Finn_the_Human: Note: I increased her butt, thigh, calf, breast and arm size. I also made the hair framing her face more visible. I didn't know what to do with the nipple and areola, it looks too detailed for the shows art style, I think. I also found just a curved line for the nipple looked too simple. idk
Finn_the_Human: @LurkMoar: Thanks! And in what way do the breasts need work? I love input/suggestions! Like, what should I change to make them better? Thanks in advance! :)
And no worries, I'll tag it as "Finn_the_Human_(artist)" to avoid confusion with the "Finn_the_Human" tag.
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Can I tag it with Finn_the_Human_(artist)?
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Also, pretty nice edit, but the breasts could use a little work.
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And no worries, I'll tag it as "Finn_the_Human_(artist)" to avoid confusion with the "Finn_the_Human" tag.
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