Anonymous1: Wow...... this proves the point that nothing is out of reach for pornographers. In conclusion if somebody knows about it, it is no longer sacred.
Mother: Pornographers can do some very lovely things with sensitivity, grace, and dignity.
Or in this case, with an appalling understanding of anatomy. Nipples usually point off a bit to the side...but not with both of them pointing off to the *same* side.
Honestly, boys. You spend enough time staring at breasts on the internet. You should have a sense of these things. Boobs do not turn and point to the camera, like they are looking back at you. If one nipple is pointing right at you, like on Joyce's left breast, the other is going to be pointing off about 30 degrees in the clockwise direction at an imaginary object about a foot left of the viewer's left shoulder. For the right breast to be pointing at the viewer this way, Joyce's nipple would have to be located on the inside contour of her breast, practically in her cleavage (if Joyce ever showed cleavage).
someothergimper: Uhm, honestly I don't see all this wrongness with the nipples, to me they don't seem to be pointing both in the same direction. Still, knowing that I lack any anatomical drawing skill, they were traced over >>1239809 anyway (where they are visible just in transparency), so nipples complaints go to him =)
For the rest, I hope I did a decent enough job, keep in mind it's the first time I did something like this (and with just a normal mouse even getting the shadings shapes vaguely right can be challenging).
someothergimper: @Anonymous: for the "sacred thing": it's not that I drew a dick on Joyce (>>648324>>1185522) or random dicks around (too many to be linked), I just painted away the bra, and the result is nothing out of character IMHO; as the original, it's Joyce getting dressed (which now happens to be slightly more sexy).
someothergimper: @Mother: ok, now I finally "got" it and you are right, the nipples' directions are all wrong. If that's of any consolation, if I drew them myself they would probably be even wronger.
Or in this case, with an appalling understanding of anatomy. Nipples usually point off a bit to the side...but not with both of them pointing off to the *same* side.
Honestly, boys. You spend enough time staring at breasts on the internet. You should have a sense of these things. Boobs do not turn and point to the camera, like they are looking back at you. If one nipple is pointing right at you, like on Joyce's left breast, the other is going to be pointing off about 30 degrees in the clockwise direction at an imaginary object about a foot left of the viewer's left shoulder. For the right breast to be pointing at the viewer this way, Joyce's nipple would have to be located on the inside contour of her breast, practically in her cleavage (if Joyce ever showed cleavage).
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For the rest, I hope I did a decent enough job, keep in mind it's the first time I did something like this (and with just a normal mouse even getting the shadings shapes vaguely right can be challenging).