Demicus_Maximus: @GarenTheMightOfDemacia: You seemed only to eager to rush in when it was Ahri eating Shyvana... >_>
TheScarredAngel: I love soft vore. There's probably an explanation for why I find it appealing, but I don't care enough to dig into my subconscious to find out that explanation right now. Well-made picture.
TheScarredAngel: @CrabSpu: Soft vore is (at least in my experience) when a character or thing eats another character or thing whole, without chewing them into little bits. Whether or not digestion happens thereafter is irrelevant. Not that I am, myself, personally, a fan of digestion.
soheifox: @TheScarredAngel: You don;t have to dig far to find the answer. Mother nature is filling you with non procreative fetishes so as to decrease the chance you'll pass your shitty genetics on.
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