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TagsMarshu, Omanyte, Porkyman, featured_image
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fennekinedits: I'm fapping to my lord and savior...I feel...wrong...
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NiGHTS4life: @fennekinedits: Omanyte is not god.
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Anonymous1: Indeed. Omanyte is the ascended form of god.
God who is the helix fossil.

Get with the times.
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fennekinedits: @Anonymous: OH GOOD SIR YOU'RE RIGHT!! I feel so out of touch with the following of the Helix. Praise be with our ascended God of the Helix.
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Decanter: Featured in honor of the successful conclusion of Twitch Plays Porkyman.
Look into her eyes, and you too will praise Helix - though I doubt you'll take her advice.
Honorable mentions to >>204305 and >>1317399
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NiGHTS4life: Twitch Play Poke-mon is overrated.
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Anonymous2: Rule34 has decided to feature our Lord? FALSE; Lord Helix has given this place it's holy blessing to this now sacred place. Save thy soul from the Dome; ALL PRAISE LORD HELIX!!!
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Anonymous3(2): It really isn't. In all due seriousness it was an extremely interesting social experiment that I loved being a part of
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YoureDoingItWorng: No Oscar-related feature?
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Decanter: @YoureDoingItWorng: That shit is boring and biased and happens every year. TPP is new and interesting, plus we get to associate a more positive meaning with that particular acronym.
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Anonymous4: Lord Helix tag when?
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DragonShade44: Meh, Twitch Plays Porkyman is dumb. It's like giving typewriters to a bunch of monkeys. If you let them beat away at them long enough, eventually some actual words will come out.
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ilr: i had to wiki this twitch-plays thing.... dumbest thing i've ever wiki'd
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WalkerFE: @DragonShade44: That's the point. To see the interesting things that happen. Inifite Monkeys theorem has been used as a comparison many times before.
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Anonymous5: BIRD JESUS
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Error: democracy
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Anonymous6: How unusually not-horrible for a featured image that's not for a deceased tribute
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Ricky_Roma: Christ almighty I thought leaving imgur and looking at some porn would get me away from the fucking Porkyman stuff.

But yeah its still better then an Academy Awards feature, Leo doesn't have an Oscar? Boo hoo neither does Gary Oldman.
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Jarvan_IV: Praise Lord Helix and three cheers for the B Knights. I guess we should all really be thanking our undergod, All-Terrain Venomoth, for breaking Dragonite's AI and winning us the Internet.

Now, Todadile, use Leer! -laserbeams-
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O_Rly: Twitch what?
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RapeRapeRape: There is always time fo dat Keepo
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Anonymous7: Is it just me or am I suddenly tempted to get an Omanyte/Omastar and name it something that is related to Twitch?
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Tetragrammaton: @O Rly: yeah I'm completely missing what this about or related to ... and no, ain't looking it up or doing any kind of research :P
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Anonymous8: Bird Jesus is the one true God.
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Anonymous9: It's fine for you guy's not to be interested but don't be a douche to those who are.

For those who don't know what it is, it's a stream of Porkyman on The people watching it control it by commenting. Due to the frequent use of the helix fossil in battle, the viewers saw it as the character looking towards it for guidance and people began joking about how the helix fossil was god. Whenever it is used, Prof. Oak calls you to tell you that "Now's not the time to use that!" The helix fossil is turned into a Porkyman later in the game called Omanyte, this is the woman form of that Porkyman.

The majority of entertainment from the stream comes from people's reactions to the events, the unexpected success after repeated failures, and the hilarious fuckups. Such as accidentally digging out of an area that is very difficult to get to before picking up a necessary item or accidentally releasing 12 Porkyman within one pc trip.

The stream without the community would probably be boring, I assume that is why the people who do not like it don't, they didn't pay attention to the community and took the stream at face value.
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Anonymous10: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE HELIX ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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Anonymous11: NOTICE ME SEMPAI!!!!!
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Anonymous12: If this is the Porkyman fandom's attempt at becoming even more annoying than My Little Pony... they are succeeding like all hell.
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Anonymous13: You gotta be kidding me here... xD
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Anonymous14: Why has Pok---- become the unnamed-one who name shall not be spoken? Is it the Lovecraft region season?
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Anonymous15: Retarded meme and retarded feature. Everything about this is over aggrandized and furthers the idea that people are stupid lemmings clinging to memes to give themselves the illusion they are a part of something much bigger.
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Anonymous16: Anonymous 13: because nintendo doesn't realize that parody is protected under fair use, and DMCA'd paheal for all of the p o k e m o n porn on here. That's why it's always porkyman. So fucking stupid...
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Ridges: @Anonymous: Man, you're just one use of the term 'sheeple' away from TRUE counterculture stardom.
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Anonymous17: Anon9: The stream without the community would probably be boring, I assume that is why the people who do not like it don't, they didn't pay attention to the community and took the stream at face value.

Backwards. Liked the stream, community devolved into retardation, dropped like a rock. Sometimes, something is legitimately ruined by too many people liking it. Has nothing to do with being counter-culture.
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Anonymous18(14): If I may Anonymous16, the same-old same-old isn't just boring, it damages the originality of the vision. That being said, I still enjoy a good pok if it affects me on an emotional level.

Let's be clear, we talking about a cartoon with cock fighting as its story telling drive; at some point that gets exhausted.

To Anonymous15, Thank you very much forthe good answer to my question. I appreciated that.
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Scatavaganza: user image
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Anonymous19: Anyone else seeing half a Captcha on any Image Not Found page?
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...I immediately felt as though i must've been away from r34 for too long, having no clue what caption & comments meant. thanks to those few useful posters explanations, i've some context to understanding.
i agree with the 'popularity kills' insight, and all other comments, what of it i can grasp anyways,...which isn't much.
i think perhaps its the internet itself that i've been increasingly departed from, whilst all others seem to be increasingly absorbed into.

oh wells, all i wanted was hotttt skillful r34 anywas, so THANKS to all respectives providing!!!
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Anonymous20: Awesome feature that isn't disgusting or a tribute to a dead celebrity. Never really watched it but constantly looking at a fossil during battles sounds hilarious. Excellent feature, and a fantastic post by you Scatavaganza.
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Anonymous21(20): What are banned terms? Because I'm trying to ask someone how a certain partially deaf man got banned and for how long.
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Decanter: @Anonymous: We don't give out the full banned phrase list, because that would just make it easy for trolls and spambots to get around it. jubilation recommends the use of insulting nicknames such as Ccuntber, if you're talking about him.
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shetni64: @DragonShade44: Typewriters are actually pretty bad at generating random strings, especially if your selection algorithm is a monkey. You'd be likely to end up with clumps of letters adjacent on the keyboard, probably clustered around a particular spot. You'd be better off training the monkey to draw Scrabble tiles one-by-one from a bag.
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Tetragrammaton: @Anon14 How true, couldn't have said it better.
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Cyon: What is going on
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Anonymous22: Use what, mai cock? But Omanyte, don't u want to make ur trainer happy?
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Anonymous23(22): And aren't u the least bit curious about how it tastes? how it feels like?
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Anonymous24: user image OH SHI-
I'm getting the fuck out of here.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: To answer your question, the partially deaf (and completely braindead) man got banned for eternity plus 100 years. Or until 2038, which is the same thing in unix. And you should know why, if you're familiar enough to know who he is.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @shetni64: You're missing the whole point of the monkey gag, which is the word EVENTUALLY. LOL, you're just impatient.
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Anonymous25: Dat helix.
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Randomanon: There is no shame in fapping to our lord. This is a sacred place.
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KitsuneInari78: @Hammond

R34 was threatened by Russia to remove all Lilo art, or else be banned by Russia, and placed on the DoS blacklist in Russia's "Walled Garden". Turns out most of R34's funding (from ads) comes from Russian visitors to the site, if they were cut off from the site, R34 would shut down. Admins had no choice.
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Anonymous26: If russia goes to war with ukraine and funding goes, won't this site be doomed anyway?
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Anonymous27: GODDAMNIT! Now tpp is invading my porn!
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FlutterFiend: Fuck this shit. Bloop bloop beedlee bloop!
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @KitsuneInari78: I didn't say most of the funding, I said a good percentage of it. But yes, the site owner doesn't want to lose it.

You'd think they would be too busy with their invasion to fuck with us.
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Enkidu: @KitsuneInari78: They did have a choice. If you hadn't noticed the site owner isn't comfortable with underage characters on the site in the first place. It's no surprise they chose to listen to the Russians, but they did have a choice.
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hunttari: up
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Anonymous28(19): @Anonymous: cuntber's sins:
>flaming any old random he disagreed with over fckin any minor shit, for as long as he's been here
>raping the english language
>adding shitty tags like "(series)" to the point of vandalism
>extensive uploading of dupes
>extensive uploading of shitty edits
>would take an existing image, inflate its dimension in mspaint or something by mere pixels while still making it look like shit, upload it and report the existing one for deletion
Then when he FINALLY got banned,
>sent jubilation a threat(s) by email
>persistent ban evasion since then just to keep spamming up comments (seems to have slowed down unless his comments are getting deleted at light speed now)

Really though, yeah, if you knew who he was, you'd have seen his ban coming from miles away.
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Anonymous29: @NiGHTS4life:
sure he is; he is the reincarnate god as jesus. Bird Jesus just was a prophet but some relgions believe omanyte is just a prophet. The Helix instructed All-terrain-vehemoth to guide us through the lands and we paid a huge price to summon Donar.
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Anonymous30: Now's not the time to use... our dicks?
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jubilation_t_cornpone: @Anonymous: "seems to have slowed down unless his comments are getting deleted at light speed now"

Naw, he can't make them.

I just improved the filtration in the banned phrases list so that he just can't get through any more. As you noted, his engrish is "special" (as in special olympics). It's comparatively easy to filter his shit without inhibiting anybody else.
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drifting: start
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Mance: @jubilation_t_cornpone: So eternity is about 24 years. You trying to make me feel old?

@KitsuneInari78: The story I got was that first the site was banned, then the images were removed, and now the site is still banned and so are the images.

So hurray for that.

@jubilation_t_cornpone: It might be fun to disable his filters every now and then for a day or two at random. Just to see if he's still hammering away.

Or even just to say that you will.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: No way I'm going to release the filters. Besides, we are already having fun. He has switched to email, and the shit he sends that way is even more insane than the posts he used to make. It doesn't really bother us that much, because it is shunted to a folder just for stuff from him. When we don't have anything better to do, we look at it for laughs.

Really bizarre stuff. He is fixated on me, since I'm the one that did the ban and the blocking after he evaded. Somehow he thinks I am the only one on staff who didn't like him and took over control or something. He actually goes to the trouble of making photoshops and sending them: a picture of a screen from ebay showing me selling the rest of the staff in a auction (I asked decanter how much he thought I would get for him); a picture of the staff screen here with my name moved to the top and with the title of "Master" substituted for "admin". Fucking hilarious.
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Anonymous31(19): @jubilation_t_cornpone: Wow, haha. So Paheal earned its own personal lolcow, huh?
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Anonymous32(20): @Decanter, Anon26(18), and jubilation_t_cornpone:

Thank you for that. I've been sick for a while and wondered what happend to him. Sounds fuckin' hilarious. Well thank you for telling me. :)

I didn't want to use insulting names and get on his list of targets for improbable shootings out of pure autism.

Thanks again.
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Anonymous33(20): Heh heh... enrish... peech inspediment.
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jubilation_t_cornpone: You wanna hear the funniest thing? He said he was going to complain to github about me. If you put your mouse on "The Team" at the very bottom of the screen, you get a link to github. He seems to think that is our hosting site or something.

That's a software repository, which hosts Shimmie, the software we run. github has nothing to do with the sites that run Shimmie.

That's like complaining to Oracle because some site you are pissed off at is using an Oracle database to store their shit.
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shetni64: @jubilation_t_cornpone: Yes, Ted, that's the joke.
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Anonymous34: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ PRAISE HELIX ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
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nightmare_cat: I'm surprised I haven't got banned I mean really I am f**king insane as hell and deserve to be locked away giggling to myself about my porkymon playing in the Porkyman village happy as could be as I pet them and feed them.............
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Spoonman: Praise be Helix, and Bird Jesus- may they always maintain anarchy.
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Anonymous35: Wait, but my lord a savior is Raptor Jesus...
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Anonymous36(35): Also, look! I was a actual member for one post.
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Farfegnugen: Getting 503 on data-003
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Farfegnugen: 003 is working, now 000 isn't. :/
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Vicarious_Reality: What the fuck is wrong with the site? I am getting main image error on half of Kim_Possible
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The_Elder_Troll: Uuuugh errrr Im so angry about twitch doing something rather interesting. Uuuuugh, my opinion needs to be on this page so that I can get responses and feel loved.
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Senfyero: Okay, as much as I enjoy the Art Style, the whole "Helix Fossil" thing coming out of nowhere, really deteriorates and confuses my penis. Can somebody tell me exactly WHERE this theory or idea about the Helix Fossil came from, and why?
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Farfegnugen: @Vicarious Reality: Not just Kim Possible, it's a good chunk of the site. Switch the 000 to 005 and it'll work. It's REALLY annoying, but it's a fix.
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Anonymous38: HAIL LORD HELIX
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Anonymous39: came fucking hard on that tits and face
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TrashPirate: @Vicarious Reality: Couple of image servers are down I think.
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Anonymous40: Yes madame I may be drunk but tomorrow I will be sober but you... You will still be ugly-Winston Churchill
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Anonymous41: @Randomanon
I know nothing of this twitch Porkyman thing but I'm liking this religion already.
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Anonymous42(20): Can we have a new feature soon? Also, is there a big tits porkyman?
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Decanter: @Anonymous: We're waiting for the image server issues to be fixed before we change the featured image. Hopefully by St. Patrick's Day.
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Strein: Oh, now is DEFINITELY the time to it!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
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Tetragrammaton: @Senfyero: It's just another meme. Something entirely unimportant.
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NynDeezNutz: why is this featured
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Anonymous43: Because Twitch Plays Porkyman, dennisandmooch
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Anonymous44: This is fucking boring.
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Senfyero: @Tetragrammaton: Ah, alright.
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Anonymous45: (
the helix fossil has spoken
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RelentlessBater: This is probably the only featured image that is actually hot

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