IM_IIHTARW: The funny thing she's asking him just to tease.
Radiation of any kind doesn't pose a threat to her.
In fact, Like Supes, solar radiation is what she draws on for her powers.
Anonymous1: ^ Starfire was born on another planet. Quite possibly not in this solar system. Her abilities are genetic, not solar, and their tied to her emotions. If you've ever watched the series you would know these things...
Anonymous2: ^Anon1, your an idiot. Starfire was a DC character with history way before the Cartoon Network series 'Teen Titans'. Check the wiki, her powers ARE from radiation, yes they are genetic to her being a Tamaranean, but that doesn't negate the fact that she uses ultraviolet radiation for her power.
Anonymous3: yeah the entire reason her sister can't use the same powers is because she can't draw on solar radiation and gained a similar set of abilities another way (not sure how though)
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Radiation of any kind doesn't pose a threat to her.
In fact, Like Supes, solar radiation is what she draws on for her powers.