Anonymous18: @Anonymous: "sToP bEinG DiSguSteD bY PeDopHilEs" Tell the cops that, retard. Like bruh, just because I stumbled upon this shit on a porn site doesn't mean I'm a pedophile. Most retarded comment I've found on this site smh
Anonymous19: All of Bebes's photos are actually screenshots from this game. I knew her and she was going to remake this game again until the haters (gas bag) made her give up.
Anonymous25: Screw everyone who says, there are sick people, that's when I start crying because there is r34 of a series with fictional characters, that's what stupid clowns sound like xd
Anonymous27: @anonymous23 Yeah she's still around. I asked her what her opinion on everything after 10 years, she told me that the hater "Gas Bag" was actually her ex boyfriend (real name is Ian Thomas)
She said that she broke up with him because his penis wasn't very big and he treated her like trash. He was so upset about the breakup that he trolled her posts on here and other websites she was on. I myself can't confirm if his dick is short because I've never seen it, but I can confirm that he was an asshole towards her in real life.
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I chose Wendy.
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P.S- I chose Bebe.
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She said that she broke up with him because his penis wasn't very big and he treated her like trash. He was so upset about the breakup that he trolled her posts on here and other websites she was on. I myself can't confirm if his dick is short because I've never seen it, but I can confirm that he was an asshole towards her in real life.