Killamajig: Grinding his dessicated genitals against their overfed misnamed asses?
Seriously, no way this is Cleopatra. Everything about her says Old Kingdom, ~2000 years before she was born.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous: Anons 9 & 10 think they're a couple of the Caesars. But where did Caesar learn to type? And just to get it out of the system:
"Gods, Cleopatra! Move your asp!!"
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Unless they were morbidly, morbidly obese. "Earth mothers" ftw!
Or maybe, "I wonder what I'll make for dinner tonight?"
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And yeah, as long as you're not fapping, logic is perfectly applicable to porn for some easy lulz.
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Seriously, no way this is Cleopatra. Everything about her says Old Kingdom, ~2000 years before she was born.
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Ohshit this is the best day on Paheal
"Gods, Cleopatra! Move your asp!!"