Mariko: Oh wow. Fucking wow.
Ashi, I think part of it is lack of wimmins to pair them with. If you narrow it down to the ones who actually have names, there's what? Juliette the dead girl, Rebecca in a comma and the Dethklok moms. Not exactly hot or "OTP" inspiring.
Urbane_Guerrilla: Just as long as everyone knows "venti" means 20, not "came." Just lately, StBx has been drawing the StBx Melusine in natural colors. If a two-tailed mermaid can be said to be natural. Next partner, Ariel! Bwahahahaaa!
Krawczyk: Our Jonah Hex is seriously lacking. Ah well, I never read that series anyway.
...What do you mean coffee is supposed to keep you awake? It slams me into the ground as soon as I take a sip! I always feel more tired after I drink some, which is why I only like it diluted with 80% whipped cream! and 80% less bugjuice.
Krawczyk: so you'd prefer the background replaced with Jaguars? I could go with that but I like the simplicity of a mild jungly green. No matter what Rarity says!
Anonymous28: @Anonymous: I wouldn't mind that. Besides, If anything, It should be pokepaheal. Seeing as the tag 'Porkyman' has nearly fifty thousand images attached to it. As supposed to the mere ten thousand to the 'My Little Pony' tag.
Anonymous31: I think peacocks implying theres already a website filled with that junk so theres no need to change the site at all... even though alot of that stuff is here too.
Jeb: Wow
I can't escape pony shit anywhere. Not even in a discussion thread on paheal containing two completely different non related IPs.
And you people wonder why you're hated.
Anonymous36: why then, do the other fandoms have more common courtesy, and aren't a bunch of childish spaztards spamming ponny shit everywhere and complaining on everything? this is why everyone hates you pony fags. you are like that table in high school with all the awkward rejects, the fat goths, asspie emos, hyperactive scenefags, etc. flailing around pathetically desperate for attention. not even furfags and weeaboos are that annoying and retarded.
Ponyfagcancer: >Desperately flailing for attention
how exactly, posting comments? get over yourself
have we got a large number of posts? yes, but nothing compared to the 50'000 or so posts Porkyman has, and i don't see any of you crying about that.
We're not invading you're fandoms, even the furries try to stay away from us.
Face it, if you don't like us then just ignore us
Jesus, you'd think there would be less butthurt faggots on what is trying to be a mature website.
Anonymous38(36): @Ponyfagcancer: you are the only butthurt immature faggot on here. who give a shit if Porkyman has 50000 posts? you don't see fucking pikachus stretching the page on every featured image that has nothing to do with it. so yes, you do invade other fandoms. it's pretty hard to ignore something which is that much in your face.
Anonymous41: I love how I had a discussion about how overpriced Starbucks Coffee is only to come home and find this image. attractive and successful African, you fuckin' blew my mind.
Silent_Witness: @Jeb: You see someone with an avatar of Homestuck or something like that, they're just a fan. But as soon as brightly colored cartoon horses get involved, suddenly it's "cramming it down your throat." Funny how that works.
Dick_Chappy: Stay on the topic of this picture, please.
I think I will go apply to be a mod just to take care of this whole "pony" thing. For Christ's sake, we are here to laugh and fap, not talk about ponies.
Anonymous51: In all honesty, I would rather have a flood of fucking Porkyman and sonic porn then having one page full of these shitty ponies. Would one of you pony faggots please for the love of God tell me what do you see in this show and any of it's characters. Please
PinkBallons: ^ Why don't you try watching an episode and find out instead of just assuming it's terrible? Also, if you want something from someone, insulting them isn't the best way to go about it.
Anonymous52: How to start an argument
1. Go to comment section
2. Write anything even vaguely remote to the "MLP; FiM" show
3. Come back a few days later and read yourself a novel
Anonymous53: Why are there so many pictures of ponies on a picture of starbucks? WHY!?!? STOP trying to cram your pony crap DOWN our throats! I disapprove of their spamming. They're all like "Look at me! I'm a brony." WHO CARES!!! @ all pony spamtards, ಠ_ಠ
Sintime: @PinkBallons: watching an episode just proves its terrible, I wouldn't suggest that. At least let there be the benefit of the doubt, it's a normal childrens television show, there's nothing amazing about it or unique at all.
ShadowOfAGoat: Starbucks is saying "veinte veinte Veinte!" She's probably reffering to feeling veinte(20) cups of her coffee with added "creamer". Take that, consumer whore! With your sexy, overpriced coffee! She puts bugs in her coffee and gets pleasure when people drink it. That's how it has such a sensual, exotic color. She enjoys a good time, but it'll cost ya!
PinkBallons: @Sintime: If you go into something thinking "Oh, this will be terrible" of course you're going to think it's terrible. And if there isn't anything unique about it, why wasn't there this fanbase for, say, the Powerpuff Girls?
Silent_Witness: @PinkBallons: You know, there were times where someone tried to introduce me to something, and I was determined not to enjoy it. But do you know what happened when I sat down and watched/read/listened to it?
I actually enjoyed it.
So, give it a shot. You might be surprised by what you see.
Gray_Ghost: First of all, finally a picture that doesn't kill boners. Thank you.
Second, it's by TheBigManshini, double thank you.
Third, @Anon63-64, so if I use a pic of the Dexter's Laboratory "dat ain't no ass - it's a space station!" meme on a pic where a fine lady happens to have an excellent ass, I'm shoving Dexter down everyone's throats and spamming?
Fourth, as a fan of MLP:FiM, I am kinda proud of all the hate. It just means that we've become as big as the Sonic fandom here. It's almost kinda fuckin' beautiful.
Finally, could we at least have bronies-vs.-antibronies on an actual MLP pic and leave what is honestly the first non-gay Metalocalypse pic I've seen in God knows how long alone? You realize this little skirmish of yours is just gonna make the mods feature a guro, gory MLP pic that won't make ANYONE happy.
Anonymous57: @PinkBallons: I did watch it, what now? Episode 1 was actually not bad but by 2 I said that's enough, yeah it's cute, somewhat funny, but it's just a typical [overrated] kid's show, like Porkyman [except Porkyman is a lot more creative] yet you don't see that shit spammed all over the internet in attempt to be funny or clever. get over yourself. before you're like "baw Porkyman has 50000 images" that's cus there is like 1000s of different characters, you're not seeing the same 6 or 10 getting fucked over and over every day. you ponyfags have the mind of a 10 yr old, no real world logic so you arguments are just sad.
Anonymous59(58): @Brony2012: Porkyman? Creative? This is Porkyman in a nutshell:
Ash & Friends go to random town. Ash & Friends meet random Porkyman. Team Rocket steals random Porkyman. Pikachu uses thunderbolt. Team Rocket blasts off again. Ash & Friends wave goodbye into the sunset.
The Porkyman anime is even more formulaic than Scooby Fucking Doo!
Anonymous60(58): @Sintime: There were plenty of cartoons after Digimon that were watchable:
Justice League
Xiaolin Showdown
Batman Brave and the Bold
Regular Show
Transformers Animated
Teen Titans
Samurai Jack
Ed Edd n Eddy
TMNT 2k3
Avatar the Last Airbender
and many more.
PinkBallons: @Brony2012: Good for you man, glad you gave it a chance. If it's not your thing it's not your thing. The haters that really annoy me are the ones that don't even bother watching an episode, or the ones that watch 10 seconds of it and act like they've experienced it.
Anonymous62(58): @Sintime: I'll bet you're only saying those are average because they're anime/from Japan. And I also like how you claim they don't count anyway, because they weren't on when you were a kid...
Anonymous69(57): @Anonymous: still more creative than MLP;fim, a 4th-time remake of 80s fad done in a style heavily influenced by Creator of PPG. also w/Porkyman you're talking about an anime adaption of a video game... so yeah it's not gonna be the best, but then it's a kid's show most of them are formulaic like that.
TrashPirate: Porkyman anime is crap. The games are creative but began losing it fast plotwise at least, until Black and White. The Porkyman mangas have some pretty good stuff though.
I hope Metalocalypse has another song like the coffee one eventually.
Gray_Ghost: @Brony2012 ...So much... wrong... with that sentence, I must break my silence for the final time.
1. Lauren Faust did not create the P.P.G.s, her husband Craig McCracken did, she worked on the show MUCH later.
2. A 4th-time remake would imply that My Little Pony has had five shows. This one is the fourth. Unless you are counting Gen 3.5, which... why if you hate the show?
3. Impliying that an anime based on a video game that's been running for like 25 fucking years (Porkyman) that you admit is "formulaic" is more creative than a cartoon based on little girl toy's that has only been on for about two years (MLP).
4. Implying that being influenced by Faust (or McCracken?, your comment is vague) makes automatically MLP a bad show which is horseshit of the highest caliber.
So now that's done... Chicks who cum coffee. Would you still tap that?
1. I never said she created PPG, but it's obvious her style resembles his especially her other show Idk what it is but its on her dA
2.technicality but you got what I mean right? and I don't hate the show... I just don't think as much of it as most people seem to expect.
3. ??? the Porkyman original series only lasted a couple years & whatever came after is a new generation, just like MLP, so with that logic your show is 30 something years old. not even sure what you meant by that, but ok.
4. No? I just said it appears lacking in creativity.
Anonymous75(57): besides, like Sintime said before, I mean creativity regarding the characters... in MLP they are basically all the same but various colors, hence why I don't understand the need for 1000's of images on the same 6 or 10 characters being fucked in different colors.
>the Porkyman original series only lasted a couple years & whatever came after is a new generation, just like MLP.
Nope, it's still the same series as a whole. It's not like Transformers or MLP or even Digimon where a new Generation means either new characters or new interpretations of old characters. The series still contains the same old Ash, Pikachu, and Team Rocket...
Anonymous79(57): @Anonymous: no, because there are different Porkyman and people, you rarely see any gen1 Porkyman or characters anymore, and yes the new ponies are just remakes of a lot of the older ones just like ash an team rocket (I don't watch the new series but they are different)
deathstriker: This freaking comment I am typing right now is more creative than Naruto, but I gotta agree.
Porkyman could have ended after the first two movies and everything would be just great.
PinkBallons: On the whole "MY Little Pony" and bronies debate, I'm just going to leave this here. I highly recommend watching it if you've got some free time, he makes some great points.
Candycock: Trolls trolling trolls and general shitstorming, yep another day on the internet. Also this is a long overdue feature. Now someone make them in pony form and feature that image so more people will rage.
moximoore: This rage column was called by two pony images? Christ people, it's not that fucking serious. The Pony fandom will eventually die down to acceptable levels just like all the other ones.
TheBigMansini: I remember showing a copy of this to the IRL drummer for Dethklok, Gene Hoglan, at Ram's Head in Baltimore back in June 2008. Wonder if Brendon Small ever got to see it =)
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: I was just saying I think he made some good points that some people in this thread might find interesting in that video, nothing more. I haven't seen any of his other stuff.
I'll admit he does make some points. I have watched lot of the episodes myself but I have actually never been to 4chan or any site pony related or anything really mostly because of the people that populate them en mass. I watch the series but don't talk about everywhere I go online, the people that DO do that (And the arguing which ends up making something look like... well just scroll up a little) are the ones who bother me sometimes.
PinkBallons: @Peacock: Yeah same here, it's cool to enjoy the show but taking it with you everywhere you go can really annoy people that don't enjoy it. This is the only even remotely social site I go on regularly.
Sintime: @Anonymous: If you're trying to normalize discussing horses in a 'normal' conversation, which in all means, isn't normal conversation. (probably to you, and people like you though, in whichever social circle you run) That in itself falls in line with the spamming or things that aren't even related, and thus, by your own words is 'evangelizing bullshit'
Anonymous85(64): I think the bronies would stop spamming on unrelated images, if we were to stop making, uploading and featuring so much pony gore
>>844967>>801585 You're all complaining about them 'infecting' things that aren't related to them. But you all seem to have forgotten that You are the ones provoking them by uploading such vile shit into their fandom.
I'm certainly not pro-bronies, but there really is no point bitching about them this way, if you're provoking them into doing this.
Stop being so hypocritical and leave them be, then you can have your precious comment thread without any pony comments.
Sintime: @Anonymous: That makes no sense, and it's a bad ad hominem, if someone was constantly bringing up gay couples in a christian enviroment and trying to normalize the behavior in a Christian enviroment ... then it would make sense.
Forcing yourselves into other fandoms, and trying to make a 'pony' version of everything when in fact, it's not realted at all, IS forcing something down your throat and therefore spamming it.
PinkBallons: @Sintime: I hope you're aware that people can, in fact, be a member of two fandoms at the same time. You seem to think that bronies only like ponies and nothing else. Why is it a big deal if we ponify things? Just because there's two versions of something doesn't mean the original is ruined.
PinkBallons: @Anonymous: Oh I gave up the argument the first time I talked to Sinneh, there's no winning. I just find his point of view interesting in how convoluted and contradictory it is.
Sintime: @PinkBallons: stop commenting under Anon please, also, you yourself are doing nothing, stop using 'we' you're aren't venom from spider-man.
The big deal is, randomly forcing another fandom, into another, which you just tried to defend, I'm just picking at your defense. "Just because there's two versions of something doesn't mean the original is ruined" But all of a sudden, if you upload Guro of something ...
Sintime: @PinkBallons: You gave up, because you can't argue to begin with, I mean you revolve your entire world around a childrens show, how intellectual could a person like that be?
PinkBallons: @Sintime: Don't ever accuse me of samefagging again. I honestly could give a shit about guro of ponies, it's still art. What I have a problem with is your pathetic MS Paint edits, as I have said many times before.
Sintime: @Anonymous: Has picture of badly drawn horse as Avatar, Only comments on MLP pics or something related to MLP, pm's me badly made youtube link of MLP song ... yeah ...
Sintime: @PinkBallons: Taking into account everything here, yes, I would say your entire life revolves around ponies, I think you would be better off on a site with nothing but them.
PinkBallons: @Sintime: Just because your better half Fara or whatever the hell her name is loved samefagging doesn't mean I do. I have never posted as an Anon since I made this account, so if you're going to continue accusing me you better get some proof.
Sintime: @PinkBallons: That actually has nothing to do with the topic here, I don't care if you do or not, wait, yes I do care, because then that would be grounds for a ban. By all means, samefag away.
Sintime: @Anonymous: Sure I'm paying attention perhaps better than you, you're getting angry when someone else does exactly what you have been doing, but in different context.
Sintime: @Anonymous: When did I ever hold up Naruto or Porkyman? Can you read? Or are you wanting so strongly to believe in something that isn't there?
Porkyman revoles around the same plot, at least there was more thought put behind the characters, they didn't recolor the same character over a hundred times and claim it's a new "Porkyman".
Sintime: @Anonymous: I don't watch links to anything, you should be intelligent enough to explain yourself in your own words, if you cannot then you're just regurgitating someone else's opinions.
Sintime: @Anonymous: Aren't you making a horrible attempt to lecture me? I don't have any fandoms either.
You're seeing only what you wish to see and ignoring other things, when was the last time you saw a image from Porkyman insterted up here? How many people do you see commenting on Porkyman pics named after Porkyman? There's a big difference, bronies are much much more retarded than any other group.
Keep feeling amused, I will feel more amused as long as you keep commenting from Anon.
Anonymous104(64): Fucking faggots getting obsessed over over a girls cartoon.
I could tolerate you fuckers if you didn't have to infect everything you lay your eyes on.
Honestly, every meme needs to 'ponified'
every thread on every fucking website is filled with these faggots.
You freaks wonder why nobody likes you?
Take a look at yourselves ffs.
Anonymous105(64): @Anonymous: Yeah, cuz it was really SINTIME that started posting all the pony and furry rage, it was really that caused all of this irrelevance, didn't he?
This is sarcasm if you're too stupid to tell.
Anonymous107(64): @Anonymous: You just contradicted yourself, again. Some ponyfag linked a pony image in the comments thread of an image that has nothing to do with ponies so sintime linked an image of ponies being butchered. Fair play to him.
Anonymous108(64): @Anonymous: Images were never the problem at all you fucknugget, the problem is that these ponyfags constantly see fit to infect and 'ponify' everything they lay they're eyes on.
You really think that will stop now that images are banned? No, it won't.
Krawczyk: @TheBigMansini: LoL it's like that one coffee bean that is eaten by ferrets first before being made into coffee! I think that was on Andrew Zimmern's show where he had a cup of that.
Hot damn, nice troll with that ponheal pic, I stopped paying attention to the feature and the comments went nutso!
yeah man ponibooru trolls me just with its existence. Its server is equivalent to paheal's 4 years ago, so it's kind of timely this all came about on a 4 year old pic. Man, for two straight days I haven't been able to post shit on there. Completely aggravating. Why the fuck is it even so terrible? Srsly. I think they only have one server, all mentions of server(s) are lies. Also they probably run it on win98.
Anonymous119(51): My oh my how far paheal has fallen. First Porkyman then sonic now fucking ponies. See you fags on, at least there's no sign of these retarted bronies there
deathstriker: ^Lu.Scio.Us has 5000+ pictures of ponies mate. and the new directory is messy.
And that comes from a guy that was lurking the site since 09'
Ambivalent: Is ironic that the guys who hate ponies are the ones who bring it up more often then the Bronies. I'm indifferent about the fandom myself and but even I find the guys who complain about ponies FAR more annoying and bitchy then the actual bronies.
iFap2Dat: How the fuck did this become a pony hate-storm? How come I never see anybody say shit about that retarded ass blue dog bitch or whatever the hell she is that has 10 pictures on every fucking page of Rule34?
There seriously needs to be a tag blocker on this site.
Anonymous121(64): Gotta love the way people are bitching bronies, but it was actually the mod who claims to be a pony hater who brought them up first@Krawczyk:
Decanter: Oh you silly users. There was always bitching about every single featured image ever. Only thing that's changed is that now you have a scapegoat in Titanium's leaving.
FYI Titanium was a massive brony; he featured the first ever image of the current MLP series, because he'd just started watching it and was excited, and another featured image of his was just because season 2 had started.
Krawczyk: ^dis. It's no Drinky Crow or Duckman, that's fersure. Still undisputed kings of funny animal humour. ;Þ
also brony2012 confirmed for newfag. Prolly underageB& too I reckon, watching leetle girly cartoons instead of Bill Plympton or Augenblick or Liquid Television! Bill Plympton, now there's a guy who deserves this level of notoriety and instantaneous fandom donation pull!
Not...not, THIS TRAVESTY!!!! After So I Married A Strange Person, Billyboy should never have left the main stage ever again! He should be the most celebrated ever since Freling and Chuck Jones! And Dilworth should be right up there with him!
Danielakiiki: @Krawczyk: Ahhhhh, Liquid Television. The origin of Beavis and Butt-head, Milton Waddams and Aeon Flux (without dialog). Also Bobby & Billy and Psychogram. Good stuff.
Anonymous125: @Decanter not just feature-hating, but all the spam/unrelated bitching would have been deleted, also it doesn't matter if he was a brony, he featured a lot of different subjects and changed them a lot more often...
Anonymous126(125): Take your fucking ritalin bitch You can't ban me, and yes I watched all that stuff you gay ass hipsters, why don't you feature something good like that
PinkBallons: @Brony2012: Considering this is a privately run website, yes, he probably can ban you. Besides, didn't you ascii spam some MLP pics the other day both on your account and as an anon, breaking rules 7, 9, and 28, or was that just my imagination?
Screamshot: This is accurate. The position the mermaid maintains in the starbucks logo is how the ancients would depict how the mer-women held their legs to invite sexual intercourse. Look it up! Realities always better than fiction! >8)
Anonymous130(51): you brony faggots better thank pinkie pie or whoever you pray too that i'm not a fucking admin, or else a shit storm like this would not of happen.
Krawczyk: @Anonymous:
But then where would the lulz be, WHERE WOULD THE LULZ BE?!?!
Also everyone except me IS new :x
who the hell likes Dubstep? I'll ban them myself. BAN THEM FROM LIFE!!!
Decanter: Again people can't make up their minds what they hate the admins for. Some of them want a bunch of comments deleted for being shit, others call us pro-censorship for deleting the few things we do consider unacceptable.
And to think some of them wonder why we don't seem to listen to them.
...I have no idea where the dubstep thing came from, either.
PinkBallons: @Decanter: Unfortunately you can't please everyone, so you just have to do what seems best and hope it doesn't piss too many people off. Most of the ones complaining are Anons anyway, and honestly, who cares about the legion.
TheBigMansini: @Krawczyk: Coffee bodily fluids was partially inspired by a very old MAD TV sketch, on of my all time faves really, where "The coffee man" aka Stan had drunk so much coffee he was literally pissing coffee.
This should be featured.
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how peculiar.
Ashi, I think part of it is lack of wimmins to pair them with. If you narrow it down to the ones who actually have names, there's what? Juliette the dead girl, Rebecca in a comma and the Dethklok moms. Not exactly hot or "OTP" inspiring.
Perhaps Fretalian.
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...What do you mean coffee is supposed to keep you awake? It slams me into the ground as soon as I take a sip! I always feel more tired after I drink some, which is why I only like it diluted with 80% whipped cream! and 80% less bugjuice.
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Too many features
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Theres a Ponibooru waiting for you...
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why should us bronies have to move to another site just because some faggots dislike us?
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If it is Ponheal then I am Ponlber007!
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Glad I'm neutral in this.
I just got back from starbucks too. .__.
I can't escape pony shit anywhere. Not even in a discussion thread on paheal containing two completely different non related IPs.
And you people wonder why you're hated.
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That pony shit thing doesn't have anything to do with the pic. My lil f*ckers.. jesus!
Next feature wil be a weege invasion i guess?
We are seriously unusual.. i swear.. GOD!!..
Thats all.
how exactly, posting comments? get over yourself
have we got a large number of posts? yes, but nothing compared to the 50'000 or so posts Porkyman has, and i don't see any of you crying about that.
We're not invading you're fandoms, even the furries try to stay away from us.
Face it, if you don't like us then just ignore us
Jesus, you'd think there would be less butthurt faggots on what is trying to be a mature website.
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>He's posted half the pony pictures in this thread
... Fuckin' finally.
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I think I will go apply to be a mod just to take care of this whole "pony" thing. For Christ's sake, we are here to laugh and fap, not talk about ponies.
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1. Go to comment section
2. Write anything even vaguely remote to the "MLP; FiM" show
3. Come back a few days later and read yourself a novel
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I actually enjoyed it.
So, give it a shot. You might be surprised by what you see.
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Second, it's by TheBigManshini, double thank you.
Third, @Anon63-64, so if I use a pic of the Dexter's Laboratory "dat ain't no ass - it's a space station!" meme on a pic where a fine lady happens to have an excellent ass, I'm shoving Dexter down everyone's throats and spamming?
Fourth, as a fan of MLP:FiM, I am kinda proud of all the hate. It just means that we've become as big as the Sonic fandom here. It's almost kinda fuckin' beautiful.
Finally, could we at least have bronies-vs.-antibronies on an actual MLP pic and leave what is honestly the first non-gay Metalocalypse pic I've seen in God knows how long alone? You realize this little skirmish of yours is just gonna make the mods feature a guro, gory MLP pic that won't make ANYONE happy.
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*** use of Dexter's Lab "dat ain't no ass - it's a space station!" meme on an UNRELATED pic...
Meh... that'll teach me to post at almost 5 AM...
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(scrolls down and reads comments)
Oh god.
This is also truth.
Ash & Friends go to random town. Ash & Friends meet random Porkyman. Team Rocket steals random Porkyman. Pikachu uses thunderbolt. Team Rocket blasts off again. Ash & Friends wave goodbye into the sunset.
The Porkyman anime is even more formulaic than Scooby Fucking Doo!
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Justice League
Xiaolin Showdown
Batman Brave and the Bold
Regular Show
Transformers Animated
Teen Titans
Samurai Jack
Ed Edd n Eddy
TMNT 2k3
Avatar the Last Airbender
and many more.
Stop being such a weeaboo.
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Seriously, didn't anyone say it yet?
>till more creative than MLP;fim, a 4th-time remake of 80s fad done in a style heavily influenced by Creator of PPG.
Yeah, no.
Even Naruto's more creative than Porkyman. Fucking Naruto.
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I hope Metalocalypse has another song like the coffee one eventually.
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1. Lauren Faust did not create the P.P.G.s, her husband Craig McCracken did, she worked on the show MUCH later.
2. A 4th-time remake would imply that My Little Pony has had five shows. This one is the fourth. Unless you are counting Gen 3.5, which... why if you hate the show?
3. Impliying that an anime based on a video game that's been running for like 25 fucking years (Porkyman) that you admit is "formulaic" is more creative than a cartoon based on little girl toy's that has only been on for about two years (MLP).
4. Implying that being influenced by Faust (or McCracken?, your comment is vague) makes automatically MLP a bad show which is horseshit of the highest caliber.
So now that's done... Chicks who cum coffee. Would you still tap that?
>Chicks who cum coffee. Would you still tap that?
Hells yeah! We'd be up all night. and all day. And all night again! Caffiene! Whoooo!
1. I never said she created PPG, but it's obvious her style resembles his especially her other show Idk what it is but its on her dA
2.technicality but you got what I mean right? and I don't hate the show... I just don't think as much of it as most people seem to expect.
3. ??? the Porkyman original series only lasted a couple years & whatever came after is a new generation, just like MLP, so with that logic your show is 30 something years old. not even sure what you meant by that, but ok.
4. No? I just said it appears lacking in creativity.
>the Porkyman original series only lasted a couple years & whatever came after is a new generation, just like MLP.
Nope, it's still the same series as a whole. It's not like Transformers or MLP or even Digimon where a new Generation means either new characters or new interpretations of old characters. The series still contains the same old Ash, Pikachu, and Team Rocket...
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Porkyman could have ended after the first two movies and everything would be just great.
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This is why:
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I'll admit he does make some points. I have watched lot of the episodes myself but I have actually never been to 4chan or any site pony related or anything really mostly because of the people that populate them en mass. I watch the series but don't talk about everywhere I go online, the people that DO do that (And the arguing which ends up making something look like... well just scroll up a little) are the ones who bother me sometimes.
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>>844967 >>801585
You're all complaining about them 'infecting' things that aren't related to them. But you all seem to have forgotten that You are the ones provoking them by uploading such vile shit into their fandom.
I'm certainly not pro-bronies, but there really is no point bitching about them this way, if you're provoking them into doing this.
Stop being so hypocritical and leave them be, then you can have your precious comment thread without any pony comments.
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Forcing yourselves into other fandoms, and trying to make a 'pony' version of everything when in fact, it's not realted at all, IS forcing something down your throat and therefore spamming it.
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Here's a crazy idea:
If you don't like Ponies and Pony related things.
Don't look at them.
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The big deal is, randomly forcing another fandom, into another, which you just tried to defend, I'm just picking at your defense. "Just because there's two versions of something doesn't mean the original is ruined" But all of a sudden, if you upload Guro of something ...
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in short stop spamming and stop complaining about spamming
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Porkyman revoles around the same plot, at least there was more thought put behind the characters, they didn't recolor the same character over a hundred times and claim it's a new "Porkyman".
You're making up things now, try harder.
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You're seeing only what you wish to see and ignoring other things, when was the last time you saw a image from Porkyman insterted up here? How many people do you see commenting on Porkyman pics named after Porkyman? There's a big difference, bronies are much much more retarded than any other group.
Keep feeling amused, I will feel more amused as long as you keep commenting from Anon.
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@Sintime: Yup. Cancer.
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Furfags raging in the comments about whether or not bronies are cancer.
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I could tolerate you fuckers if you didn't have to infect everything you lay your eyes on.
Honestly, every meme needs to 'ponified'
every thread on every fucking website is filled with these faggots.
You freaks wonder why nobody likes you?
Take a look at yourselves ffs.
This is sarcasm if you're too stupid to tell.
so sintime linked an image of ponies being butchered. Fair play to him.
You really think that will stop now that images are banned? No, it won't.
I don't like coffee.
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SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE (occasionally pony) PORN
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it had to be said
*Eerie slow-motion laugh*
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Hot damn, nice troll with that ponheal pic, I stopped paying attention to the feature and the comments went nutso!
yeah man ponibooru trolls me just with its existence. Its server is equivalent to paheal's 4 years ago, so it's kind of timely this all came about on a 4 year old pic. Man, for two straight days I haven't been able to post shit on there. Completely aggravating. Why the fuck is it even so terrible? Srsly. I think they only have one server, all mentions of server(s) are lies. Also they probably run it on win98.
- Reply and the new directory is messy.
And that comes from a guy that was lurking the site since 09'
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so basically, dont upload porn of the things you and haters dont like...
If you wanna see more porn of the things you like, ask for commissions or get artists involved but dont just expect things to go your way.
If we wernt complaining about ponie shit, we would be complaining about anime shit or some other shit.
There seriously needs to be a tag blocker on this site.
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FYI Titanium was a massive brony; he featured the first ever image of the current MLP series, because he'd just started watching it and was excited, and another featured image of his was just because season 2 had started.
I direct your attention to this comment thread as proof.
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also brony2012 confirmed for newfag. Prolly underageB& too I reckon, watching leetle girly cartoons instead of Bill Plympton or Augenblick or Liquid Television! Bill Plympton, now there's a guy who deserves this level of notoriety and instantaneous fandom donation pull!
Not...not, THIS TRAVESTY!!!! After So I Married A Strange Person, Billyboy should never have left the main stage ever again! He should be the most celebrated ever since Freling and Chuck Jones! And Dilworth should be right up there with him!
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-Dubstep fans
-pro-censorship and metaposters (multiple comments here have been deleted, but only the ones they didn't like)
I mean, what the fuck
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>implying Krystal isn't hotter then any of those re-fucking-tared horses
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Im still confused as to whether hes cumming coffee or her pussy juice is some sort of latte.
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But then where would the lulz be, WHERE WOULD THE LULZ BE?!?!
Also everyone except me IS new :x
who the hell likes Dubstep? I'll ban them myself. BAN THEM FROM LIFE!!!
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And to think some of them wonder why we don't seem to listen to them.
...I have no idea where the dubstep thing came from, either.
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@Anonymous: ShadowOfAGoat did :D
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