TrickyTactician: @TrickyTactician: Wait nevermind, I thought for sure this was from Metro but I guess I don't play Call of Duty enough to recognize the creature.
Unsure if I'm brave enough to fap though, due to the body that looks like a cross between Gollum, the Mouth of Sauron, the Witch from L4D and Voldemort
I am Anon4 as you reference idiot. Also I get pussy in real life, it's not human pussy but it's still real pussy loser.
It's sad that you losers are jacking off on paheal while I am getting female Labrador pussy.
Anonymous8: A labrador? I think you have no rights to say anything to us about what we masturbate to, anon4. Atleast we masturbate to a human-like creature than a dog.
PonyLove: not MY fap of tea, but I find it interesting. on the run, tons of naked zombies, then the boner happens, and youre like, "damn, I'm gonna try and fuck one." lol
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Unsure if I'm brave enough to fap though, due to the body that looks like a cross between Gollum, the Mouth of Sauron, the Witch from L4D and Voldemort
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Joined: November 9, 2009; 05:27
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good "life" you have by spending years here like a fat slob and not getting any pussy, thats really sad yo
I am Anon4 as you reference idiot. Also I get pussy in real life, it's not human pussy but it's still real pussy loser.
It's sad that you losers are jacking off on paheal while I am getting female Labrador pussy.
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