence in their sex life....well, not for some (not all) white men billionaires.

Penis size and sexual prowess does NOT equate to racial supremacy and given the advancement in medicine and surgery, anyone can get a big dick.

To me, there is no such thing as racial supremacy of any race. We are all just different people co-existing together and trying to appreciating each other.

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