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TagsFriendship_is_Magic, Krystil, My_Little_Pony, Pinkie_Pie
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Info1000x1000 // 446KB // png
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CrotchboobAddict: mindfuck..
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Nuxersopus: Its a face, how is this p-oh...oh god damnit!
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gittonsxv: ear sex AND brain pregnancy?
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Alex500: Fuck her in the ear? Why not :D
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datmypony1: (||)
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Anonymous1: Poor Pinkie Pie - too much sex on her mind.
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BubbaGun: Careful. There's a Killometer in there...
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leacheate_soup: "This has to be animated, otherwise it ain't porn... oh."
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Somewhat_Sexually_Confused: You are now imagining Pinkie secreting ear wax instead of normal vaginal juices.
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bAv-R34: OLDSACKS would hit that like a freight train.
Covered in foghorns. And jet engines.
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skunkwolfe: Remember, foals; it doesn't count if you do it in the ear. ;)
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Sobana: @leacheate_soup: My exact thoughts...
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Anonymous2: I guess she's used to having things go in one ear and out the other
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Anonymous3: I guess you can call that earrape :D
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Anonymous4: I guess you can say... she's a vaginear!

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