Roflmann: Here is a quick piece to commemorate the evening I lost the .sai of every single NSFW picture I've drawn during the last year or two. It's not like I needed them for a portfolio or something, but I just really liked having them... Oh well. Just gotta fill up a new folder!
Roflmann: @NoxusForever: I can't help but hate Zac nowadays. Every single picture, has him doing something "sensual" with someone, usually a darling Riven, with his dumbass grin on his dumb fucking face. Zac's a freaking monster. Make him monstrous for Christ's sake, and vary it up from just Riven.
NoxusForever: @Roflmann: You sir, just made yourself my hero! I have a solemn hatred towards Zac, more so than most. And what you just wrote gave me the biggest smile I have ever had in a long time! I hope to see more Riven from you as your art improves! Cuz she is a real darling indeed. Good luck onwards mate, and I am glad to hear in this that you probably will not associate Riven with that sewer waste <3
Katarina_Du_Couteau: @NoxusForever[@Roflmann: I agree with you both. At first it was nice to see, a change of pace. But there's just so damned much of it, that it's gotten to be an eyesore.
Anonymous1: Im really sad to see all teh ZAC hate, i mean...I agree there is a BIT much Zac riven porn (ok wayyy to much)...but why is the pairing hated so much?
And any- He's a monster comments will be ignored, he's a sentiant being like any other character, and saying otherwise would be discriminatory.
NoxusForever: @Anonymous: He is a failed science project, nothing more, nothing less. Sentient or no, he is nothing more than a thing. Riot really had their heads up their asses when they made him. Like reaching into a hentai movie and taking a character to fulfull all the monster x girl pervs out there.
Twisted_Fate: @NoxusForever: I guess LoL-artists/commissioners don't wtach monster x girl hentai much... They just checked that fucking splashart and decided that "THIS IS LOVE!"...
I hope Yasuo would bring something different for her...
Roflmann: @Twisted_Fate: I like Yasuo for the most part, except that design-wise, he's too close to Twisted Fate and Xin Zhao... There's another character I can't make look distinguishable with my limited skills.
Anonymous2(1): Really...because he's made of slime...thats like saying he cant be in a relationship because he's black, what does it have to do with pairings (not porn related that is)
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And any- He's a monster comments will be ignored, he's a sentiant being like any other character, and saying otherwise would be discriminatory.
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I hope Yasuo would bring something different for her...
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