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Anonymous1: Ignoring the racism that usually infects these kinds of pictures, what pray tell do a bunch of black guys have that can compete with what Beast Boy can do?

The kid can literally make his dick into that of a giant squid if he wants to, which is about roughly half the length of its entire body, namely 20 to 30 feet long and bigger than an entire basketball team standing side by side.

The internet demands more BB X Raven size queen porn! Hell, more porn of him tentacle raping her!
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Kyosei: @Anonymous: Also he doesn't have aids *run away*
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Krankle: I... Does that writing just say 'Cocksmen Rules'? What the fuck does that even mean?

Also, I'm getting more and more confused by Sparrow now than I ever was before. Massive cocks, petite body, but little to no distortion or even penetration. It's like he's forgotten what made him so special to us.
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Anonymous2: Well you guys know this was inspired by a piece of writing done by Rakked called, Raven Vs. Gym Class right?
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Anonymous3: in the world of sparrow, everyone has big dicks. even the girls.
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Anonymous4: Anon 1 are you complaining on a pornographic picture literally because it doesn't feature your fave ship? ffs mate
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Anonymous5: Anon 1 is a cock mongling shipfag
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Gravestalker: always wondered what the deal is with attractive and successful Africans

why are artists unable or unwilling to draw humans fucking the girls....seriously i get the contrasting color issue but arabs asians and hispanics exist...why not pick them instead of going planet of the apes with this kind of garbage
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Franky_Whiskey: @Gravestalker: Because that's the aim, to dehumanize the black man into nothing more than an animal with a big cock. People like you that get really mad at shit like this do nothing but exacerbate the problem. Sex with black dudes is still considered a taboo, sort of a fetish, and thus this kind of stuff continues existing.

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Anonymous6: It's both sad and hilarious that none of you ignorant tools understands what actual racism is. It's such an over used term now that it's completely meaningless.
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Anonymous7: is it weird that when i red cocksmen i imagined a walkmen shaped like a cock?
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Gravestalker: @Franky_Whiskey: how mny black guys have you met....most of them ARE sex obsessed animals that act like life is all about sticking their dicks in things

granted the ones raised by white cultural standards can live normally....the generic black culture ones are walking boners
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Franky_Whiskey: @Gravestalker: Then again, ain't we men just walking boners? Lord knows errytime I see a nice ass me mind goes gunk for a wee bit.
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Gravestalker: @Franky_Whiskey: yeah do tell me the ratio of black vs white guys on the sleezy walking boner scale

and i mean actual white guys, not the "dress up pretend to be black' ones, they count as black
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Anonymous8: @Gravestalker: Since you've already demonstrated in the past that you're too stupid to know the difference between "Stigma" and "Stigmata", I think the concept of ratios is your grasp.
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Anonymous9(8): @Anonymous: *is beyond your grasp.
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: right anonfag, keep playing grammar nazi while you yourself fail at it

and keep crying, your retarded tears help water your neighborhoods lawns
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Anonymous10(8): @Gravestalker: The difference is that I simply missed a word. Which I corrected, btw.

You were so stupid that you confused two completely different words.
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: I think the point Anon 1 is trying to make is if you're going to draw monkey's fucking Raven why not just draw Beast Boy?
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Gravestalker: @Anonymous: agreed
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Anonymous12: @Gravestalker: pretend racists are funny to me. leave the guise and actually be that. it's obvious you're pretending to be racist behind your keyboard, because if you actually were about that, you'd be unemployed, and pretty useless to society. If you feel so strongly put it on some job apps, put your face behind your views, and realize that it's pretty sad you hate an entire race based on walking in on your mom getting fucked by a few of them
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Anonymous13: @Anonymous: "Completely different words."

You sir.. Are a dumbass.
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Anonymous14(13): @Anonymous: Apparently you know something that the dictionary does not.
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Sukima: attractive and successful African dicks, for losers everywhere apparently.
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Vicarious_Reality: Gray master race
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Anonymous15: Damn you some racist as bitches, mad cuz ya girl can’t feel shit when you fuck her. I’m under the impression a black guy stole ya bitches so that’s why all you white fags are salty af. Tiny dicked bitches, go work on making your voice deeper.
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: your racist you do realize there’s some big white penises out there like Danny D’s right. And your not even black I can tell because not all black people talk like that. You acting black and talking like that makes you racist. I’ve seen some tiny black dicks in my life. And if you don’t believe that you live in a fantasy you racist that treats black people like sex objects. Europe has a lot of black and white relationships because they treat black people as human beings and not for there dicks you racist. Also I’m Native American not white. Also Native American have big penis almost as big as a black penis on average, but the difference is so small might as well be the same size. Your making that stuff up when in actuality some comments are pointing out the racist people like you who think all black people have big dicks and think there just sex objects and not want to be actual relationships with them you racist. If I acted like you I would say you probably have a tiny dick too and your girl feels nothing down there too. But I don’t know that. So you probably don’t know that either dumbass.

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