Voslar: It's one of the most basic laws of nature: The whole is more than the sum of its parts. And dear god, does it ever apply to hot girls getting it on.
Thrakerzod: @Anonymous: They wanted Cthulhu but these days he's as hard to get a hold of as Pyramid-head, or Neal Pert! You just need a good PR man these days with connections to the right Agents.
Voslar: Fluttershy squeaked as Rarity broke the kiss. Even beneath her coat, the luminescent blush on her face was clearly visible. Her eyes met the unicorn's desperately, begging, pleading... but for what, she herself did not know.
"Rarity... Rarity, please..."
Rarity's hoof met the pegasus's slick outer lips, gliding up and down every so softly, Fluttershy's excitement begin to lightly coat the edge of her appendage.
"It's alright, darling." The unicorn smiled warmly, comfortingly at her beautiful, treasured friend. "You know I would never do anything you didn't want me to do." Rarity looked deeply into the other pony's eyes, deep blue meeting teal and holding it.
"So then," the unicorn went on in a low voice. "What do you want me to do?"
Fluttershy's eyes cast about the room desperately. She knew what she wanted. But she couldn't say it. She couldn't say... that! She just couldn't!
"I... I..."
Rarity leaned in, her face only inches away from Fluttershy's own, and the pegasus abruptly stopped thinking.
"Would you like me to kiss you again?"
The yellow pony's reluctance slipped away. "Yes." She breathed. "Yes..."
Then there was only Rarity's mouth, and Rarity's tongue, and Rarity's soft, warm body, and Rarity's beauty, and Rarity's gentle love, as the two ponies embraced as one.
And for the first time in the timid pegasus's life, she knew that everything was exactly as it should be.
Voslar: @Nuxersopus: I seperate stories by the ones I put real time and effort into, and the ones I whip up in five or ten minutes more to help paint a picture than anything else. This was the latter.
I've got something a bit more involved in the pipes for Lyra.
Me Gust...
> Batpony ears.
What the fuck is wrong with you IMMERSION BROKEN!!
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All of my THIS
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"Rarity... Rarity, please..."
Rarity's hoof met the pegasus's slick outer lips, gliding up and down every so softly, Fluttershy's excitement begin to lightly coat the edge of her appendage.
"It's alright, darling." The unicorn smiled warmly, comfortingly at her beautiful, treasured friend. "You know I would never do anything you didn't want me to do." Rarity looked deeply into the other pony's eyes, deep blue meeting teal and holding it.
"So then," the unicorn went on in a low voice. "What do you want me to do?"
Fluttershy's eyes cast about the room desperately. She knew what she wanted. But she couldn't say it. She couldn't say... that! She just couldn't!
"I... I..."
Rarity leaned in, her face only inches away from Fluttershy's own, and the pegasus abruptly stopped thinking.
"Would you like me to kiss you again?"
The yellow pony's reluctance slipped away. "Yes." She breathed. "Yes..."
Then there was only Rarity's mouth, and Rarity's tongue, and Rarity's soft, warm body, and Rarity's beauty, and Rarity's gentle love, as the two ponies embraced as one.
And for the first time in the timid pegasus's life, she knew that everything was exactly as it should be.
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I've got something a bit more involved in the pipes for Lyra.
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Use of negative space
Hot pony pussy wet humping
Not unlike Edward Hopper...
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