Kyosei: @RDKateran: I like black people
I just don't like them in porn.
Why would everybody like interracial porn?! It's like assuming that everybody like BBW and if they don't they're discriminating fat people
RDKateran: Well, Kyosei, if you don't want people to assume you're racist... don't call people racial slurs, regardless of what your friends let you call them. It's really that simple.
So to reiterate: get over yourself and fap already instead of bitching about black guys in porn.
Anonymous2: @Kyosei: That doesn't make sense. Why does the dick's race matter at all? How does it's color affect the quality of your fap? Are you fapping to it and not the chick it's stuck in? Does it's presence somehow nauseate or otherwise turn you off? Or is there some stereotype/racial element to it you're unwilling to admit? Cause there's no other logical reason it should offend you.
I have to fap to chicks getting railed by white dicks all day long. I'm not gonna go "oh this dick doesn't match my skin color, this is unfappable", and I cannot comprehend how on god's green earth a heterosexual male is somehow rendered flaccid by an off colored penis existing in his porn. I don't even care if you're just baiting me, this shit is dumb and baffles me to no end
Ranko216: you idiots do realize that most of the interacial fetishes come from racism right? Sites whos content mostly consist of white chicks getting ganbanged by black men are mostly subscribed by racist fags.
Anonymous3: Porn is supposed to be a form of escapism. And I can not imagine it being my cock that slips into a girl if the cock pictured is a different color than mine.
Anonymous6: The problem isn't about people not liking certain types of porn; it's those people coming to where it's featured to complain about it.
Some even demand the artist stop doing it, altogether.
They're the ones who need to let go. Don't like it: move on. No point in bitching at the ones who do (or are too focused on the female to care).
They always have to ruin my porn...
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I just don't like them in porn.
Why would everybody like interracial porn?! It's like assuming that everybody like BBW and if they don't they're discriminating fat people
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So to reiterate: get over yourself and fap already instead of bitching about black guys in porn.
She honestly deserves all the black cock she can get.
I have to fap to chicks getting railed by white dicks all day long. I'm not gonna go "oh this dick doesn't match my skin color, this is unfappable", and I cannot comprehend how on god's green earth a heterosexual male is somehow rendered flaccid by an off colored penis existing in his porn. I don't even care if you're just baiting me, this shit is dumb and baffles me to no end
Some even demand the artist stop doing it, altogether.
They're the ones who need to let go. Don't like it: move on. No point in bitching at the ones who do (or are too focused on the female to care).
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