Anonymous5: Kennycomix says: fuck the source material brock is an attractive and successful African now.
To this i say: no he isn't also misty still looks like ten years old but hey kennycomix is the greatest example of values dissonance ever so yeah kennycomix is a man so obsessed with big black cock to the point he changes the race of brock.
And everbody is like this: boo kennycomix did nothing wrong you sjw him being racist okay because he is a swedish also misty is older because she has breasts and reason for being brock is because he has dark skin.
Here's my response:just because someone has a darker skin this doesn't make that person a black person and misty being older because she has large breasts is stupid because she could be thirty year old woman and still could be flat chested and for kennycomix being racist is okay because he is swedish is wrong just because something is okay for your country doesn't mean it is okay for everybody else.hey hey where's my bike oh no! Kennycomix stole my bike! Kennycomix stole my bike!
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To this i say: no he isn't also misty still looks like ten years old but hey kennycomix is the greatest example of values dissonance ever so yeah kennycomix is a man so obsessed with big black cock to the point he changes the race of brock.
And everbody is like this: boo kennycomix did nothing wrong you sjw him being racist okay because he is a swedish also misty is older because she has breasts and reason for being brock is because he has dark skin.
Here's my response:just because someone has a darker skin this doesn't make that person a black person and misty being older because she has large breasts is stupid because she could be thirty year old woman and still could be flat chested and for kennycomix being racist is okay because he is swedish is wrong just because something is okay for your country doesn't mean it is okay for everybody else.hey hey where's my bike oh no! Kennycomix stole my bike! Kennycomix stole my bike!