Anonymous1: Good art wasted on stinking queers.
The same people who accuse others for Lisa pictures....wanking over a 10 year old boy getting abused. Yep, thats queers for you
Anonymous4: Beefers is a retard, derp! If you hate this so much why did you click on it? You people need to calm the fuck down! It's just art and cartoons. They're not real!! If it was a real kid, fuck yeah I would be disgusted and want it to be taken down.
But it's not. It just cartoons!! I can not say that enough times!! I bet if this was a picture of Bart and Liza you would love it Anonymous2! You fucking moron!
So, shut the fuck up and go somewhere else you shallow, homophobic, retards.
No, I shouldn't have said that because, next to you idiots, you make the mentally handicapped look like geniuses!! You people really make me so fucking mad I could scream!
So take this advice and go do it. GO FUCK YOURSELF!!
Anonymous9: Anonymous7, you are so shallow! Seriously, you're about as deep as a river that hasn't had rain for a year! FairyCosmo, you shouldn't be sorry for this. It's fantastic, keep up the great work, and just ignore the single-minded morons!!
Anonymous10(1): @Anonymous: Says you lying in bed wanking over a 10 year old boy being raped.
Anon5 no doubt wanking someone else while gobbling another fairy... LOL
Anon7 is correct, glad to see theres someone who doesn't get erections (3" ones) over little boys....
Hilarious watch the homo paedos trying to justify their sick perversions (probably claim to have been abused themselves, usual lying crap they use when the law finally grabs them for trying to abduct a 5 year old schoolboy....) - vomit inducing - the crap from the queer paedos, not the excellent quality art wasted on them
Anonymous12(9): Anonymous10 your brain cell count must be very low! Seriously, Anonymous10 you are probably one chromosome away from being a potato! Talking to people like you is like arguing with a fucking brick wall! It's just the same thing over and over again.
Your claims are fucking ludicrous and not true. And my main argument is, this is fiction and cartoons, and it's not harming anybody in reality. So, why is it bad if it's just fucking made up?
Anonymous14(2): Imagine those prats above with their hands down their trousers looking at this picture then looking out of their window and seeing your 10 year old son.......I wouldn't want them in my neighbourhood. I don't want them here. Seek treatment.....please.
FairyCosmo: Bart Simpson is "born" 1987 by the way. What else I should draw? Marge Simpsons worn out snatch petetrated by Homer? Or maybe one more of these 9000 old fashioned Marge posings? Thats boring and too much mainstream for my taste. Oh.. and yeah I need a doctor - we all do need a doctor because we are browsing on a porn website for cartoons characters they having sex@Anonymous:
Anonymous17: @FairyCosmo What the fuck is wrong with you? Who the hell is fucked up enough to fap to this I guess Anon 15, Anon 13, Anon 16, Anon 9, Anon 3, and anon 5 are fucking pedophiles you sick pedo phelic beasts are the abomination of humanity you faggots probably own white vans and abduct ten year old children
Thumper: @Anonymous: it's not white, (there are a few botched attempts to spraypaint it black, to cover the grass-cutting company logos); -and I bought it used, it's not like I went out of my way and bought a windowless white van new...
Anonymous18: Keep up the good work, FC. Most simpsons porn is complete trash as far as art styles are concerned, either its TOO on model and looks awful or its shit like the Fear where they're all horribly muscled and look frightening.
For all the retarded anons bawwing about a little shota raep on fucking paheal of all places, Get The Fuck Out, you're in the wrong place to be bitching about any of it.
Anonymous19(2): You enjoy depictions of little boys being abused.....GET A LIFE... YOU ARE NOT NORMAL..You can wine all you like, but the right thinking people say you are SICK...Yes SICK...Get treatment ....PLEASE
Franky_Whiskey: This is pretty amazing. No, I ain't no pedo, but the nightmare factor of this is superb. Good art, creepy storyline, extremely disturbing sights of Bart crying.
You did good artist. The fact that people are raging so hard is proof that you did damn fine, son!
Anonymous23(5): @fairy he's the guy that keep posting all the marge gore/bondage crap. Don't mind him he has multiple proxys, and multiple account. he's the only one complaining here. Well personally This picture isn't my kind of thing, but to each his own. You shouldn't worry about him
Anonymous27(25): Parents are also retarded apparently since they're complaining about porn of characters when this is a site made for having porn of characters.
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It seems to be the third page though, could you post the first two ? Even if it's not porn, it's allowed for a comic.
Anyway, Bart is perfect here !
The same people who accuse others for Lisa pictures....wanking over a 10 year old boy getting abused. Yep, thats queers for you
But it's not. It just cartoons!! I can not say that enough times!! I bet if this was a picture of Bart and Liza you would love it Anonymous2! You fucking moron!
So, shut the fuck up and go somewhere else you shallow, homophobic, retards.
No, I shouldn't have said that because, next to you idiots, you make the mentally handicapped look like geniuses!! You people really make me so fucking mad I could scream!
So take this advice and go do it. GO FUCK YOURSELF!!
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Through, Anon4, they may have clicked it not knowing what it was. It's hard to tell from the thumbnail, after all.
Anon5 no doubt wanking someone else while gobbling another fairy... LOL
Anon7 is correct, glad to see theres someone who doesn't get erections (3" ones) over little boys....
Hilarious watch the homo paedos trying to justify their sick perversions (probably claim to have been abused themselves, usual lying crap they use when the law finally grabs them for trying to abduct a 5 year old schoolboy....) - vomit inducing - the crap from the queer paedos, not the excellent quality art wasted on them
Your claims are fucking ludicrous and not true. And my main argument is, this is fiction and cartoons, and it's not harming anybody in reality. So, why is it bad if it's just fucking made up?
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Anyway, more Bart! We need some Milhouse and Bart someday
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For all the retarded anons bawwing about a little shota raep on fucking paheal of all places, Get The Fuck Out, you're in the wrong place to be bitching about any of it.
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You did good artist. The fact that people are raging so hard is proof that you did damn fine, son!
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@Anonymous: What is or wo is a BC?
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@Anonymous: oh no - not that guy xD
to justify your perversion.
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