Anonymous1: Fuck's sake. Not this sort of shitty spam again. We need six versions of a single image as much as we need one version of a comment on six images.
cheezburger: anon fuck off, seriously.. fuck off
you really don't have anything better to do than post crappy comments on free art? "oooh no.. 6 pictures..boohoo"
You're being very disrespectful to the artist who did a great job here :-I
Anonymous3(1): @cheezburger: Tastes vary. But six nearly-identical pictures are stupid. Just make them part of a single large image, problem fucking solved. This is just dumb.
Anonymous4: What's dumb is posting on all the images that you don't like. If you don't like the image then don't click on any of the 6 of them you dumb cunts.
you really don't have anything better to do than post crappy comments on free art? "oooh no.. 6 pictures..boohoo"
You're being very disrespectful to the artist who did a great job here :-I