Anonymous5: @Anon4: Yeah, it's the angle on the face that makes the muzzle look boxy like a Great Dane's, instead of narrowing like a wolf.
Like the expression in the 7th panel though! Niels, what happened to your story-like descriptions for images? Miss seeing those. Also, more like >>655191 would be great.
Worgenhard: @Anonymous: This is actually the 3th page of a long to be ongoing comic series :) It's kinda based (or exactly those) on the Darkfang pack, as you can see here: and the links in the comment there :)
Dyrone: Why do these pictures get so much hate? I guarantee if the roles were reversed and there were a bunch of Alliance women with horde tattoos on them no one would be saying shit. I just don't understand it. I guess it's just butthurt hordies who just go completely flaccid at the thought of their fictional video game faction losing. That's the only logical explanation I can think of.
Anonymous6: @Dyrone partially true, although it has to be mentioned that a lot of the hate has been formed by people who got tired of seeing Worgenhard spread his hard-on for Worgen as much as possible.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Though it was less that than the guy's emotional immaturity. Big-pizzled Worgen were his adolescent power fantasy, sexual and I think every other way.
Either Worgenhard matured out of it -- we can hope -- or tired of his game. Been less of it lately.
Like the expression in the 7th panel though! Niels, what happened to your story-like descriptions for images? Miss seeing those. Also, more like >>655191 would be great.
- Reply
Either Worgenhard matured out of it -- we can hope -- or tired of his game. Been less of it lately.