Faptacular: Ya know there are somethings that don't translate well from one medium to another.
This for instance I just find sad. Not because it's someone using a sex toy, I got no problem with that but to me it's no different than seeing a guy use a fleshlight. It's not artistic, It's just some dude's jack-off session. As such I don't find it hot it the slightest.
Big Mac fucking Smarty Pants on the other hand would be both funny and hot just in general.
Now just to sit back and wait to see how long it takes some overly-emotional plush-fucker to misinterpret an "I just don't get why this even could be hot" reaction for for judgmental fetish-hate.
Farfegnugen: @Roflcakes: It's not well put together because the shit stain stole it from a little girl, ripped a hole in it, and then stuck his nasty looking dick in it.
posted4you: @Roflcakes: The "mane" is off-the-shelf quality material. Probably from Toys-R-Us. And he probably constructed the vagina himself, and undoubtedly, he is NOT a professional in alterations.
Still.....it's a pretty damn good job. I'd definitely want one. :)p
Farfegnugen: @posted4you: Nope, looks like the same doll you can get at Wal-Mart for $5. The only different is the shit mane and the hole he ripped into it. Don't make this guy look like a master craftsman, since the only he doing is fucking a doll made for small children.
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: No he wasn't. All you're doing is taking the words people will pour at you as the truth without looking into the matter. There are more "normal" bronies then bronies that do this. Besides that the only reason why people will make such statements is because it goes into territory society has deemed as tabboo. Because of this it's easy for one to put false labels like "pedofile" on them, it's easier for people to accept without looking into it. They want to believe people that go into tabbos, no matter how silly are bad people in some way. It makes them feel better, makes them feel like they belong to the majority "normal" that society has deemed to be the worthy "normal". Normal and weird are nothing but words, they don't really hold any real value. Weird is simply things outside the "normal" society has constructed, nothing but a hallow strawman everyone fallows.
Nowhereman-SinisterSerpent-: @Anonymous: No is it because she looks like she has dreads! the build a bear one has much better hair, I mean she looks like a fucking predator or some shit would you fuck a predator in the bumbum? I dont thinks so.
SwiperTheFox: I can understand using sex toys, including plushies, but why the hell would you post it online for other people to see? Goddamn... like... damn...
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This for instance I just find sad. Not because it's someone using a sex toy, I got no problem with that but to me it's no different than seeing a guy use a fleshlight. It's not artistic, It's just some dude's jack-off session. As such I don't find it hot it the slightest.
Big Mac fucking Smarty Pants on the other hand would be both funny and hot just in general.
Now just to sit back and wait to see how long it takes some overly-emotional plush-fucker to misinterpret an "I just don't get why this even could be hot" reaction for for judgmental fetish-hate.
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Also, why wouldn't you use an appropriately coloured insertable instead of just fucking that loose, untextured fabric sleeve.
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Still.....it's a pretty damn good job. I'd definitely want one. :)p
Maybe he didn't steal it, maybe he bought it with hard earned cash.
Maybe he just realized that life is shit and the only way to have some fun is to fuck A PLUSHIE YES OH GOD YES I WANT TO FUCK A TOY PONY!
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More Cringe.
Pics like this just confirms it. Lol at the butthurt comments.
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