Anonymous1: This is more horrifying in my opinion than funny. The imagination that spawned this hellbeast would be truly something to behold. Now I wanna see this abomination stand up and walk around or something.
Lapp: The strange implication of this comment section is that this wasn't how Applejack always appeared in some people's minds' eyes.
Strange folk, can't see beyond the veil of subliminal messages and Applequine hybrids. This was always bound to happen, like the assassination of Oprah Winfrey.
Anonymous29: This image is the apple of my eye. I just wish she had more of a bushel so we could at least imagine a pussy. Does anyone know the apple sauce of this image? Its core style reminds me of an artist on deviant art but I don't want to drop names in case I'm wrong, but I don't want to see the fruit of their labors go to waste.
Anonymous32: Okay, fellow Bronies and Pegasisters, our unofficial official goal is 100,000 pony pics by the end of this year! Let's make it happen people :D
Metaknight145: @Anonymous: >pegasisters
>porn site
>female ponyfags
There are so many inaccuracies in this comment I think it caused the universe to cry trying to contain the raw logical impossibility contained within it.
Decanter: @Metaknight145: girls look at porn sometimes, can like ponies, are human with all variety that implies. Welcome to realizations you should've made before being old enough to be on Paheal.
Ashera: What happened when Twilight Sparkle tried to turn Oranges into Apples and hit Applejack by least she can be friends with the Orange Frog now..
Anonymous51: What in the ever loving rule of reality, time, and motherfucking space is this shit?? It looks like a goddamn apple hybrid mixed with an ugly fucking baby horse that was raped by a crazed male elephant. What in the fucking hell is this? Whoever made this has a very obscene mind and a very wrong view of life and nature. Let's look beyond "clopping" and MLP FiM porn, this is just horrendous...
Jammy_Bugger: I swear to god whoever features these ugly ass images does them just so we have to see them in the corner of our eye while we're fapping. It's diabolical genius.
also now i'm wondering what it would look like if they all turned into their cutie marks. sad thing is, this season, that could actually be something they do, they're so out of ideas.
Anonymous64: And he said, "I like watching Greg Universe having sex with nine year old Connie." At that point I knew I had to deliver Hunter Biden's laptop to the authorities. -Diary of a closet Paheal admin.p
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Life isn't worth living anymore.
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Strange folk, can't see beyond the veil of subliminal messages and Applequine hybrids. This was always bound to happen, like the assassination of Oprah Winfrey.
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Celestia and Luna have abandoned us!
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dont take me the wrong way, I love AJ,but seriously this is just WRONG
...i see a hole...
i can fap to this!
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Draw someone who is dead, famous, or religeous;
Draw... This.
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This is clearly a Machamp
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"Kill meeeeee"
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Holy shit! It actually looks like Ricardio! O__o'
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What do you think this is, 2011? Everybody uses "ponyfag" and "horsefucker" nowadays.
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What r u doing
Apple jack
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>porn site
>female ponyfags
There are so many inaccuracies in this comment I think it caused the universe to cry trying to contain the raw logical impossibility contained within it.
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@Metaknight145: How's those testicles hanging? Wait, you tellin' me they haven't dropped yet? Oh my...
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Well maybe the contect of this image is...
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also now i'm wondering what it would look like if they all turned into their cutie marks. sad thing is, this season, that could actually be something they do, they're so out of ideas.
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Smoke weed er'day
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You turn into one