Anonymous1: Nice but she looks too fat (she's not) her tits aren't big enough - and theres this thing with Americans - womens vaginas are NOT like squashed doughnuts for fucks sake
Anonymous3(1): @DoctorBoobyFondler: Oh look ! A talking turd answering me ! Look moron, the pic is fine. Despite having a turd for a brain you did a fine job. Everything is bang on, the "faults" are minor. Take a lesson from other artists - take minor comments not as insults (which they were not intended as) but as just that - fucking COMMENTS you whining wanker. Shame such a nice piece of work had to originate from a petulant tit
Anonymous4(2): @DoctorBoobyFondler: Hahahaha! You really are a weird cunt... You are acting like a just kicked your great Grandad's tombstone. Fucking cretin.
Senator_Palpatine: @DoctorBoobyFondler: Er....I think you'll find you're calling yourself names there, much to anon's amusement !! Silly name calling from you aside, made a lovely job of the above, faces nice, nothing much to complain about, and I don't think anon was actually criticising much. but your over-reaction got a similar response in return. But you should do more Francine/Hayley/Lois/Meg pictures.
SirStefan02: Well, A little tact from both wouldn't be bad. It is generally a nice pic, better than some I've seen. My only suggestion is to work on the left side a bit. Her leg makes it look like she has polio, and her arm shoulder looks a bit deformed as well. Her snatch isn't THAT bad, really, considering the overall canon appearance.
Senator_Palpatine: @SirStefan02: Absolutely. A little decorum wouldn't go amiss. It has faults - so what ? Nice pic lot going for it. Artist shouldn't expect glowing praise all the time. Original was trying to be humourous and the response got same back.
Vaginas OK but could've been better and I agree with YOUR view although "polio" is a bit much ! Her knickers/panties aren't good though. But only "Jimmy" of the erotic artists do those well (VERY well actually)
Anonymous5(2): "artists shouldn't expect glowing praise all the time" I didn't, the first comment just rubbed me wrong is all... I don't owe anyone anything and don't give two shits if you like the picture or not. Am just storing it here... shove your decorum where the sun don't shine mate. Now thumbs this down and fuck off.
Anonymous6: @Senator_Palpatine: Your not in an art gallery, your on saucy image site. But if you really do think that your in an art gallery, then you can shut the fuck up while people ponder over this intriguing piece...
You fucking bell end. "Petulant and stupid. A shame"... you really are some sort of fucking cunt.
Anonymous7(6): @DoctorBoobyFondler: Couldn't agree with you more! There are some really annoying ass holes on this site. Props to you sir! Great picture as well!
Anonymous10(6): @MacarioThePussyMage: What the fuck. I like your first comment. The others don't make much sense lol. Whose a "fucking prick"? and what do you mean by "spot on, fucking chips" Lmao!
jubilation_t_cornpone: DoctorBoobyFondler and MacarioThePussyMage have been deleted for samefagging with multiple accounts. Now you can SEE the samefagging.
Anonymous13: @Anonymous: Assholes ? You and the petulant tantrum throwing drip are the biggest, you rectum @Anonymous: And here we have another dog-turd-for-a-brain example of the true arsehole
Vaginas OK but could've been better and I agree with YOUR view although "polio" is a bit much ! Her knickers/panties aren't good though. But only "Jimmy" of the erotic artists do those well (VERY well actually)
You fucking bell end. "Petulant and stupid. A shame"... you really are some sort of fucking cunt.
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