Anonymous4: I was also wondering why the shirt is colored differently in the mirror. Too bad there isn't a source link that would maybe explain things.
Anonymous7: @WhiteWhiskey: Don't ever try to get a job driving trains pal. Couldn't be more different if the red shirt was FLASHING. You're colour blind pal - so's the artist
Anonymous8(7): @Cavpal: Why do you think she wears a baggy jumper. Typical "girl with big tits embarrassed about size of her jugs, so wears baggy jumpers" syndrome
Anonymous9: anonymous 5 4 my girlfriend like that have 34 dd and like wear sweat shirt at the beach ever time we go iam trying get here where a bikini top dosent like wearing them
i mean, if you're gonna make her go outside her comfort zone like that, you may as well go all the way, right?