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TagsAmerican_Dragon:_Jake_Long, Jazmine_DuBois, Penny_Proud, Prophet, The_Boondocks, The_Proud_Family, Trixie_Carter
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Info1024x698 // 138KB // jpg
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Deadpool: ........o_0
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evilpika: Little brown girls...
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Anonymous1: penny proud looks middle eastern in this... not black
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ssss: Yes, becuase everyone looks alike and stereotypes are set in stone. Idiot.
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G-Man: Psshh, she looks Indian

Also, proof that I have 2 dicks.
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Anonymous2: very nice
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Anonymous3: Let's go to Chik-fil-a!!!
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Anonymous4: hey does anyone know if this site will ever have any work from randy dave....I think his art would go over really well with the people who view this site AHAGM pedophiles.....anyway someone should really get on that
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Anonymous5: attractive and successful Africans
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Anonymous6(4): ^ white power my white brother!
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Anonymous7: ^he's mexican
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Anonymous8: 'ssss' you moron, Stereotypes are set in stone. That's why they are sterotypes and not facts.
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Deadpool: yeah if steriotypes didnt exist, people would have to think on an indiviudal and logical basis, LAWD no one wants that
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Anonymous9: is that jasmine from the boondocks on the right?
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deathmonkey: yes
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EpicFailMomma: Anyone notice that Jazmine Dubois is on fire?
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Anonymous10: EpicFail thats her hair lol
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Anonymous11: ^ and that would be the joke, way to read between the lines
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Anonymous12: @Anon11 Don't feel bad dude, I didn't get it either.

@Anon12 How the hell were we suppose to know that was a joke?
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Anonymous13: Yeah,normally jokes are funny
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Anonymous14: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: both of you are fucking low life inferior pieces shit who GOD and JESUS fucking hate your guts you both fail at school and at life your nothing but AIDS on the face of the world so do the world a favor and fucking kill yourselves

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