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TagsDC, DCAU, Raven, Teen_Titans, Zone
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Info5614x4831 // 1.6MB // gif
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anamenous: Bigger, better quality version of >>384169
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Anonymous1: you aint lying
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vegitable: Thanks, I've needed some images that would look good projected onto the moon.
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Anonymous2: @vegitable: Dude, your comment just made my day:D
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Anonymous3: Why is there not a gif of her beating during this? I mean I watched the whole video and she's just overwhelmed at the end, she's laying there breathing heavily... Still fap worthy though...
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Anonymous4: "Oh, and by the way, happy birthday raven"
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Anonymous5: Slade bumps into a man in black who's covered in gear and is wearing a red and black jumpsuit. It's Deadpool.
Deadpool: "I'll take it your the Slade guy I'm supposed to kill. That little lady's boyfriend told me that you were a sick bastard, but this takes the cake! Can you hold this for me?" Deadpool hands Slade a grave made of C4 that says 'RIP Deathstroke' "Thanks man, you're a real pal!"
The C4 goes off and blows Slade apart in front of Robin.
Robin: "... Do you know how many years he's beaten us?"
Deadpool: "Oh, did I steal your kill!? Ah, sh*t. Sorry kid. Better luck next time. By the way, why would Bateman call his sidekick Robin? Why not a nocturnal animal like a bat?" Raven's boyfriend runs over to her, "Don't worry, I killed Slade. I'd call it a fair trade."
Raven's BF: "Oh god, Raven..."
Raven: "... Why did you hire a mercenary?"
Deadpool: "He did it for the irony that an ex-merc gets killed by a merc. That, and you can thank Deathbattles for actually finding the numbers to see who'd actually win between us. Wiz, Boomstick, you are beautiful people. Now, for my money."
Raven's BF: "Alright... Ten dollars and gift card to that bar where Lobo hangs out."
Deadpool: "Good! Now I can kill him too, while I'm at it!"
Raven: "Will. We will talk about this later... I might hire him to kill my dad."
Deadpool: "That would depend, how big of a douche bag is he?"
Raven: "He's Trigon the Terrible."
Deadpool: "Lord of all evil douche bags! You two should talk about it! In fact, I can take you youngsters with me! It'll be an adventure of awesomeness!..."
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Anonymous6: Damn! I'd love to leave a girl like that!
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Anonymous7: Is Raven dead or did she passed out?
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VLFBERHT: @Anonymous7 She is passed out. The fucking coupled with the mental stress of the mind-rape and forced visions of future, she is out like a light. But she will be fine in an hour.
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Anonymous8: @Anonymous: SHUT THE HELL UP
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Anonymous9: Raven love it when I fucked and creampie her!

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