wabbleplunk: @ISPILLmyDRINK: not at all my art is to bad to be featured I just did it for laughs it made me giggle and I just wanted to share it to see what folks thoughts are on this I have a loooong way to go before my art gets featured
wabbleplunk: @ISPILLmyDRINK: also I would hate for people to find it right away I want some to be on here of hours and to and find my insane shit and be like 'sweet god some actually took the time to draw this abomination' so no I would rather my stuff be hidden until someone finds it on there own
DadadadaWangman: No, I like this one a lot! It fits this site to a 'T!' Plus the character selection is mostly what is hurting me so badly! Oh so badly . . .
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