RSG: @Anonymous: Check my Tumblr, I don't really post my stuff on here that often because it'd shit up the tag. I listed it as a source on some of my stuff.
Hardly to say. Depents on the picture.
I am a straight guy, and would never touch an other guy, but I already fapped to bisexual furry stuff. So a bisexual pic had more % fappable as this pic
Anonymous3: @Invognito: Fapping to bisexual content is only half straight---or it's half crooked. Depends if you're a "glass is half full" or "glass is half empty" kind of guy.
It is a good artwork, but just....well it is good, but not 100% fapable. < My opinion
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Hardly to say. Depents on the picture.
I am a straight guy, and would never touch an other guy, but I already fapped to bisexual furry stuff. So a bisexual pic had more % fappable as this pic
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Anyways, had no problem getting off to this.