Anonymous1: @MrAnon:
Dude, You're a fucking hack. No it doesn't look better. All you do is make shitty edits to other peoples work. Learn how to fucking draw your own shit before judging someone else's
Anonymous2(1): @screwhead: Dude, You're a fucking hack. No it doesn't look better. All you do is make shitty edits to other peoples work. Learn how to fucking draw your own shit before judging someone else's
screwhead: I did not judge his work I said it was amazing and your the same Anonymous fagot from the first pic I posted and you should know I have done my own work before.And it dose look better! her jacket is purple instead of blue and her hair is darker and shirt is fixed I did this to make her look like she is supost to!seriously as whole at least I have a account and contribute to the site you don't do shit except jack your tiny cock so fuck off thanks.
screwhead: oh and by the way my edits have more likes then the originals so no there not shitty and nether is the originals I just thought they could look better.
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Dude, You're a fucking hack. No it doesn't look better. All you do is make shitty edits to other peoples work. Learn how to fucking draw your own shit before judging someone else's
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Also, If I was stupid, i wouldn't be trying to be a smarty pants in the previous comment.
Unrelated note: