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TagsAka6, League_of_Legends, Soraka
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CommanderShepardlol: Edit of >>1249832
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lazor3000: you're the hero r34 need.
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Jarvan_IV: @lazor3000: He's not the hero we need.
He's the hero we deserve.
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RapeRapeRape: where is the horsecock=( soraka is not soraka without her horsecock=(
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Irelia_the_Will_of_the_Blades: Well done, you are true champion.
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lanim: Very good edit, thx Commander.
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colonel_j: Why is Raka's vag so teeny and closed up?
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Roflmann: It's not a bad edit, but I am a bit sad it has to exist.
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CommanderShepardlol: @Roflmann: What's it matter if it exists or not? Why does the other need to exist? Why can't both exist?
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Gonglion: NIIIIIIIICE I was fucking waiting for this one! get my money! (and my +1)
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Anonymous1: Thanks god for this. I dont get those fuckheads who are drawing penises on females or making hanged females or intestines shit. sick fuckers
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PinkBallons: @MafiosoCZ: You put dickgirls on the same level as guro? Fucking seriously?
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lazor3000: @PinkBallons: You're right. Penises on females are much worse.
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CommanderShepardlol: @MafiosoCZ: Guro and futa are on completely different levels... I despise seeing harm on women ( or people in general for that matter) fantasy or not. I like womanly bits that's why I edit, I wish artists would make versions for both parties so everyone could be happy, but that's not what they get paid to do.
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wookash: This is so fkn awesome, please more.
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Anonymous2: Thank you, so much better
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Anonymous3: @MafiosoCZ: sick fuckers who have different tastes than you, may they all rot in hell
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Jarvan_IV: @CommanderShepardlol: That's why I adore Shadman. When he did all the really impressive Jinx pictures, he made futa, trap and normal and catered to everyone.
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Irelia_the_Will_of_the_Blades: @lazor3000: Comparing Guro and Futa is a little bit overboard. I'm not fun of futa but I can appreciate art. You can compare futa to man with tits looking like a woman A.K.A shemale.
@CommanderShepardlol: As you mentioned Guro is on other level. Harm on women is just no, why would you do that, fictionary or not. I don't like rape in fiction either but it can be acceptable to a certain point.

Go and watch movie Snuff and you will see how disgusting yours taste for guro is.
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RapeRapeRape: @Irelia_the_Will_of_the_Blades: Wtf is wrong with you ??? comparing futa with shemale???? THESE ARE 2 TOTALLY DIFFRENT THINGS. Shemales are disgusting and a disgrace to the human race. Bu
t futa is female and nice. Shemales are gay and disgusting. Futa is straight and hot.
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lazor3000: @RapeRapeRape: haha, you made my day
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Irelia_the_Will_of_the_Blades: @RapeRapeRape: Maybe its not technically accurate but still its feminine like looking character/person with dick despite its origin. Futa is futa and straight is straight, lets not put these together.
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Anonymous4: Nice edit! Should remove right ball squeeze hand too though aaaaaand make put the dildo in her cooch!
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Anonymous5: It feels kinda empty now.
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DS121: @RapeRapeRape: I'm sincerely hoping this is a joke / sarcasm.

Shemale and futa are close enough that they might as well be the same thing. If you like it, hey, that's your own taste. But when you're a guy who loves a huge, thick, throbbing, veiny cock, don't try to pretend that's not a little homosexual.
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Syndra_the_Dark_Sovereign: Futa argument? it's inevitable
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RapeRapeRape: @DS121: What is wrong with you, people?

Shemale= A Man with boobsugery. He still is a man, a disgusting and sick one, but techincally still a man.

Futa: It is a girl. With evrything i love about a girl:
- Soft skin
- Nice, long hair
- Sweet voice
- awesome ass
- soft breasts
- a cute, social atittude

And all this things make women very attractive. I think even if you judge it from a neutral point of view, you have to admit, that women are more attractive than men.

I think that is also the reason why all (good looking/hot) women allready made lesbian expieriences.

But i don't know a single man, that allerady kissed another man.

And this is why futa ALWAYS must be straight and shemales ALWAYS are gay. And when a woman make a sugery to look like a man, then she is also gay.

For example a female friend of mine also watches a lot of futa porn. And why she does this? Because she want to be a man? Nope, she did it because she just want to have a penis, but she want hold her breasts, ass, long hairs.
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Fadez: The forecast for today is a shitstorm with mild rage.
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Anonymous6: I say if you enjoy a certain fetish, you shouldn't be judged for it. Don't force yourself to like something just because the majority doesn't.
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Irelia_the_Will_of_the_Blades: @RapeRapeRape: But you don't have to forget about key aspect of a girl which is vagina. My PoV is that if its a solo picture and she has a dick, its gay. Other parts can't make up for missing vagina. If there are 2 girls and one of them have vagina and the other one has dick, its kinda justifiable.

It doesn't matter after all, like what you like. Its your own taste but stop with those stupid comments, such as "Why she has no dick." or "It feels kinda empty". You have dick version and we have vagina version, period.
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Jarvan_IV: Now playing: Darude - Shitstorm
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RapeRapeRape: @Irelia_the_Will_of_the_Blades: Actually i like both versions
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KIWHAN: When I became a follower of rule 34, I'm ready to accept all kinds of rule 34.
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Jarvan_IV: @RapeRapeRape: Then what was the point of raising Kane about this?
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Darius_the_Hand_of_Noxus: @Syndra_the_Dark_Sovereign: May I fuck you Syndra?
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RapeRapeRape: @RapeRapeRape: i was bored
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Lilmouse: arse, the insecurity in r34 comments is amazing.
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Anonymous7(6): @Lilmouse: *sigh*

I came here to enjoy porn, not a political debate.
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Anonymous8: Jesus fucking Christ the amount of retards on both sides in this comment section is astounding.
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Anonymous9(6): @Anonymous: You said it. This is worse when commenters complain when they see black characters fucking [blank] female characters.

Personally, I wouldn't call this whole debate retarded, but I will call it meaningless.
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Anonymous10: I like this version 'cus it is my preference. Thanks :>
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Blackykun34: Man the amount of time you waste with proclaiming your heterosexuality on the internet is astonishing. No-one cares in the first place, doesn't matter in the second, everyone knows you're here to fap to imaginary characters, what a goddamn bull of heterosexual virility you are!
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lazor3000: @RapeRapeRape: You're retarded.
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RapeRapeRape: @lazor3000: stfu, you homosexuall weirdo
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lazor3000: @RapeRapeRape: yeah, like i am the one who want to see dick on every human being
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Crucius: This version is vastly inferior to the glorious original.
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Jarvan_IV: I'm deeply sorry for those who lost brain cells while reading these comments.
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Anonymous11(6): These Futa debates on R34 is really getting old. A lot of you are so insecure. Just fap in peace. Jeez!
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CommanderShepardlol: @Crucius: In my opnion*
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CommanderShepardlol: Opinion* sigh.
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Anonymous12: I would argue that the image quality took a hit with the edit regardless of taste.
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Anonymous13: Of course it did. It wrecked the composition.

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